Terra Flye assaults boyfriend’s sister & mother during argument

25-year-old Terra Flye was seen assaulting her boyfriend’s sister, Sariya Birdine, at their Anderson Road residence on June 21st. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Birdine outside the residence, and they immediately noticed a bloody scratch across her chest as well as swelling on her forehead. Birdine told officers that Flye and her brother, Cameron Simmons, were being disrespectful to her mother, Kimberly Donelson, all day and heard both Simmons and Flye arguing with Donelson. Birdine stated that she went upstairs to see what was going on and ended up getting into an argument with Simmons before Flye pushed over Donelson and began attacking her. Birdine claims that at this point, both Simmons and Flye attacked her.

Officers then spoke with Donelson. She claimed that after Flye pushed her over during the argument, she saw both Flye and Simmons beating on Birdine. When officers talked to Flye, she told them that when Birdine was arguing with Simmons, Birdine stated, “Come get your Man” to Flye, which prompted her to get up and push Donaldson. Flye went on to say that she only grabbed Birdine’s dress. Officers then asked Flye if that was how Birdine got a scratch on her chest, to which she replied most likely. When asked about the scratch on her head, Flye said it was probably from the fight, but she did not know. Flye was deemed to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for assault.

Cameron Simmons attacks sister after argument with mother

26-year-old Cameron Simmons was involved in a domestic altercation with his sister, Kimberly Donelson, at their Anderson Road residence on June 21st. When officers arrived, they spoke with Donelson. Donelson stated that their mother and Simmons were arguing over her mother’s vehicle. The vehicle had some mechanical issues, but Simmons continued to use it frequently. Donelson informed officers that she went upstairs to confront her brother about disrespecting their mother. When she asked Simmons to calm down and stop being disrespectful, he and his girlfriend, Terra Flye, started attacking her. Donelson sustained numerous injuries but was unsure which ones came from Simmons or Flye. Officers then spoke with Simmons, who claimed that he never touched his sister and that the altercation was between her and his girlfriend. Officers then spoke with their mother, who stated that Simmons did hit his sister and that they were all fighting during the incident. Due to the statements made and several scratches on Donelson’s body, Officers deemed Simmons to be the primary aggressor and took him into custody for domestic assault.

Mary Poindexter indicted after stealing more than $60,000 from Tennessee Staff Organization

A Davidson County Grand Jury indicted 57-year-old Mary French Poindexter for theft on February 28th, 2024. The indictment alleges that Poindexter, between February 26th, 2018, and May 6th, 2022, before the finding of this indictment, knowingly did obtain or exercise control over certain property, to wit: money, of the value of $60,000 or more but less than $250,000, the property of Tennessee Staff Organization, an affiliate of National Staff Organization, without their effective consent and with the intent to deprive them of the property. A judicial commissioner set her bond at $50,000.

James Walker snorts unknown white powder with friend in front of police

32-year-old James Matthew Walker and James Glenn Owens snorted a white, powdery substance in front of officers near the Shelby Street Pedestrian Bridge late June 28th. Police observed Owens holding a dollar bill with an unknown substance in it. Officers approached Owens and asked if it was his, which he confirmed. Owens then poured the substance onto a utility box and snorted half of it. Then, after Walker snorted what was left, they were both detained. Then, officers discovered Walker had an outstanding arrest warrant from Bowling Green, Kentucky, for violating probation. Walker was then taken into custody for public intoxication and being a fugitive from justice on June 29th.

James Owens snorts unknown white powder with friend in front of police

34-year-old James Glenn Owens and James Matthew Walker snorted a white, powdery substance in front of officers near the Shelby Street Pedestrian Bridge late June 28th. Police observed Owens holding a dollar bill with an unknown substance in it. Officers approached Owens and asked if it was his, which he confirmed. Owens then poured the substance onto a utility box and snorted half of it. Then, after Walker snorted what was left, they were both detained. Owens was taken into custody for public intoxication and possession of a controlled substance on June 29th.

