Jayson Guiton kicks boyfriend in his back during argument

27-year-old Jayson Guiton was involved in a domestic disturbance with his boyfriend, Marce Huckaby, at their Newport apartment on July 19th. When officers spoke to Huckaby, he told them that during an argument, Guiton pushed him around the apartment and kicked him in the back as he left. Huckaby informed officers that he wished to press charges. Officers then talked to Guiton, who stated that he had an argument with Huckaby and that there were no acts of violence. During officers’ interaction with Guiton, they observed a fresh cut on his hand. Guiton was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Shundarious Johnson jailed after refusing to leave LaQuinta Inn multiple times

28-year-old Shundarious Johnson caused a disturbance at the Interstate Drive LaQuinta Inn around 9:15 a.m. on July 18th. The general manager at the establishment, David Arts, told officers that Johnson had been trespassing on the property for the last three days. He added that Johnson had been asked to leave during the incidents, to which he would become belligerent and refuse to leave. The police confirmed that The LaQuinta Inn had an active trespass waiver on file. After officers observed Johnson on the property, they detained him for the occurrence. Johnson was then taken into custody for criminal trespass.

Calvin Thomas kicked out of WannaB’s Karaoke Bar after being too “touchy” toward women

33-year-old Calvin Thomas was seen arguing with staff outside WannaB’s Karaoke Bar at 9:40 p.m. on July 18th. Officers observed Thomas in the staff members’ faces, actively yelling at them. Once Thomas clinched his fists as if he were going to hit the staff members, he was pushed away and handcuffed. While officers interacted with Thomas, they observed that he was highly intoxicated and was slurring his words. Thomas told officers that he was upset that he was being kicked out of the bar. Staff at the bar stated that Thomas was being very “touchy” toward women inside the bar. Thomas was then taken into custody for public intoxication for his extreme level of intoxication.

Carlos Mickens drunkenly destroys girlfriend’s phone & car window for not letting him drive

32-year-old Carlos Mickens had a domestic incident with his girlfriend, Erica Owens, at their Larkin Springs Road residence in the early hours of July 18th. Owens told responding officers that Mickens returned home intoxicated around 3 a.m. and went inside her mother’s bedroom to lie down. She stated that after Mickens got into the bed, she asked him where her keys were, which he disregarded and turned around, facing away from her. When he rolled over, Owens saw the keys hanging out of his pocket, took them, and returned to her room. After this, Mickens came to her door asking about the vehicle keys, and she told him that she would not give him the keys because he was drunk. Then, Owens heard him go outside, followed by what sounded like glass shattering. Once she heard this, Mickens came inside the house and yelled, “I got something for you!” Owens then explained that she heard him grab her phone from the living room table and throw it. She added that after the occurrence, Mickens went to his room and went to sleep. When she retrieved her phone, she noticed the back was busted and later discovered her passenger side window had been damaged. When officers spoke with Mickens, he stated he did not remember doing anything she alleged. During their interaction, he reeked of alcohol and was detained. Mickens was then taken into custody for vandalism.

DUI: Ja’Mari Bell crashes into car while speeding, tells officers “I ain’t going to jail!”

22-year-old Ja’Mari Bell was caught driving under the influence after a vehicle crash at a Dover Side Drive residence on July 18th. Officers were dispatched to the residence. When they arrived, they noticed Bell seated in the driver’s seat of a Nissan Altima with its airbags deployed due to the collision with a Ford. Officers then attempted to speak with Bell. He stood up and took off his shirt while telling officers, “I ain’t going to jail!” Due to officers fearing they were going to be assaulted, Bell was placed in handcuffs and taken to the ground. After this, Bell spoke with officers and admitted to drinking all day as well as smoking marijuana. While speaking with Bell, officers also noticed the smell of marijuana and alcohol coming from his breath. Officers also noticed Bell’s inability to stand while walking. Bell had to be assisted to officers’ vehicles. Bell’s eyes were bloodshot, his speech was slurred, and when officers attempted to conduct sobriety tests, they could not due to his intoxication. It was apparent to officers that Bell was speeding while intoxicated. Officers determined that Bell attempted to take a left turn on a curve when his vehicle veered off the roadway. Bell’s car then entered the residence’s front yard, colliding with a Ford occupied by four individuals. Bell was then taken into custody for driving under the influence.

