Timothy McLean assaults multiple nurses at Vanderbilt University Medical Center

41-year-old Timothy McLean was involved in an altercation with his nurse, Rachel Fetting, at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center at 9:50 p.m. on June 29th. On the mentioned date, Fetting reported that McLean came into the hospital intoxicated, refusing to take medication. McLean eventually agreed to receive medication, but once Fetting attempted to give him an IV, he grabbed her hand and twisted her fingers. While that happened, another bedside nurse, Damir Ferreria, jumped in to help Fetting. He grabbed McLean’s hand and pinned it down. Ferreria grabbed McLean’s other hand and pushed him into the bed. Ferreria told officers that while he was holding him, McLean was able to grab his finger and twist it. McLean was taken into custody for two counts of assaulting a nurse on June 30th.

Sara Keith assaults police officer during brawl outside of Morgan Wallen’s This Bar

23-year-old Sara Keith was seen pushing her boyfriend, Scott Aaron Satterfield Jr., and assaulting police officers outside of Morgan Wallen’s This bar near Boot Barn on Broadway on June 29th. When officers arrived on the scene, they observed three male individuals about to start fighting. As the officers moved to detain the victim, who was Keith’s boyfriend, Keith approached Officer Ferrari. Keith forcefully pushed the officer in an attempt to intervene and remove him from Satterfield Jr. Ferrari was able to get Keith back; however, she ignored all verbal commands and grabbed Officer Ferrari by his outer vest again to try and stop him from detaining Satterfield Jr. Proceeding this, Keith was detained as she had assaulted an officer. Officers then detained and spoke with two of the males from earlier, who said they were walking past a couple and noticed Satterfield Jr. striking Keith in the face. They immediately attempted to break up the fight, and that is when officers arrived. Officer Ferrari was able to obtain video footage of the incident that showed Keith violently pushing Satterfield Jr. three times before stepping out of camera view. Keith then stated that she and Satterfield Jr. had been together for one year and had no children. Officers then attempted to speak with Satterfield Jr., but he did not want to make a statement about what happened. Based on the footage and statements made, Keith was deemed the primary aggressor and taken into custody for domestic assault and assault on an officer.

Bobby O’Hara shoves brother after being kicked out of Tootsies Orchid Lounge

24-year-old Bobby O’Hara caused a disturbance at Tootsies Orchid Lounge on June 30th. Security at the location flagged officers down, and when they arrived, they spoke with Bobby and his brother, Tom Ronald O’Hara. Security stated that the brothers were getting in their faces, attempting to shove past them after they were removed from the bar. Bobby said he was waiting for his brother’s fiancé to come outside because she had ordered a drink before they were kicked out. Security informed officers that they did not want to press charges for the occurrence and just wanted them removed. After Bobby and Tom were told to leave, Bobby walked away and started arguing with Tom, which agitated Tom’s fiancé. Then, officers observed Bobby shoving Tom before throwing his hands in the air. Bobby Ohara was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and domestic assault.

Local Musician Jared Hall found passed out in church parking lot, says he was 5/10 on the “drunk scale”

24-year-old Local Musician Jared Christopher Hall was observed sleeping in his driver’s seat at the Madison Church of Christ parking lot around 5:01 a.m. on June 30th. When officers arrived, they noticed his vehicle was running and in gear, so they deployed spikes between the tires if he tried fleeing. Officers then banged on his window, waking him up and making him exit the car. Officers instructed Hall to turn off his vehicle, and in the process, he let his foot off his brake, and his vehicle slightly traveled backward. This resulted in Hall’s front tires being spiked and the vehicle nearly hitting the officers’ patrol car. Hall took sobriety tests, performed poorly, and was detained. Under Miranda, he admitted to having four Coors Lights and smoking one “dispensary pre-roll.” During a subsequent search, officers noticed he reeked of alcohol. Then, Hall told police he felt “more drunk than high,” adding that he was a 5/10 on the “drunk scale.” Hall said he was headed to meet his friend after a party and decided to sleep it off at the church. Hall was then taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Chreasia Faust resists arrest after caught scamming people by selling candy bars

18-year-old Chreasia Saren Leona Faust and a group of minors, including her 13-year-old brother, were harassing people and stealing their money by selling candy bars near the 11th Avenue South and Pine Street intersection on June 6th. Investigators discovered that they had a fraudulent school flyer and were trying to convince people to buy candy from them. After detaining them, officers found Faust had over $200 in her backpack and pants pocket. Additionally, she had a box of Peanut M&Ms with some missing. Then, Faust became resistive, pushing and pulling her arms away until officers could handcuff her. Faust also threatened to spit on officers as they arrested her. Faust was cited for the occurrence that day. Faust was then booked on the citation of criminal impersonation, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and resisting arrest on June 25th.

