Hyatt Al-Hasnawi threatens father over gun

23-year-old Hyatt Al-Hasnawi was booked on an outstanding warrant from September 12th after she threatened her father when he refused to give her his gun. Thaban Hasnawi told police that his daughter had been asking for his pistol, but it is under his name, and he didn’t feel comfortable giving it to her. After Thaban refused, Hyatt made threats over the phone, saying that if he didn’t give her the gun, she would do something to him in the morning. She never stated what would happen, but her father wished to prosecute her and was interested in an order of protection.

Austin Reese punches girlfriend, attempts to remove her from vehicle

23-year-old Austin Reese was in a domestic dispute with his girlfriend, Sydne McFarland, in the early hours of November 13th. McFarland advised officers that she and Reese had been arguing all day, and it escalated when he threw a bottle of soda at her back and punched her in the face, causing her lip to bleed. She stated that later that evening, when they were in the car arguing, Reese struck her on the head, resulting in her hitting her head against the passenger’s side window. Then, Reese stopped the car, walked to the passenger’s side, and grabbed McFarland’s arms to try to remove her from the vehicle. Officers observed injuries to McFarland and placed Reese into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: Anthony Higgins, barely able to walk, drives around parking lot

34-year-old Anthony Higgins was at the Shell gas station on November 12 when an anonymous citizen flagged officers down regarding him being impaired and trying to drive. Officers observed Higgins stumbling, trying to open his SUV door while swaying back and forth. Higgins then entered the gas station and later returned to his vehicle. Higgins began to drive off, then officers initiated a traffic stop in the parking lot, and Higgins circled the Shell before stopping. He advised officers that he had marijuana and smoked some earlier that night before consenting to sobriety tests and performing poorly. Higgins was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

DUI: Tydus Boner fights sister’s boyfriend after car accident

21-year-old Tydus Boner was involved in an altercation with his sister’s boyfriend, Serbando Galarza, on Shelby Street. On November 12. Boner was arguing with Nashville Fire Department personnel when officers arrived. Witnesses advised officers that Boner got out of a blue Mustang and began arguing with Galarza, who was in the black Mustang. They stated that Galarza was parked at the red light and tried to drive away from Boner, which caused him to run a red light, leading to a car accident with another vehicle that continued through the intersection. This caused Boner to become angry with Galarza because his sister was in the black Mustang with him during the collision, so he ran up to him and punched him several times in the face, leaving him with a black eye. Boner admitted to consuming liquor shots and a Bloody Mary at Jason Aldean’s Bar with his sister and Galarza before the incident. Police observed Boner to be visibly intoxicated as they found out that he did not have a valid Driver’s License. Boner told them that someone with a valid license was driving, but the alleged person denied being in the vehicle. Boner was Mirandized, read implied consent, and refused sobriety tests before being taken into custody for assault, driving under the influence, implied consent, and driving without a license.

Travis Presley speeds down I-24 with child in car

26-year-old Travis Aaron Presley was taken into custody on November 11th for recklessly driving on I-24 in September. Officers observed Presley nearly rear-end a vehicle, cut behind that car, and in front of a semi-truck with a trailer, and speed off going 90 mph in a 55-mph zone. Upon contact, it was discovered that Presley had a female passenger and a 7-year-old in the car with him at the time and was issued a citation instead of physical arrest.

DUI: Alyssa Coley found passed out in drivers seat

27-year-old Alyssa Coley was found passed out in her driver’s seat by NFD on November 12. Officers attempted to break the passenger side of the window because Coley was unresponsive to officers’ attempts to wake her. When awake, Coley told officers that she was driving home from a party and began feeling tired, so she pulled over to nap. She also started to say to officers that she only had one and a half drinks but later told them that she had mixed three drinks before driving home. Coley was observed to be heavily intoxicated, so officers took her to the hospital for a field sobriety test and a blood sample. Coley was taken into custody and charged with DUI.

Duaij Alkhalia pushes officers, resists arrest at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar

23-year-old Duaij Kalifa Alkhalifa was involved in an altercation at Jason Aldean’s Bar on November 12. Alkhalifa tried pushing through officers to get to the other individual involved in the incident and refused to back away when they ordered him to. Officers told him multiple times to stay back, but he refused, so they placed him under arrest, to which he began to resist. Alkhalifa was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Craig Miller stands in middle of Broadway, shows everyone his “Male Parts”

25-year-old Craig Miller was disorderly at Shake Shack on the night of November 10. Miller was in a fighting stance when officers arrived, so they put him in handcuffs before talking to the other citizen involved, who wished to remain anonymous, who advised them that Miller approached him and tried to take the Nikes he just purchased. A security guard from Legend’s Corner approached officers when they were talking to Miller and were advised that earlier, he was showing his male parts to everyone in the middle of the road, even with children present. Miller was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and indecent exposure.