Tyler Morris assaults wife during argument at Cambria Hotel

45-year-old Tyler Morris was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Nicole Morris, at the Cambria Hotel on 8th Avenue Street on July 13th. When the officers arrived, they made contact with Nicole and immediately noticed a laceration on the right side of her head. Nicole told officers that she had gotten into an argument with Tyler. During this argument, she claimed she had fallen, which caused the injury to her head. When asked, Nicole further stated that Tyler did not assault or threaten her during the altercation. Officers then spoke with Tyler, who claimed that during the argument, Nicole attempted to hit him with a curling iron by swinging it at him. Tyler claimed that, in response to Nicole swinging the curling iron, he put his forearm up in defense and pushed Nicole away. This caused her to fall and hit her head on a wall corner. Both parties seemed intoxicated while speaking with officers, and neither wanted to prosecute. However, officers deemed Tyler to be the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: Kayla Richardson swerves between lanes after drinking liquor from pink Stanley Cup

34-year-old Kayla Richardson was seen in a black GMC Yukon failing to maintain her lane on Dickerson Pike on July 12th. Officers observed this and conducted a traffic stop, and Richardson was identified as the driver. When officers approached her, they noticed multiple signs of intoxication. Officers requested Richardson to perform sobriety tests. Richardson consented to the sobriety tests and showed numerous signs of impairment. After the tests, Richardson admitted to consuming an orange creamsicle drink that contained alcohol and two vodka sodas at a Nashville Sounds game. During a subsequent search of Richardson’s vehicle, officers found 13.5 grams of marijuana inside a purse and a pink Stanley cup containing liquor. Richardson was read implied consent, and she refused, so officers proceeded to take her into custody for driving under the influence, implied consent violation, and possession or casual exchange on July 13th.

Rhys Thomas unable to tell officers where he was after being kicked out of Canvas Lounge

40-year-old Rhys Thomas was seen being kicked out of Canvas Lounge on July 12th. Employees at the bar told officers that he was trying to re-enter the bar after he was removed. Employees also said that Thomas attempted to get into someone else car, thinking it was his. When officers made contact and spoke with Thomas, they observed the smell of alcohol coming from him. Thomas, showing signs of intoxication, could not tell officers where he was. Thomas told officers he was on James Robertson Parkway while on Fatherland Street. While officers handcuffed Thomas, he had to lean on them because he couldn’t keep his balance. Officers then deemed Thomas unable to care for himself. Thomas was then taken into custody and charged with public intoxication on July 13th.

De’Andre Barbee jailed after waiting for Uber inside Shake Shack

20-year-old De’Andre Barbee was seen trespassing at Shake Shack in downtown Nashville on July 12th. When officers arrived, the store’s management advised that Barbee was trespassing and causing a scene inside. Officers approached Barbee, who was seated at a table and on his phone. Barbee told officers that he was waiting on an Uber but was not a customer. Management informed officers that they trespassed Barbee on July 11th. Due to this, Barbee was taken into custody and charged with criminal trespassing.

Infiniti Tucker strikes sister in face multiple times for calling police on her

25-year-old Infiniti Tucker was involved in a domestic incident with her sister Destiny Tucker on July 9th. Officers were dispatched to Nashville’s East Police Precinct and met with Destiny. She stated she had gotten into a fight with Infiniti. Destiny told officers that during her interactions with Infiniti, she was being rude. In response, Destiny told Infiniti to calm down or she would call 911. According to Destiny, when she called 911 on Infiniti for continuing to be rude, Infiniti slapped her phone out of her hand. Infiniti then struck Destiny in the face several times. Officers observed multiple minor cuts on Destiny’s face. Infiniti was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on July 12th.

