DUI: Celebrity Barber Christopher Rhodes smokes blunt & drinks liquor while driving, tells police “I’m just heading to the club”

49-year-old Christopher Rhodes, owner of Christyles Celebrity Salon, was driving his white 2018 Nissan Altima down 3rd Avenue North at about 11:01 p.m. on July 14th. After Rhodes turned around, officers observed the stench of marijuana. Officers followed him until they conducted a traffic stop on James Robertson Parkway. Officers approached the vehicle and then asked them about the marijuana smell. Rhodes’ passenger stated, “We just finished smoking a blunt.” In plain view, officers noticed a bottle of liquor in the backseat with small glasses in the front cupholders containing liquid consistent with the alcohol, so they had both of them exit the vehicle. Officers then searched the Altima and discovered a blunt with about a gram of marijuana, a jar containing 2-3 grams of marijuana, and “RAW” rolling papers. When prompted, Rhodes consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and after being informed of implied consent, refused to provide a chemical sample. Then, officers obtained a warrant for two vials of his blood and transported him to Nashville General Hospital. As he was transported to the hospital, on camera, Rhodes stated, “If I take a couple of shots at the hotel and smoke a little, what is the problem? I’m just heading to the club. I will be at the club.” Rhodes was then taken into custody for driving under the influence on July 15th.

Cameron Freeman drunkenly yells at aunt, hits her in mouth during altercation

23-year-old Cameron Freeman was involved in a domestic incident with her aunt, Debra Gould, at their Lutie Street residence on July 14th. When officers arrived, they spoke to the caller, Freeman’s uncle, who stated that Freeman was yelling and pushing his wife. Officers then spoke with Gould, who told them that while she was in her front yard, Freeman approached her and started yelling at her. She added that Freeman pushed her and hit her in the mouth, busting her lip. Officers later made contact with Freeman, who was observed yelling at Gould. Freeman appeared heavily intoxicated during their interaction. Several witnesses in the residence corroborated Gould’s statements, so Freeman was deemed the primary aggressor and taken into custody for domestic assault.

TSU Professor Brian Nagy drunkenly yells at neighbor’s doorbell camera after violating order of protection

52-year-old Brian George Nagy violated an order of protection that his neighbor, Ashley Gates, had against him on July 13th. On July 14th, Gates alerted the authorities, calling them to her Meharry Boulevard residence, advising them that Nagy had appeared on her doorbell camera while he watered his grass. She provided officers with footage showing Nagy appearing impaired as he proceeded to yell, “Stop recording me!” After this, he pulled out his cell phone and started recording Gates’s porch door camera as he leaned onto her property. Gates added that she was not home at the time of the incident but wanted to press charges. Nagy was taken into custody for an order of protection violation.

Kareem Andrews violates order of protection by spam-calling ex-girlfriend numerous times

38-year-old Kareem Andrews was seen spam-calling his ex-girlfriend, Alicia Wheeler, violating his order of protection on May 31st. Andrews was previously arrested for domestic assault, which put conditions in place where he was ordered not to contact Wheeler. On May 31st, Andrews called Wheeler several times, asking her to come to his residence. After the initial call, Andrews called several times during the day, using different numbers repeatedly. Andrews also used several blocked numbers that Wheeler recognized. When using a blocked number, Wheeler answered and recognized Andrew’s voice as the one that spoke to her. A warrant was issued, and Andrews was taken into custody on July 13th for violation of a no-contact order.

Dalen Galvez assaults ex-girlfriend, threatens to cut himself with knife during suicidal episode

23-year-old Dalen Galvez was reported as a suicidal subject with a knife at the Dupont Avenue apartment complex at 11:46 p.m. on July 12th. When officers arrived, Galvez was sitting by a dumpster at the complex. Once Galvez was asked about the knife he had in his hand, he dropped it. Galvez was stated to be making suicidal statements and seemed visibly distressed. Officers then made contact with Madison Mobbs, who was seen sobbing in a vehicle nearby. Mobbs told officers that she and Galvez had previously dated. She went on to say about a month ago, she and Galvez had a domestic incident where she needed to have an order of protection issued against her and was arrested. Mobbs stated Galvez has constantly attempted to communicate with her up to this point, but she has not responded. On July 12th, Galvez sent her suicidal statements saying that he was mentally tired, along with photos of where he had cut himself on his arms. Mobbs could not respond due to the order of protection. Galvez then arrived at Mobbs’ apartment and knocked on the door.

Mobbs stated that she slightly cracked the door due to Galvez reeking of chemicals. Galvez then made his way inside and began acting erratically. Galvez started yelling, throwing his arms around, and got into Mobbs’ face, making suicidal statements. Galvez told her that he dropped his pocket knife and razor blade outside on the ground. Mobbs said she would get it for him and used the opportunity to go inside her car and lock the door. Before she could lock it, Galvez followed her and yanked the car door open. During this, Galvez continued to make suicidal statements. While Galvez was talking, Mobbs was able to lock the door. Galvez went back inside Mobbs’ apartment and returned with a bottle of Rosalie. As he did this, Mobbs called 911. Galvez then revealed a kitchen knife in his waistband and started walking toward the dumpster, where he acted like he was cutting his arm. In fear of violating her protection order, Mobbs remained inside her vehicle. Mobbs told officers that throughout the incident, Galvez claimed that he was going to call the police on her for violating her order of protection so she could do what he wanted.