Tyler Reemes jailed after fighting staff at 7-Eleven

31-year-old Tyler Reemes, Joe Nail, and another unidentified individual caused a disturbance with two employees, Bayron Jovanny Duarte and Amanda Andrews, at the Harding Place 7-Eleven on February 9th. Duarte and Andrews spoke with responding officers, advising that two individuals, later identified as Reemes and Nail, entered the store, argued with its staff members, and refused to leave. They further explained that Reemes initiated the dispute and left the store but later returned with two others, one of which was Nail. When they came into the store, Reemes became confrontational and aggressive, as if he was preparing to attack, causing Duarte and Andrews to fear for their safety. After that, they stated that Reemes reached into his pockets several times while taking a fighting stance. During this interaction, Nail attempted to get over the counter and pulled out a knife before swinging it in what appeared to be an effort to cut Andrews. Seeing this, Nail walked away and exited the establishment. When Duarte told Reemes to leave, Nail reentered the store and started kicking Duarte until he tried defending himself. At the end of the interaction, the employees stated that Reemes and Nail had left and provided officers with footage of the occurrence. A warrant was obtained for Reemes’ arrest on April 5th. Reemes was then taken into custody for two counts of assault on June 26th.

Megan Purcel attacks taxi as her husband attempts to leave her in downtown Nashville

32-year-old Megan Purcel was observed attempting to climb through the passenger side window of a taxi cab on Broadway in downtown Nashville late July 3rd. As the taxi slowed and came to a stop, she began to kick the vehicle and then climbed onto the hood while yelling at the driver. She stated her husband, Michael Cunningham, was in the back seat of the tax and was trying to leave her. During the commotion, Cunningham exited the taxi and began walking down Broadway, away from the scene. Purcel was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct. Her husband was later also charged with public intoxication.

Michael Cunningham jailed after attempting to leave wife in downtown Nashville

32-year-old Michael Cunningham was in the rear of a taxi cab in downtown Nashville when he attempted to leave his wife, Megan Purcel, late July 3rd. Purcel was observed attempting to climb through the passenger side window of a taxi cab on Broadway. As the taxi slowed and came to a stop, she began to kick the vehicle and then climbed onto the hood while yelling at the driver. Purcel stated her husband, Michael Cunningham, was in the back seat of the tax and was trying to leave her. During the commotion, Cunningham exited the tax and began to walk away from the scene on Broadway. Officers caught up with him, reported he reeked of alcohol and determined that he was unable to care for himself. Cunningham was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication. His wife was booked on separate charges.

DUI: John Todd found asleep in car after causing crash, tells police he needs to “make changes in his life”

66-year-old John Todd was seen driving under the influence after a vehicle collision on a parked car near Music Valley Drive on July 3rd. Officers were flagged down by personnel, and when they arrived, they spoke with the victim. The victim stated that Todd appeared to be intoxicated and was asleep in his vehicle. Officers observed Todd sleeping in the driver’s seat with the car off. Officers then woke up Todd, and while speaking with him, he admitted to drinking alcohol before driving his vehicle. Todd also admitted to having too much to drink and told officers he thought he could drive. Todd then admitted to causing damage to the victim’s vehicle. Todd informed officers that as he was making a turn, he must have made it too tight, causing damage to the passenger side of the victim’s vehicle. Officers observed damage to Todd’s vehicle as well as a flat tire. While officers spoke with Todd, they immediately smelled alcohol coming from him and his vehicle, as well as his slurred speech. Officers then asked Todd to perform sobriety tests, which he consented to. However, he performed poorly on all tests that were given. Todd then agreed to a breathalyzer test, and the result came back as .100% BAC. However, officers noted that Todd’s BAC was probably higher when the incident occurred, as the accident had happened an hour before the officers arrived. Todd told officers that he needs to “make changes in his life” so he would not drink and drive like he did. Todd was then deemed intoxicated, and he was taken into custody for DUI.

DUI: Michael Smith found passed out in parking garage, tells police he had been “drinking all day”

30-year-old Michael Smith was found passed out behind the wheel of his vehicle at a downtown parking garage late July 2nd. He was so unresponsive that the Nashville Fire Department had to remove him from his car by breaking the windows. Once he became semi-responsive, he stated he had been “drinking all day,” so he couldn’t have been driving. Officers noted that the vehicle was running, and the keys were located in his pocket. Officers said Smith would become coherent and ask why he was being arrested. After officers explained the situation to him, he would fall back asleep. This interaction was repeated at least seven times. Smith’s girlfriend also responded to the scene and confirmed he had been drinking. Officers had to air out their vehicles due to the intense alcohol smell coming from Smith after he was detained. Smith was taken into custody and charged with DUI on July 3rd. Video from the building later showed him side-swiping his left mirror on the yellow barriers of the garage as he entered.

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