Matthew Walker jailed for trespassing while waiting for his Uber

19-year-old Matthew Walker was seen trespassing at Hadley Park on 28th Avenue on July 7th. Officers were called due to a large gathering after hours. When officers arrived, they began dispersing the crowd. Officers then noticed Walker leaning on a car but was not leaving. When officers told him to leave, he claimed he was waiting for his Uber. Officers then told Walker to leave the park and stay on the sidewalk while he waited, which he did. Officers then went back to the property. When officers made it back toward the entrance of the park, they noticed Walker back on the property. Officers once again told him to leave, or he would be arrested. Walker insisted he was just waiting for his ride before officers directed him back to the sidewalk. When the crowd left, and officers returned to their patrol vehicle, they noticed Walker on the property again. Due to Walker not listening and the two warnings given, Walker was taken into custody for criminal trespassing.

Amanda Clark assaults multiple officers outside The Rusty Nail, tells police “This is not the first time I’ve been f*cked in handcuffs!

32-year-old Amanda Kay Clark caused a disturbance at The Rusty Nail around 2:40 a.m. on July 6th. Responding officers spoke with the security at the establishment, who informed them that Clark was intoxicated, assaulted a DJ, and was refusing to leave. The bar staff said they wanted her off the premises and did not wish to press charges. Then, officers talked with Clark, who admitted that she was intoxicated and told them where she lived before yelling obscenities at the business’ employees. Officers told her she could get a courtesy ride home or go to jail for public intoxication. Then, Clark asked if she could go to her car and lock it before she left. Officers allowed this and escorted Clark to her car, during which she started screaming at them and the bar staff, so officers detained her. While in handcuffs, Clark sat on the ground, started yelling, and began throwing a child-like temper tantrum. Officers helped her get on her feet and walked her to the patrol car as she continued screaming obscene outbursts.

Then, officers told Clark they were going to search her, to which she responded, “No the f*ck you’re not!” and became resistive, flailing her body. Instead of searching Clark, officers placed her inside their vehicle, where she bashed her head three times against the window. Clark then yelled, “I like it rough! This is not the first time I’ve been f*cked in handcuffs! Tighten these cuffs tighter, or I am going to keep doing it!” Officers opened the door to prevent Clark from hitting her head again and called an ambulance to check for possible injuries. While alerting the medics, officers closed the door, and Clark kicked the window about three times. When officers told her to stop, she said, “Or what?” before kicking an officer’s leg, so officers hobble-restrained her feet. Throughout her encounter with the police, she stated, “I am going to kill you, you f*cking pig!” multiple times. Medics arrived, evaluated her, and declared she was healthy enough to transport. Then, Clark was placed back into the patrol car, where she wet herself. Clark was taken into custody for two counts of assault of an officer, resisting arrest, damage to government property, disorderly conduct, and public intoxication.

Timothy Davis throws girlfriend onto asphalt during altercation at Café 24/7

24-year-old Timothy Laquan Davis had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Christina Oglesby, at Café 24/7 in the early hours of July 6th. When officers arrived, they spoke with a witness who pointed out Davis. He had a cut on his lip and had been pepper sprayed by security. Officers investigated and obtained video footage showing Davis pushing Oglesby against the wall outside the establishment. After this, Davis throws Oglesby onto the asphalt. When Oglesby and Davis were questioned about the incident, both said they did not remember it occurring. Davis was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

Eric Delbouno slaps coworker in face, blames him for being fired

32-year-old Eric Delbouno was seen assaulting his coworker, Dylan Koressel, on Victory Ave near Nissan Stadium on a riverboat cruiser on July 5th. When the officers arrived on the boat, they spoke with Koressel. He stated that he and Delbouno were roommates for work purposes. Koressel advised officers that when Delbouno walked into their room, he told Koressel that he had been fired. Koressel then asked Delbouno what was wrong. Delbouno explained that he failed a breathalyzer test and that it was his fault. Koressel informed the officers that he then told Delbouno to relax. However, Delbouno became aggressive and told him “f*ck you” to his face. Koressel then attempted to calm Delbouno down, but he then proceeded to slap him in the face. Koressel then identified Delbouno to officers, and he was taken into custody for assault on July 6th.

