James Blake Milliken vandalizes his girlfriend’s car when confronted about his drinking

Olivia Corneto says she drove her boyfriend, 23-year-old James Blake Milliken, to his Bellevue apartment from a bar downtown on August 1st, just before 2 a.m. She confronted him about his frequent volume of alcohol consumption, and the two argued. She had enough and began to leave his residence when he followed her and tried to get back inside her vehicle. She says he kicked and punched the doors while yelling and cursing at her. Three doors on the vehicle sustained damage, including dents. Officers documented smears and footprints all over the vehicle and viewed a video of a portion of the incident as Milliken fled when he realized he was being recorded. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and he was booked on the felony vandalism charge this week.

Teens Facing Murder & Attempted Murder Charges for shooting at Oscar’s Taco Shop

Homicide Unit detectives this morning charged Dyquan Poole, 19, and Omarian Arrington, 17, with criminal homicide and two counts of attempted criminal homicide in connection with gunfire in the parking lot of Oscar’s Taco Restaurant on Fesslers Lane Friday afternoon that killed a woman and critically injured two men. Jaylen Floyd, 19, is also being charged with evidence tampering after fleeing from an involved vehicle while armed with a gun. The fatally injured female hasn’t been officially identified by MNPD, but close friends have identified her as Destinee (Des/@desbando_). Dillon Bird, 21, and Juan Davila-Hugarte, 18, were critically wounded during the encounter.

Fashion ‘trend setter’ “Image Don” Trey Garriques caught stealing at Dillard’s at the Mall at Green Hills

Things aren’t always as they appear — 23-year-old Trey Garriques has social media pages filled with photographs of him in expensive clothing at expensive restaurants with some of the most expensive backdrops in the city, portraying a well-funded lifestyle. Dillard’s of The Mall at Green Hill would like a word. Store security detailed Garriques on August 11th after observing him conceal 2 pair of designer sunglasses under some other clothing and visit the fitting room. After exiting the fitting room, the wanna-be fashionista made a dash for the door and passed all points of sale. The items were recovered from his person and he was issued a citation for shoplifting. He was booked on the warrant this week.

DUI: Hawkin Thomasson, 19, found passed out behind the wheel; blows 0.199% BAC

19-year-old Hawkin Thomasson was found passed out behind the wheel of his vehicle on R. S. Gass Blvd, at the Medical Examiner’s Office. A citizen was the first person to find him and removed the keys from his vehicle and woke him up by shaking him. As first responders arrived, they got Thomasson out of the vehicle, and he admitted to drinking at least two vodka-based drinks before driving. He was transported to booking for DUI, where he blew a 0.199% BAC, more than double the legal limit in Tennessee. Thomasson messaged Scoop: Nashville unprompted to make sure we knew that he would not give consent for us to post his mugshot or story in our news. Hi, Hawkin.

Brad Adams tells police he did “booger sugar” prior to nodding out & crashing his car

45-year-old Brad Adams was found unconscious behind the wheel of his 2017 Nissan Altima, which had just crashed into a utility pole at the intersection of Hwy 100 and Old Hickory Blvd last month. First responders administered Narcan to Adams, which ushered life back into him. Adams explained he had taken “Booger Sugar,” further clarifying he snorted cocaine. Officers noted both his pinpoint pupils and an empty bottle of vodka in his vehicle. Adams was transported to the hospital and cited for DUI. He was booked on that citation this week.

Miranda Coombs assaults manager of Eddie V’s with a candlestick after fist fighting her date

37-year-old Miranda A. Coombs was jailed Thursday on an outstanding felony warrant in Nashville, charging her with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. She was dining at Eddie V’s Prime Seafood in downtown Nashville in March with an “acquaintance” when an argument erupted between the two, and a fist fight broke out at the restaurant. Ross Kovacs, a managing partner of the restaurant, attempted to intervene and was struck in the head with a candlestick holder by Coombs. He sustained a bleeding laceration to the head, and a warrant was taken out for Coombs.

Chuck Heron cited for DUI after crashing motorcycle in front of his own house

Just before 1 a.m. on a Saturday morning in August, police responded to the Plum Nelly Circle home of 54-year-old Charles ‘Chuck’ Heron to find him lying in the bushes near the side of the road after he had crashed his motorcycle on the roadway and sustained injuries. He stated he had been drinking earlier in the night and had consumed two Miller Lite tall boys. He appeared to be very intoxicated and then began to fall asleep and become incoherent. He reportedly told one of the Nashville Fire medics he had been drinking and “f-*ked up,” and they relayed that information to officers. He was transported to the hospital for his injuries and level of intoxication and was issued a state citation for DUI. He was booked on that citation this week.

Racheal Holt pulls up to man’s house and beats him with a diaper bag, per report

Police say 22-year-old Racheal Holt arrived at the residence of Julian Sowell in 2020 and just began fighting him and beating him with a diaper bag before swapping to using her hands. Officers documented scratches on the victim’s face, and a witness confirmed the events. Holt fled before officers arrived, and a warrant was issued for her arrest. She was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday on that outstanding warrant, charging her with domestic assault.

DUI: Kaedee Miller Hembree says she took Seroquel and Percocet prior to nodding out on interstate

Police say 28-year-old Kaedee Miller Hembree struck one vehicle on Interstate 40 on Wednesday before coming to a stop in a lane of traffic just before 7 p.m. Responding TDOT crews report she was awake and alert and then suddenly lost consciousness while they were present. Nashville Fire responded and administered Narcan and eventually revived Miller, who admitted to taking her prescribed Seroquel along with an unprescribed Percocet shortly before driving. She was with DUI 2nd (she was convicted of a DUI in March in Murfreesboro) and driving on a revoked license.