Dipendra Bist drunkenly assaults wife, threatens to kill family & himself

39-year-old Dipendra Bist was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Kumari Joshi, at their Western Hills apartment on July 12th. When officers arrived, Joshi told them that Bist had consumed some alcohol when he woke up that morning, causing him to be aggressive toward her. During their interaction with each other, Bist took Joshi’s keys. In response to this, Joshi ran outside and called 911. Bist ran after her and chased her through the parking lot. Once Bist caught up to Joshi, he grabbed her phone so she couldn’t call 911. Bist grabbed Joshi by the arm and pulled her back inside the apartment. According to Joshi, once she and Bist were inside, he hit her in the head, pulled her hair, and hit her on her back. Joshi told officers that Bist found a knife she had hidden earlier in the day and started hitting it on the floor. Bist then began sharpening the knife with a stone while threatening to kill his family and himself. Bist also threatened to cut his wrists with the knife. Joshi and the children locked themselves in the room. While they were in the room, Bist told them he would take the car. Bist went back and forth in the parking lot around five times. Bist then yelled at their 11-year-old daughter to go to the store and buy him more alcohol. Bist eventually fell asleep, and Joshi was able to call 911. When officers talked to Bist, he told them that there were no threats or violence. Bist also stated that he only pulled Joshi back into the parking lot because he didn’t want her to leave. Dipendra Bist was taken into custody and charged with interfering with emergency call, false imprisonment, domestic assault, and three counts of aggravated assault.

DUI: Andrew Cloyd blocks Exit 49 off ramp after drinking 6 beers

22-year-old Andrew Cloyd was seen driving under the influence near I-24 East on the Exit 49 off ramp on June 5th. When officers arrived, they noticed a vehicle blocking the ramp with apparent signs of damage. Officers then approached the vehicle and spoke with Cloyd. Officers immediately noticed the extreme odor of alcohol coming from him and his vehicle. Officers then asked Cloyd how much he had drank. Cloyd admitted to having consumed 6 beers and 2 screwdriver mixed drinks. Officers then asked Cloyd how drunk he was, and Cloyd stated he was about an eight out of ten. Cloyd was then taken into custody and cited for driving under the influence. Cloyd was then admitted for driving under the influence on July 12th.

Tyler Donald violates ex-girlfriend’s order of protection by having food delivered to her

26-year-old Tyler Austin Donald violated the order of protection his ex-girlfriend, Anna Grace Turley, had against him multiple times between July 4th and July 9th. On July 10th, Turley called the police to her Modera Gulch apartment. She advised officers that Donald had food delivered to her on three occasions, July 4th, July 6th, and July 8th, after being served a temporary protection order. Donald wrote a lengthy message on July 9th through a connected note application from their iPhones. The message stated he would rather go to jail than go another day without her before admitting that he had the food sent to her. Turley stated that the photos he placed on the note application were from her photo app, which she blocked him from. She also said she blocked him on all apps and forms of communication, but she continued receiving messages from him. Officers verified that the protection order had been served on July 1st and obtained a warrant for his arrest. Donald was then taken into custody for an order of protection violation on July 12th.

Tiquan Winston spits on police officer’s face while resisting arrest

19-year-old Tiquan Winston was seen spitting on an officer, Anthony Campos, at the apartments on South 6th Street on July 12th. When officers arrived, they were directed to Winston. Once officers approached Winston, a woman in a car was heard saying, “Get away from me!” Officers got closer to the vehicle and observed Winston hanging halfway into the driver’s seat on top of the female who was yelling. Winston was instructed multiple times to get away from the car, but he continued in his actions. Officers attempted to grab Winston’s arms to detain and cuff him. However, Winston pulled away from the officers to return to the car. Winston then looked back at Officer Campos and said, “I’m going to spit on you!” Winston then proceeded to look over his shoulder and spit on Campos’ face. Officers performed a takedown and handcuffed Winston. While Winston was being searched, he threatened to spit on officers again. Tiquan Winston was taken into custody and charged with assault of an officer and resisting arrest.

Gavin Sharkey booked after serving Michelob Ultra to minor at Starwood Pizza

22-year-old Gavin William Sharkey, a Starwood Pizza employee, sold a 16oz Michelob Ultra to a minor CI at Starwood Pizza on the afternoon of June 26th. TNABC agents conducted a minor compliance operation, where an undercover agent observed Sharkey serve an alcoholic beverage to a minor without checking their ID. He was then cited for the incident that day. Sharkey was later booked on the citation for selling an alcoholic beverage to a minor on July 9th. 

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