DUI: Daniel Onofre has “Ten bottles of Corona” before falling asleep at the wheel

26-year-old Daniel Onofre was discovered asleep behind the wheel of a Black Nissan Altima on November 25th. When officers arrived at his door and began questioning Onofre, he was talking at a snail’s pace and seemed intoxicated. Once Onofre exited the car, there was a heavy odor of an alcoholic beverage. Officers peaked into his vehicle and observed an empty 24-pack Corona bottle in the back seat. Onofre told law enforcement that he only had “about ten.” Officers asked for Onofre’s license but provided them with a Mexican voter registration ID. Onofre was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence and driving without a valid license.

Joshua Hutcherson flees police during attempted traffic stop

20-year-old Joshua Hutcherson was found in a vehicle used in the commission of a shooting on November 24th. Detectives found him leaving his apartment complex and attempted a traffic stop, but Hutcherson continued to drive as if he didn’t see them. Hutcherson continued moving toward Lebanon Pike, where he ran over a spike strip and pulled over without further issue. Hutcherson was taken into custody and charged with evading arrest by motor vehicle.

Clyde Joines assaults wife, puts fingers in her mouth during argument

48-year-old Clyde Joines was arguing with his wife, Lea-Ann Joines, on November 24th when the altercation became combative. Joines attempted to prevent Lea-Ann from exiting the vehicle, so he stuck his fingers in her mouth, which caused minor injuries to her lips. In an attempt to get him off of her, Lea-Ann hit him several times, causing minor injuries to Clyde’s lips. Clyde’s side of the story was that in the midst of the argument, he took Lea-Ann’s phone from her, prompting Lea-Ann to strike him first. Law enforcement determined that Clyde was the primary aggressor throughout the assault. Clyde Joines was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

Markeveyon Hicks punches girlfriend during infidelity dispute

24-year-old Markeveyon Hicks was arguing with his girlfriend, Breanna Myricks, on November 18th regarding issues of faith in their relationship. The altercation escalated to the point that Hicks punched her in the face, causing visible injuries to her lips. Myricks attempted to defend herself and left the scene to find a safe place to call the police. Hicks was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

DUI: Sterling Inge falls asleep behind wheel while driving

29-year-old Sterling Inge was found asleep behind the wheel on November 24th, blocking traffic. A bystander told officers that Inge had been sleeping at that spot for a prolonged amount of time, blocking traffic. When police arrived, Inge was still sleeping in the driver’s seat and once awake, refused to leave. When officers engaged with Inge, they discovered that he was inebriated. He told officers that he was heading to Gallatin but refused to address his drunkenness. Inge also refused to perform any field sobriety tests and blood samples. Inge was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence and implied civil consent.

Benjamin Davis slaps wife multiple times, makes her get cigarettes

34-year-old Benjamin Davis was involved in a domestic disturbance with his wife, Pasche Jade Simmons, at their house on November 23rd. Simmons told officers that Davis was grabbing the steering wheel and almost caused them to drive off the road, so she stopped at Glenrose Avenue for her safety while searching for the nearest police station. She stated that they were arguing, and it escalated when he slapped her in the face two times because he wanted to go to the ATM and get some cigarettes. She decided to take him for cigarettes to help him calm down. Officers observed redness and minor swelling on her cheek as they were shown a cell phone video of Davis displaying erratic behavior and being aggressive while they were in the car. Then, Simmons advised officers that Davis was on probation in Colorado for previous domestic assaults against her and that she was fearful for her safety and did not know what to do. Davis told officers that they had an altercation at their residence and that he was hit during it, showing officers the redness on his forehead. Due to video evidence of Davis’ erratic behavior, Davis was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Aron Capps punches baby-mama in face, tells her “I just jaw-checked you!”

24-year-old Aron Capps was involved in a domestic altercation with the mother of his child, Krissha Yah, on November 20th. Yah states she and Capps were arguing. The argument escalated when he hit her in the face three times, telling her, “I just jaw-checked you!” Then, Capps began to strangle her, but she was able to grab a knife and “poke” him with it before he left the scene. Capps was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Braxton Chassagne caught trespassing in construction area with minor

25-year-old Braxton Chassagne jumped the construction fence off 21st Avenue S next to Central Garage with juvenile Clyde Beatty in the late hours of November 19th. Vanderbilt University Police Department communications dispatched officers and, as they arrived, observed Chassagne and Beatty climbing up the construction crane tower. Officers ordered the two to climb down and identified them when they were safely on the ground. There are signs on the construction fence stating to keep out, so Chassagne was taken into custody for criminal trespassing.

Felicia Carbin threatens roommate with knife, tells her “I’m going to kill y’all or I am going to kill me!”

54-year-old Felicia Carbin was arguing with her roommate, Angela Robinson, about food in the fridge during the early hours of Sunday evening. Robinson confronted Carbin about possibly taking her food out of the refrigerator, leading to the argument. Carbin then went to the kitchen, grabbed a medium-sized butcher knife, faced Robinson, and said, “I’m going to kill y’all, or I am going to kill me!” Robinson told officers that she felt that the statement was targeted toward her and was scared for her life.

Carbin told officers Robinson went into her room without permission, which sparked the argument. She also said Robinson was upset that someone took her food out without her knowledge, which led to Robinson pushing her, causing her to fall. Carbin felt as though she needed a form of self-protection, so she grabbed a knife. She told officers that she had not made any threatening statements toward her.

Officers spoke with a witness, Ms Mccord, who was the homeowner, and she told officers that the argument was about Robinson’s food being removed from the fridge. She also corroborated that Carbin did go to the kitchen for a butter knife and did say, “I’m going to kill y’all, or I am going to kill me!” Due to her statement being almost identical to Robinson’s, officers determined that Carbin was the primary aggressor. Carbin was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault- deadly weapon int/kn.

DUI: Jorge Melgar found stumbling around vehicle

24-year-old Jorge Melgar was jailed on November 19th after police observed a truck parked on an embankment in the area of Clarksville Pike and Buena Vista. Melgar was in the parking lot, swaying and stumbling around behind the vehicle. Officers could smell alcohol on Melgar’s breath as he admitted that he had been drinking that night and stated that he was on his way home. When officers asked him where his home was, he gave an address that was approximately 20 minutes away but kept telling officers that it was right down the road. Melgar refused to do sobriety tests and was placed into custody. During a pat down, officers discovered a Glock 43 in his front pocket. The gun wasn’t loaded, but there were three rounds in the magazine.