Iliana Munoz destroys man’s belongings after he damages her $4,000 purse during argument

19-year-old Iliana Isabel Munoz was involved in a domestic disturbance at a Great Circle Road apartment late July 5th. A third party alerted the authorities, and when officers arrived, they spoke with Munoz, who stated she and an unidentified male had an argument regarding her receiving messages from another man. Munoz added that the dispute escalated when he allegedly strangled her while trying to remove her from the apartment. When officers spoke with him, he told them that Munoz became irate when he asked her to leave. Then, he said Munoz destroyed his PlayStation controller, headphones, and sunglasses valued at $770. Munoz added that she damaged his property because he damaged her $4,000 purse. Munoz was then taken into custody for vandalism on July 6th.

Bryan Espinoza-Camacho caught with marijuana after attempting to flee traffic stop

18-year-old Bryan Espinoza-Camacho was caught with marijuana after trying to flee police in a motor vehicle on Pennington Bend Road on July 5th. Officers attempted to conduct a traffic stop on the car and activated their emergency equipment. Camacho, however, did not stop, slow down, or respond to their equipment. Officers then used a pursuit termination device to stop Camacho, and he stopped his vehicle before making contact with the device. Officers then detained Camacho when he stopped and searched him, finding a pink vape. Officers then proceeded to search his vehicle, where they found a small baggie with a leafy green substance that Camacho admitted was marijuana. Camacho was then taken into custody for evading arrest, possession of a controlled substance, and tobacco possession while under the age of 21.

Jose Sanchez helps step-brother attack step-father during argument over mowing lawn

21-year-old Jose Sanchez and his younger brother, Dariel Yournet-Nergron, had a domestic altercation with their stepfather, Jason Gramajo, at their Central Valley Drive residence late July 6th. Responding officers observed Gramajo injured and covered in blood. Then Gramajo’s wife told them that Jose and Dariel had left the scene already. Gramajo advised officers that he had asked Dariel to mow the lawn. When Gramajo arrived home from work, he saw that Dariel had not mowed it, so he started mowing it. As Gramajo did this, Dariel came outside and told Gramajo that he would do it. This sparked an argument that escalated when Dariel pushed him and started striking him repeatedly before calling Jose to assist him with the attack. When Jose arrived, he joined in and started hitting him with Dariel. Gramajo said that he did not fight back but tried to protect himself, adding that when his wife called the police, Dariel and Jose drove off. Gramajo had several injuries to his face, head, and arms, so he was transported to the hospital for further evaluation. Additionally, he said that Jose threatened to kill him before leaving. Sanchez was later taken into custody for domestic assault on July 7th.

Breasia Sams punches man several times in face after he refuses to give her ride home

28-year-old Breasia Sams was involved in a domestic altercation with Adam Garcia, a sexual partner, at a Flintlock Court residence on July 6th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Garcia. He stated that Sams, who he is in a sexual relationship with, became extremely intoxicated and became physical towards him. Garcia informed officers that Sams became upset and punched him several times in the face after he refused to give her a ride home in the morning. Officers then noticed red marks on the side of Garcia’s face. Sams was deemed the primary aggressor and was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

Kayton Brown jailed after shooting fireworks in downtown Nashville

18-year-old Kayton Brown was seen shooting fireworks on 3rd Avenue South on July 7th. Officers responded after hearing the fireworks and then made contact with Brown. Upon investigation, officers found multiple mortar fireworks in the back of Brown’s vehicle. Several witnesses told officers that they saw Brown while the fireworks went off. Officers also found that Brown had a minor friend with him at the time of the fireworks. Since there were a lot of people in the area who could have been harmed or killed, Brown was taken into custody and charged with reckless endangerment, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, disorderly conduct, and fireworks violation.

Wesley Gregory drunkenly resists arrest after being unable to stand at Jack’s Bar-B-Que

21-year-old Wesley Gregory was observed to be publicly intoxicated and resisting arrest near Jack’s Bar-B-Que on July 6th. Officers noticed Gregory possibly fighting with his brother and moved to intervene. When officers approached Gregory, he pushed them and backed away. Gregory tensed up as he told officers, “Keep your hands off me.” Officers then placed Gregory in handcuffs and realized he wasn’t fighting his brother. Officers learned that Gregory’s brother was supporting him because he was too intoxicated to stand or walk. Officers noticed Gregory’s unsteadiness while walking, his bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, and the smell of alcohol on his breath. As a result, Gregory was arrested for public intoxication. While he was being taken to the officers’ vehicles, Gregory stated, “Turning 21 and buying girls shots in Nashville doesn’t make me publicly intoxicated.” Gregory resisted arrest and was additionally charged with resisting arrest.

Jim Connors attempts to flee police after being caught fighting

23-year-old Jim Connors was observed engaging in fighting behavior in the early hours of July 5th. After noticing this, officers tried to stop Connors, but he began to run. Once detained, officers noticed Connors had a cut on the back of his head, so they alerted medics. When NFD personnel arrived, Connors refused medical attention. Connors showed signs of impairment, so officers deemed him a danger to himself. Connors was placed in custody for public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

Alanna Kellow throws woman’s belongings at Lainey Wilson concert, tells her “You need to get your sh*t out of my way!”

54-year-old Alanna Lee Kellow had an incident with Brittany Beasley at the Lainey Wilson concert at Ascend Amphitheater late June 1st. Beasley told officers she was watching the concert when Kellow came up behind her and threw her jacket and popcorn. Beasley asked Kellow what she was doing, and Kellow told her, “You need to get your sh*t out of my way!” before Kellow’s husband pushed her. Then Beasley added that Kellow said, “No, you fat b*tch, get your sh*t out of the way!” Beasley informed officers that she was pregnant with a child. Beasley stated she told Kellow and her husband that they needed to leave her alone, to which they responded by yelling obscenities at her. Kellow was then cited for the altercation that night. Kellow was later booked on the citation of assault on July 2nd.

Brittany Beasley hits woman in back of head at Lainey Wilson concert

34-year-old Brittany Beasley had an altercation with Alanna Lee Kellow at the Lainey Wilson concert at Ascend Amphitheater late June 1st. Kellow and her husband alerted nearby officers of the attack. After police investigated, they obtained video evidence showing Beasley hitting Kellow in the back of her head. Beasley was then cited for the occurrence. Beasley was booked on the citation of assault on July 2nd.

Kevin Alexander refuses to leave Hard Rock Café despite being told multiple times to leave

58-year-old Kevin Alexander repeatedly refused to leave Hard Rock Café around 12:40 a.m. on July 6th. Security for the establishment flagged officers down and informed them that Alexander was with a woman who was sick at the bar. When officers arrived, they assisted her in getting medical attention and told Alexander he needed to leave the location. After officers gave him time to gather his belongings, he exited the establishment. Alexander then stood outside Hard Rock Café, under their awning, repeatedly asking the officers for the manager’s name. Then, officers gave him the manager’s name and told him he needed to leave the property again. Alexander proceeded to ignore officers multiple times. So, officers detained Alexander for the occurrence. Alexander was taken into custody for criminal trespass.

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