Darien Coleman hits girlfriend in face because she broke up with him

27-year-old Darien Coleman was involved in a domestic incident with his girlfriend, Akosua Rucker, at his Cobblestone Place apartment on July 5th. Rucker spoke to law enforcement at the Goodlettsville Town Hall. Rucker stated that when she dropped Coleman at his apartment, she told him she didn’t want a relationship with him anymore. According to Rucker, Coleman then opened her door and hit her across the face. Rucker drove away from his apartment to the town hall. While officers interacted with Rucker, they observed a busted upper and lower lip with blood on them. When officers spoke with Coleman, he stated that while Rucker was leaving, he extended his arms to get away from the vehicle so his feet wouldn’t get run over. He insisted that he made contact with Rucker’s face when he did that. Coleman was taken into custody for domestic assault on July 6th.

Michelle Brunkhorst bites woman during scuffle at Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk

61-year-old Michelle Brunkhorst had an altercation with Annie Frey at Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk on Broadway late May 2nd, 2023. Frey stated that she and her family were on the 2nd floor, where they could see the band performing. Frey said this was when Brunkhorst approached and started pushing her to watch the band. This sparked a scuffle, during which Brunkhorst allegedly bit Frey, causing injury. Afterward, Frey notified security and police, but Brunkhorst had left the location already. During the investigation, detectives called Brunkhorst, and she admitted to the fight but stated that Frey had started it by elbowing her. Brunkhorst added that she did not recall biting her. Frey and Brunkhorst both said they were visiting Nashville and had been drinking before the incident occurred. A warrant was issued for Brunkhorst’s arrest on November 10th, 2023. Then, Brunkhorst was taken into custody for assault on July 8th, 2024.

DUI: Clea Armstrong runs red light on Jefferson Street, tells police she only had one shot

20-year-old Clea Armstrong was caught driving under the influence near Hadley Park on 28th Avenue North on July 7th. Officers conducted routine patrol and observed Armstrong’s car running the red light from 28th Avenue onto Jefferson Street. Officers then turned around and turned on their emergency equipment to conduct a traffic stop on the vehicle. Officers observed as the car stopped at the entrance of Hadley Park. Officers then made contact with Armstrong and immediately noticed her bloodshot eyes. When asked by officers, Armstrong told police that she had only drunk one shot. Officers then had Armstrong step out of the vehicle. After consenting, Armstrong performed numerous sobriety tests on which she performed poorly, showing numerous indicators of intoxication. Due to Armstrong’s intoxication, she was then taken into custody for driving under the influence and implied consent.

Jersey Clevenger arrested on Missouri warrant at Nashville International Airport

21-year-old Jersey Clevenger was seen publicly intoxicated at the Nashville International Airport on July 5th. Officers were dispatched to a gate at the airport for a female who was intoxicated and appeared to be taking shallow breaths while sleeping. When officers arrived on the scene, they were able to wake Clevenger up. Clevenger then immediately asked to use the restroom. Clevenger was escorted to the bathroom, and officers observed that she could not walk or stand on her own. Officers then asked her to take a seat for her own safety, and they attempted to question her. As officers questioned Clevenger, she was unable to tell officers where she was. Clevenger told officers she was in Sarasota and admitted that she had been drinking at the airport. Officers then asked her again where she was, to which she again replied, Sarasota. Due to Clevenger’s inability to correctly answer where she was, her slightly bloodshot eyes, and her difficulty walking, officers placed her under arrest for public intoxication. Officers also discovered Clevenger had a full extradition warrant out of Missouri, so she was taken into custody for public intoxication and fugitive from justice.

Joseph French drunkenly enters stranger’s home, falls asleep on their couch

24-year-old Joseph Bryan French entered a random Country Wood Circle apartment on July 7th. The homeowners alerted the authorities and advised them that a stranger, later identified as French, was on their couch. When officers arrived, they located French sleeping on the couch. Officers asked him if he knew where he was, to which French replied that it was not his apartment. French told officers that he “just started sleeping.” Additionally, French admitted to having a shot and six to eight cans of beer. French was then taken into custody for criminal trespass.

Nuyok Ding resists arrest after drunkenly starting fight outside Airbnb

27-year-old Nuyok Ding was involved in an altercation with two other men at an Airbnb residence on Meridian Street on July 7th. When officers arrived, Ding and the other individuals denied any assistance. However, once officers left, a fight broke out on the porch. While officers attempted to break up the fight, Ding resisted by pulling his arms away. Ding ignored officers’ commands and continued to resist. During their interaction with Ding, officers observed the smell of alcohol coming from him as well as multiple signs of intoxication. Ding was told that he was no longer welcome at the Airbnb. Officers determined Ding was unable to take care of himself, so he was taken into custody for public intoxication and resisting arrest.

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