Keira Murren deemed too drunk for Broadway

24-year-old Keira Mary Murren was witnessed drinking liquor on Broadway on Sunday night. Two individuals approached officers, concerned about Murren, stating she looked like she needed help. The officers spoke with Murren and asked if she had anyone she could call, and she provided her own number. Then, Murren stated she did not know where her friends were and that she was staying at Jason Aldean’s Bar when asked where she resided. Officers observed that she was visibly intoxicated and unable to take care of herself, so she was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Jacob McFadden found sleeping in parking garage

23-year-old Jacob William McFadden was sleeping in a corner of the parking garage on Pine Street this past weekend. Officers were patrolling, observed this, and asked McFadden how he got there or where he was staying, but he was unable to answer. McFadden was visibly intoxicated, and when officers offered him a ride, he kept saying, “tired.” and that he was staying “here.” pointing at the corner where he was sleeping. Officers asked if he could call a friend or anything, but he continued to give nonsensical answers. McFadden was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Keshari Tucker charged after threatening to kill his ex-girlfriend

21-year-old Keshari Tucker was involved in a domestic dispute with his ex-girlfriend, Cortesia Lawrence, at Chickasaw Avenue on November 19th. Lawrence told officers that she went to see Tucker, and when they were sitting in her vehicle, he appeared to be high, even though he denied it. Then, she said that he reached over, took her cell phone from her hands, and pulled her by her hair back into the car when she attempted to get out. Tucker put her in a headlock when she tried to get out again before reaching into his sweater pocket, telling her that she could not leave and that he was going to kill her. Lawrence was able to get out of the car on her third attempt, and people from the neighborhood started to come out onto the street. One of the neighbors told Tucker to put the phone on the ground and leave the area, which he did. Later that day, Lawrence was with her friend, Kenley Lawrence, who received a phone call from Tucker, which Cortesia recorded with her phone as he was on speakerphone. He began to speak about the incident, where he admitted to having a knife and that he wanted to “poke” Cortesia in the stomach. Tucker was taken into custody for theft of property and aggravated kidnapping.

Christopher Murphy charged with drunk and disorderly in downtown Nashville

24-year-old Christopher Murphy was disorderly in Downtown Nashville this past weekend. Officers were flagged down by security at Kid Rock’s bar regarding a female, accompanied by Murphy, who was bleeding from the head. Murphy and the injured female were visibly intoxicated as medics were called due to the severity of the laceration. Officers attempted to render aid as they waited, but Murphy pushed Officer Ferrari’s arm away. Murphy was held away from the area where the female was being treated and told to stop interfering but would constantly attempt to get in the way, so he was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

Tourist Thomas Storch urinates on $2,000 worth of alcohol at Jason Aldean’s Bar in downtown Nashville

21-year-old Maryland tourist Thomas Storch was at Jason Aldean’s bar just before 11 p.m. Saturday when he decided to use a walk-in cooler as a restroom. Security staff told police that Storch walked into a beer storage cooler and urinated all over the alcohol stored inside, which was valued at approximately $2,000. The incident was captured on video, which was reviewed by arresting officers.

Former NFL player Evan Mathis jailed after drunken incident at Blind Barber

42-year-old former NFL guard turned entrepreneur Evan Mathis was at the Blind Barber in the Gulch just before 1 a.m. Saturday, when staff called police to report he became disorderly, refused to leave the location, and pushed employees several times while making threats to “knock people out.” The 6’4”, 240 pounds, long-haired, and bearded former NFL player was immediately identified by police as they arrived, stating he was a “male, large in stature, compared to other individuals in the area.” The staff of the Blind Barner declined to press assault charges and only wanted Mathis to go home. He refused and would not tell officers where he lived or if anyone could retrieve him. He would only say, “I have many homes.” Mathis then reportedly closed the distance between himself and the officers and began to ball his fists. He then moved closer and poked officers in the chest while yelling. With no remaining options, Mathis was taken into custody and transported to booking. During the ride to jail, Mathis “expressed a roller coaster of extreme emotions from cursing at officers in anger, to crying, to laughing,” according to a report from police.  

Reached for comment Sunday, Mathis told Scoop: Nashville “he got too drunk” and apologized to all involved for taking up time and resources. He noted how cordial both the responding officers and the staff of Blind Barber were, acknowledging he was given every opportunity to avoid jail.

Tom Randall charged with driving too slow in the fast lane

23-year-old Tom Warren Randall violated the laned roadway law on I-65 S on June 3rd. The law states that the left lane of the interstate is for traveling at a higher rate of speed to pass vehicles in the right lane. Officers noticed Randall continued his travel in the left lane in his 2014 Mazda CX5, conducted a traffic stop, and cited him for the violation. Randall failed to appear in court in September and was booked on the citation on November 30th.  

Salynia Summer robs her girlfriend at Antioch motel

21-year-old Salynia MarieSummer was involved in a domestic disturbance with her girlfriend, Kayla Reed, at the Super 8 Hotel on August 21. Reed advised that she was assaulted by Summer and three other individuals because she refused to let her drive their shared vehicle due to her being under the influence. Summer and an unknown black male entered the room and began hitting her, forcefully taking her iPhone 12, wallet with $250, and vehicle keys from her pockets. The suspects left the room, and Reed tried to follow them to retrieve their license plate information. As she tried to take a photo, a black male started to attack her, causing swelling, minor lacerations, and a broken nose. Reed stated she was unaware of who the other individuals involved were but knew Summer was part of the initial assault and was the one who reached into her pants. The Super 8 Hotel provided footage for officers showing Summer and the unknown black male entering the hotel room, exiting shortly after with car keys and a wallet as they walk downstairs. Then, Reed walked into the parking lot, approached the group, attempted to run away, and was caught and brutally beaten by two females and the black male who entered the room earlier. Summer was not involved in the second assault, and the other suspects have not been identified. Reed did not wish to prosecute for the robbery and helped officers identify Summer since she was not present when they arrived. Summer was taken into custody for robbery on November 30.