DUI: Carter Manning nearly hits curb while speeding after huffing nitrous canister

27-year-old Carter Pearson Manning stopped his silver Hyundai SUV past the stop bar at a Wedgewood Avenue redlight on June 28th. Then, after the light turned green, he started slowly and proceeded to speed, going 46 mph in a 35-mph zone. Manning then almost struck a curb on the right side of the roadway before overcorrecting and drifting across the dividing line into the other travel lane. Officers observed this and conducted a traffic stop on Manning. Officers noticed he showed signs of intoxication and asked him to exit his vehicle, during which he had to brace himself against his SUV for balance. Manning struggled to provide his license, so officers ordered him to take sobriety tests, and he performed poorly. Under Miranda, he admitted to having bourbon earlier in the day during a tasting. During an inventory search of his Hyundai, officers located a pouch on the center console containing several Xanax bars that he later admitted having in his system. Officers also located a large nitrous canister that Manning said he used recreationally, the last time being an hour before the traffic stop. Manning was then taken into custody for driving under the influence on June 29th.

Australian Tourist Riley Heffernan gets taken down under by police after underage drinking

18-year-old Australian Tourist Riley Heffernan had an altercation at Friends in Low Places Bar on July 1st. Security at the establishment flagged officers down regarding the incident. When police arrived, they saw staff members struggling with Heffernan, so they intervened. At this point, Heffernan lunged at an officer as if he were going to headbutt him before being taken to the ground. As officers tried to detain Heffernan, he violently locked out his joints. Heffernan pushed and pulled, trying to get away until, eventually, officers arrested him. A Security officer later advised police that Heffernan punched him twice in the face and that he wanted to press charges for the occurrence. Officers noticed Heffernan reeked of alcohol and was visibly inebriated as he spontaneously admitted to drinking. Heffernan was then taken into custody for disorderly conduct, underage alcohol consumption, and resisting arrest.

Eric Feagles resists arrest after pushing scooter down, tells police “I push all scooters down”

40-year-old Eric Feagles was observed stumbling down the sidewalk with a drink in his hand near 3rd Avenue North on June 28th. Then, Feagles walked past a green dumpster and pushed a motorized scooter onto the ground. Sergeant Bennett observed Feagles do this and ordered him to stop. Feagles continued walking, disregarding Bennett’s commands, until Bennett utilized his flashlight and grabbed Feagles by his shirt. During this interaction, Feagles pulled away from Bennett and told him, “I push all scooters down because I’m from Washington DC.” When Bennett asked Feagles if he could get a cab or a rideshare home, Feagles stated he would rather walk to his hotel. Feagles was visibly impaired, so Bennett gave him multiple chances to get a ride to his hotel. Despite this, Feagles repeatedly refused to do so. This prompted Bennett to detain Feagles, causing him to become resistive. Bennett then performed a “controlled leg sweep” and successfully handcuffed Feagles. Feagles was deemed unable to care for himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication and resisting arrest.

DUI: Karen Bergstrom blacks out and causes crash; tells officers she is a “major alcoholic”

60-year-old Karen Bergstrom was involved in a multi-vehicle accident near Old Hickory Boulevard and Nolensville Pike at 3:38 p.m. on May 31st. Following the crash, Bergstrom was transported to Vanderbilt Hospital for medical treatment. When officers arrived at the hospital, she told them that she had no memory of the collision or why she was in Nashville. Bergstrom advised them that she is a “major alcoholic,” that she starts drinking early in the morning, and has drinking-related blackouts. Due to her neck brace, officers only prompted her with one sobriety test, in which she showed signs of impairment. After being informed of implied consent, she agreed to provide a blood sample and was issued a state citation for the occurrence. Bergstrom was booked on the citation of driving under the influence on June 24th.

DUI: Patrick Borden jailed after falling asleep in the middle of an intersection

31-year-old Patrick Borden was found unconscious in a vehicle at the Harding Pike and Woodmont Boulevard intersection at 5 a.m. on June 27th. Officers contacted medics assistance and were advised to wake Borden. Officers then Mirandized Borden, at which time they admitted to having three alcoholic drinks around midnight. Bordon refused to take sobriety tests or provide a chemical sample. Officers noted Borden reeked of alcohol and showed signs of intoxication, so they detained them for the incident. Borden was then taken into custody for driving under the influence and an implied consent violation and transported to booking.

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