Officers then went back to Galvez to speak with him about the incident. Galvez told officers he came over because he knew her door would be unlocked. Galvez continued to make suicidal statements to officers and medics, so he was transported to Skyline Hospital. Dalen Galvez was then taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and aggravated burglary on July 13th.

Nathaniel Parker assaults roommate for not having job

33-year-old Nathaniel Parker was involved in a domestic altercation with his roommate, Daylan Turrentine, at their Arbor Creek Way residence on July 13th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Parker, who claimed that he and Turrentine had been arguing because Turrentine did not have a job and did not help at all around the house. Parker claimed that he told Turrentine he needed to move out, which prompted the physical altercation. Officers then noticed that Turrentine’s room and bathroom were in disarray, with clumps of hair on the floor. Parker also informed the officers that Turrentine initiated the altercation by pushing him. The officers then noticed that both Parker and Turrentine had missing hair. Officers then spoke with Turrentine, who claimed that Parker had pushed him first. Turrentine displayed a video of the altercation, depicting him walking away from Parker as they argued and Parker pushing him down the hallway. Once the officers viewed the video, they deemed Parker the primary aggressor. Parker was then taken into custody for domestic assault..

Serial Entrepreneur Jeremy Greenway indicted by Grand Jury for five counts of forgery

A Davidson County Grand Jury has indicted 47-year-old Jeremy Greenway for five counts of forgery and one count of contempt between February 25th, 2019, and June 20th, 2019. The indictment alleges that Greenway forged Elizabeth Holtz’s signature several times and used a computer to gain money through fraud. Greenway allegedly stole $23,058 over multiple withdrawals. Greenway was taken into custody on July 12th, 2024. A Judicial Commissioner set his bond at $50,000.

Tiara Wilson punches man multiple times in face during argument at the Hermitage Inn

25-year-old Tiara Wilson was involved in a domestic altercation with Robert Lattimore at the Hermitage Inn Hotel on Lebanon Pike on July 16th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Lattimore, who claimed that he and Wilson had been involved in an argument. Lattimore stated that he said something that offended Wilson, and in response, she began punching him repeatedly in the face. Lattimore then stated that he pushed Wilson off of him in an attempt to stop the attack. Officers then spoke with Wilson, who admitted that during the argument, she punched him in the face. Officers noticed that she also had several injuries. Wilson noted that she sustained the injuries from a fall down the stairs. When officers asked Wilson if Lattimore assaulted her, she stated that he did not. Wilson was then deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Kyron Cole assaults & runs ex-girlfriend over at Sunshine and Broccoli Christian Preschool

24-year-old Kyron Cole was involved in a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend, Shekinah Hogg, at her Sunshine and Broccoli Christian Preschool job on Old Anderson Road on July 12th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Hogg, who informed them that she had removed Cole from her phone plan because she wanted to cut all ties to him, and Cole did not like that. Cole texted Hogg, stating, “I got something for you.” Hogg then informed the officers that Cole arrived at her workplace. Hogg then went outside to speak with him and ask why he was there. Hogg told officers that Cole told her, “You messed with my job, so now I am going to mess with yours.” Hogg, who was standing outside Cole’s car door, was then struck multiple times by the vehicle door as Cole opened the door of the car. Cole then proceeded to spit in Hogg’s face before grabbing her cell phone and throwing it across the parking lot. Hogg then informed officers that after this, she walked back to the entrance of her job. As she did this, Cole drove his vehicle at her and struck her with it. However, she stated she was not injured and declined medical attention. The officers then spoke with Ashlyn McGlocklin and Liz Perez, who worked at the location, as witnesses. They stated that Hogg and Cole were arguing in the parking lot. They said they saw a phone being thrown and Cole spitting at Hogg, but they did not witness Hogg being hit by the car door or being struck by Cole’s vehicle. Based on their statements, Cole was considered the primary aggressor, and a warrant was issued. Cole was subsequently found and taken into custody for domestic assault on July 15th.

Davionna Williams hits woman with unknown object during argument at La Quinta hotel

19-year-old Davionna Williams was involved in a disturbance with Andre Pruitt at their La Quinta Inn & Suites hotel on July 15th. When officers arrived, they heard yelling coming from their room. Officers made contact with Williams and Pruitt and separated them. During the incident investigation, Pruitt applied ice to his left cheek. Williams and Pruitt told officers that an argument took place after Pruitt said that he was going to leave the hotel. Pruitt stated that after saying that, Williams became physical and hit him with an unknown object. Officers observed a minor contusion with noticeable swelling on Pruitt’s face. Pruitt added that Williams pushed him several times when he attempted to leave and stood in the doorway. Williams was deemed the primary aggressor and taken into custody for false imprisonment and domestic assault.

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