Moraza Nurizbelixa assaults sleeping husband after finding nothing on his phone

32-year-old Moraza Romero Nurizbelixa was involved in a domestic dispute with her husband, Marvin Orlando Alvarez Varela, at the apartments on Haywood Lane in the late hours of December 7th. Nurizbelixa spoke with officers and stated she and Varela had an argument that resulted in him hitting her and that he sustained the injury to his lip because she defended herself. Varela advised officers that he was asleep when Nurizbelixa suddenly jumped on him and began to attack him, upset because she could not find anything on his phone. He said she grabbed his neck and punched him in the face, causing his lip injury. Then, Nurizbelixa grabbed some of his money and threw it, which she admitted to. Nelson Ahman Banegas Alvarez witnessed the incident and stated that Nurizbelixa initiated the physical altercation. Nurizbelixa was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Vanderbilt Football’s BJ Anderson bites two bouncers at Barstool Nashville

26-year-old Vanderbilt Football Player Bridges “BJ” Anderson was booked in the early hours of December 8th after officers were flagged down in front of Barstool Nashville on 2nd Avenue in regards to a man being restrained by security. When officers arrived, they observed Anderson visibly drunk and being held to the ground by bar security. Officers then placed him into cuffs and began the interview. Security told officers that Anderson tried to enter the bar with alcohol hidden inside a Gatorade bottle and was denied because of it and his level of intoxication. Anderson threw the bottle out and left the line, only to re-enter the line shortly after and be told again that he may not enter the bar. After being denied, Anderson tried to forcefully enter the bar, pushing security as they stood before him to block entry, forcing another security guard to wrap his arms around Anderson to stop him. This only angered Anderson, and he began to fight the security guards, biting both of them. Officers observed bite marks on both security guards.

Lisa Gibson caught stealing socks at JCPenney

37-year-old Lisa Gibson was caught with her friend, James Lester, JCPenney, in the late hours of Thursday night. The JCPenney Loss Prevention provided law enforcement with camera footage of Lester stuffing jeans inside his shirt and Gibson hiding a bundle of socks in her purse. Lt. Waldron arrived to see Gibson and Lester still walking around in the store and commanded them to stop. Seeing his imminent crisis, Lester ran around a corner to remove the jeans he stuffed in his pants before he attempted to flee. Lt. Waldron then tried to grab Lester to detain him, but Lester continued to resist before another officer arrived to help detain him, taking him to the ground. They were escorted to the office, where the socks inside Gibson’s purse were removed. A further search of her purse revealed a loaded Ruger SP101 Magnum for which she did not possess a license. Gibson was taken into custody and charged with theft.

Anthony Branch throws girlfriend on ground multiple times during altercation

20-year-old Anthony Branch was involved in a domestic altercation at Central Pike with his girlfriend, Queenie Phan, in the early hours of Thursday afternoon. Phan called a friend and told them to call 911 when she and Branch began arguing. Branch proceeded to take her phone and money and tried to call 911, saying “someone was in route to assault him.” Phan attempted to get her phone back from him, but he grabbed her by the arms and “threw her” to the ground multiple times, causing bruising to her arms. He then took the cash, Phan’s car keys, and two large knives and left the apartment. When the police arrived, Branch returned with the bag of money, car keys, and knives. Branch was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

EKU Basketball Player Sierra Mcculough punches woman asking for insurance info after accident

22-year-old Eastern Kentucky University Women’s Basketball Player Sierra Mcculough was involved in an altercation at Jefferson Street and 140 East exit ramp with Morgan Garrett, with whom she had a car accident on April 20th. Mcculough felt the damage to Garrett’s car was so minor that it didn’t merit any reason to exchange personal information. When Garrett demanded that she give up her personal information, Mcculough struck her in the face multiple times, causing minor injuries and damage to her glasses. Witnesses were able to conjure up a video of the incident, including a way to contact the car’s owner. The car’s owner was Mcculough’s grandfather, who provided law enforcement with her phone number and told them that Mcculough would have been the only person driving. Mcculough was taken into custody and charged with assault.

James Lester attempts to steal jeans at JCPenney

50-year-old James Lester was caught with his friend, Lisa Gibson, at JCPenney in the late hours of Thursday night. The JCPenney Loss Prevention provided law enforcement with camera footage of Lester stuffing jeans inside his shirt and Gibson hiding a bundle of socks in her purse. Lt. Waldron arrived to see Gibson and Lester still walking around in the store and commanded that they stop. Seeing his imminent crisis, Lester ran around a corner to remove the jeans he stuffed in his pants before he attempted to flee. Lt. Waldron then tried to grab Lester to detain him, but Lester continued to resist before another officer arrived to help detain him, taking him to the ground. The pair was escorted to the office, where the socks inside Gibson’s purse were removed. A further search of her purse revealed a loaded Ruger SP101 Magnum for which she did not possess a license. Lester was taken into custody and charged with theft and resisting arrest.

Zoeletia Jackson assaults woman with fire extinguisher during dispute

46-year-old Zoeletia Jackson had a scuffle with Brittany Neal at Hickory Hill Court in the late hours of December 6th. Neal confronted Jackson when she got home regarding an incident where she allegedly threw eggs at her vehicle while intoxicated. A verbal altercation ensued, and Neal began to record as Jackson became aggressive. Jackson pushed her shoulder against Neal, so she pushed her back in self-defense; then Jackson reached over her, grabbed a fire extinguisher, and began striking her with it. Neal attempted to grab her arm to end the assault, but Jackson began to stab her with her car keys before a witness came and restrained her. The witness recorded the incident and gave it to officers to review when they arrived. The video shows Jackson escalating the argument by assaulting Neal, grabbing the fire extinguisher, and hitting her numerous times with it. Officers observed the lacerations on Neal’s arms and face from Jackson’s keys. Jackson complained about eye pain but appeared to be uninjured. She was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Shaela King steals $145 in cash, multiple credit cards from aunt

21-year-old Shaela King was booked on an outstanding warrant for allegedly stealing her aunt’s wallet from her purse on January 4th, 2023. Barbara Sadler reported the theft the next day. Sadler stated that while visiting her niece’s home on Richards Road the day prior, her belongings were stolen, and only her niece and a baby were in the apartment at the time. She explained that she placed her purse in the living room and entered the kitchen. She only noticed her wallet was missing once she was at the store to pick up a tool she needed to put her niece’s bed together. According to Barbara, before asking Shaela if she had seen her wallet, she blurted out that she didn’t steal from her. There was 145 dollars, a state ID, multiple credit/debit cards, and a phone inside the wallet. Barbara located her phone in the backseat of her vehicle but claimed she never took it out of her wallet before it was stolen. Barbara stated that Shaela was the only one in the backseat the night of the theft.

DUI: Elyse Kimmel crashes Subaru Forrester driving home from club

30-year-old Elyse Nicole Kimmel was involved in a car accident at the intersection of Lafayette and 2nd Avenue South in the early hours of December 8th. Officers arrived and spoke with Kimmel, who advised she was the driver of the white Subaru Forrester, that she was driving her mom and friend home, and that she was unaware of how the accident happened. Kimmel was visibly intoxicated, refused to take sobriety tests, and was read implied consent. She was taken into custody for driving under the influence and implied consent.