DUI: Juan Smith scores 0.215% BAC after falling asleep on I-440 East, tells police he’s “Not in Clarksville”

30-year-old Juan Smith was observed sleeping behind the wheel of his vehicle with the engine running near Interstate 440 East Exit Ramp to Nolensville Pike around 3:08 a.m. on July 18th. Responding officers located him with his transmission shifted into drive and his foot on the brake. Then, officers noticed he had numerous open alcoholic beverages in the center console and his car door. After this, officers woke him up and had him exit the vehicle. Smith showed signs of intoxication and reeked of alcohol as he told police he was leaving a friend’s house and returning to his Clarksville residence. Smith noted that his residence was about five minutes away. Officers then asked Smith if he knew what city he was in, to which Smith replied, “Not in Clarksville.” When prompted, Smith consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. After being read implied consent, Smith agreed to provide a breath sample, resulting in 0.215 BAC%. Smith was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

DUI: Dominic Ritter attempts to hide bong after crashing car on Highway 70

18-year-old Dominic Ritter was the at-fault driver involved in a crash at the Highway 70 and McCrory Lane intersection on July 18th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Ritter, who reeked of marijuana. Ritter admitted to smoking marijuana while swimming, which he had just come from. A witness advised officers that Ritter had hidden items in the brush behind where his vehicle stopped. Police then searched the area and discovered a small amount of marijuana and a glass bong. Ritter admitted to hiding the paraphernalia before police arrival. Ritter consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Ritter was then taken into custody for driving while impaired, an implied consent violation, and simple possession.

DUI: Nashat Khaled stops in middle of Charlotte Pike, tells police he was going to Jack in the Box

20-year-old Nashat Khaled stopped his 2022 Volkswagen SUV in the middle of the roadway, facing the wrong way, near Charlotte Pike and Eastboro Road on July 18th. When officers arrived, they observed him parked with his engine off, activated their emergency equipment, and found him sleeping in the backseat. While speaking with officers, Khaled began sweating profusely and stated he was on the way to Jack in the Box. Then, Khaled said he was outside of his apartment complex and had strep throat before admitting to taking a Clonazepam pill about two hours before driving. Officers later located a prescription for Azitromycin, an antibiotic, in his vehicle. Then, he consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. After being informed of implied consent, Khaled refused to provide a chemical sample. Khaled was taken into custody for driving under the influence and an implied consent violation.

Cornelius Moses Jr. strangles minor girlfriend after being confronted for texting another minor

18-year-old Cornelius Moses Jr. was involved in a domestic altercation with his minor intimate partner and roommate at their Carroll Street residence on July 8th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with the minor, who stated that she and Moses Jr. had gotten into an argument due to him texting another minor on his phone. During the argument, Moses Jr. vandalized her room by destroying her TV, ripping the drawers out of her dresser, and throwing her clothes all over the room. After this, the minor informed officers that Moses Jr. strangled her for three minutes as well, but she did not lose consciousness. The minor also alleges that when she tried to call 911, Moses Jr. took her phone and destroyed it, preventing her from calling emergency services. The minor then used her sister’s phone to call 911 before going outside. She claimed that when they went outside, Moses Jr. had a black Glock 19 in his hand and threatened to shoot her before fleeing.

Officers then spoke with the minor’s little sister, who told officers she heard a commotion while using the bathroom. When she entered the bedroom, she claimed that she had observed Moses Jr. throwing her sister’s items all around their bedroom. The sister claims she then witnessed Moses Jr. punching her sister in the arms and body before he got on top of her and began strangling her. The sister also confirmed that Moses Jr. did have a handgun in his pocket and informed officers that she heard Moses Jr. threaten to shoot her sister. Officers then spoke with the mother of the two minors, Shawnoah Philips, who claimed that while she was asleep, she heard someone yelling her name. Philips informed officers that she ran upstairs and saw Moses Jr. destroying her daughter’s room. After this, Philips claims to have observed Moses Jr. get on top of her daughter and begin punching her before she saw Moses Jr. take her phone and smash it. Philips also said that her daughter attempted to get into a car when they eventually went outside. However, Moses Jr. prevented her from doing so by shutting the door. Philips also informed officers that she saw Moses Jr. flee the scene but could not confirm if she saw a weapon during the incident. The minor called Moses Jr. while officers were on the scene, and they began arguing as she tried to get his location. Moses Jr. was heard calling the minor an “opp” and other obscenities before he spoke with officers. Moses Jr. then claimed he would return to the location and “take his charges.” Moses Jr. never came back to the area, and a warrant was later issued for his arrest. Moses Jr. was later found and taken into custody for vandalism, interference with an emergency call, and aggravated assault on July 18th.

Jude Philley plays with his willy in back seat of woman’s car, tells police he was “adjusting a hernia”

26-year-old Jude Philley was seen masturbating in the back seat of a rideshare on June 25th. When the driver observed this, she waited until she saw other people and exited her car. Philley then also left the vehicle. Detectives used the name and address for the ride to identify Philley as the offender. On July 10th, Detectives spoke with Philley, who confirmed that he was in a rideshare on the day of the incident and described the driver. Philley initially stated that he was “adjusting a hernia.” Philley later added that the driver propositioned him to show her his penis. According to Philley, he then showed the driver his penis, and she told him to leave. Philley made other inconsistent statements during the interview. During another interview at the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department on July 14th, additional inconsistent statements were made. Philley was later taken into custody for indecent exposure on July 17th.

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