Brandon Hawkins threatens safety of American Idol contestants

38-year-old Brandon Hawkins was at the Graduate Hotel on November 12 when security had to detain him due to his continuous attempts at entering the VIP area after being told to leave numerous times. The manager of Graduate Hotel was a witness to this and told Hawkins that he had to go. American Idol contestants stayed in the VIP section, so Hawkins was placed in handcuff for everyone’s safety. Hawkins was taken into custody and charged with trespassing.

DUI: Ethan Bishop covered in vomit, causes accident on one-way street

24-year-old Ethan David Bishop was involved in a car accident on Ensley Boulevard on November 13th. Bishop told officers he did not notice that he was going down a one-way street after leaving Broadway. Officers observed him to be visibly intoxicated and covered in vomit. Bishop consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and apologized for the accident, stating that he just wanted to get his brother home. Bishop was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Nathanial Jacob tackles, strangles boyfriend during argument

27-year-old Nathanial Jacob was jailed early Monday morning when officers responded to Old Matthews Road after he assaulted his boyfriend. Sergio Donis told officers that Nathanial started arguing with him for no reason. He said he was trying to leave when Nathanial tackled him to the floor in the hallway, and they began fighting. Sergio stated that Nathanial was on top of him and strangled him for about 40 seconds to the point where he had difficulty breathing and speaking. Officers observed a scratch on Sergio’s face, and a witness told officers they saw Nathanial on top of Sergio with his hand around his neck.

Kevin Alexander kicked out of Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa, upset he isn’t allowed back in

22-year-old Kevin Alexander was jailed on November 12th after officers were flagged down by security at Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa on Broadway. When the officers arrived, they observed Kevin kicking the bar sign and being aggressive toward security. He then became aggressive with the officers and was detained. Security advised that Kevin was kicked out of the bar earlier in the day and became aggressive when he couldn’t re-enter.

Justin Fowler gets drunk and steals woman’s purse

35-year-old Justin Matthew Fowler was drunk and disorderly at Ole Red on the night of November 12th. Security flagged down officers and advised them that Fowler had taken a woman’s purse. Fowler spoke with officers about the incident and was visibly intoxicated and could not maintain his train of thought as they questioned him. He was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Jena Harris attempts to assault boyfriend with metal baseball bat

20-year-old Jena Harris was jailed on November 12th after assaulting her boyfriend on Columbus Trace Court. Jena’s aunt told officers she had been arguing with her boyfriend all day and throwing items around the house. She stated that Jena lost her temper and hit her boyfriend in the face. Jena then picked up a metal baseball bat and swung it at her boyfriend. The boyfriend told officers that he tried to calm his girlfriend down, but she still hit him in the face. He explained the incident with the baseball bat and advised that he was able to take it from her before being hit. Jena admitted to hitting her boyfriend but denied swinging the baseball bat.

DUI: Danielle Pigott rear-ends police vehicle

23-year-old Danielle Pigott was involved in a car accident at Korean Veterans Blvd. on November 11th. Officer Roel advised that when he was leaving the Music City Center parking garage, Pigott rear-ended his vehicle. Pigott admitted to consuming alcohol around an hour before the accident, consented to sobriety tests, and performed poorly. Pigott was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Christopher Kemp found drunk in parking lot, runs away from police

21-year-old Christopher Kemp was jailed on November 12th after officers observed him lying in the parking lot of the Horton Events Building on Lafayette Street. When officers approached Kemp and asked for his ID, he stood up and started walking away. They stopped him by restraining him, but he pulled away and ran into the middle of the intersection of 7th and Lafayette. When officers displayed their taser, Kemp finally complied. He had bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils, and sluggish speech and movements consistent with the use of narcotics. Officers also observed a bottle of beer beside him. A trespass waiver was already on Kemp’s file for that location, so he was taken into custody.  

Stephanie Lavalley drunkenly yells racial slurs at officers

28-year-old Stephanie Lynn Lavalley was drunk at One Hotel on the morning of November 12th. Officers were dispatched regarding a kidnapping and spoke with Lavalley, who was visibly intoxicated and repeatedly asked what happened to her baby, who she later said was in New Jersey. One of the hotel staff members spoke with officers and advised them that Lavalley walked up to her and said a man in a van attempted to kidnap her. The staff provided footage of the incident showing that Lavalley arrived in a minivan, walked away, turned around, ran back, got into the front seat, and spoke with the driver as he handed her his phone. Then, Lavalley exited the van, ran back again, and opened the doors to look for something; the driver walked over to her and spoke with her before she walked to the hotel staff. Officers asked Lavalley where she was staying and who she was with. Lavalley could not answer, so they placed her under arrest. Lavalley then began to yell racial slurs, telling the officers that they had small penises and that she would be laughing when their mother died. Then, she began to laugh maniacally in the back of the patrol car as she was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Ellie Bemrose drunkenly gets into someone else’s Uber on Broadway

21-year-old Ellie Bemrose got into an Uber that she did not request on Broadway in the early hours of November 12th. The driver flagged down the officers, and they escorted Bemrose out of the vehicle. Bemrose was visibly intoxicated as officers attempted to assist her in getting home. However, she did not have a wallet, a phone, or any numbers of family or friends. Bemrose was taken into custody for public intoxication.