Devin Gardner drives carelessly; charged with possession

20-year-old Devin Gardner was found carelessly driving on the road by local law enforcement on October 12. When officers made contact with Gardner, they smelt a strong odor of marijuana. Gardner told them that he had smoked in the vehicle the night prior. This statement was probable cause to search Gardner’s car. Officers found a plastic bag full of marijuana as well as a joint rolling tool, scale, and tray with marijuana residue on it, which Gardner also admitted was his. Gardner was taken into custody and charged with possession of controlled substance.

Leslie Glasgow spends $700 on roommate’s credit card, “You said I could I buy cigarettes”

60-year-old Leslie Glasgow reportedly used her roommate, James Redicker’s, credit card without his permission for transactions dating between October 26th and November 2nd. Officers were dispatched to Lester Ave. on November 3rd regarding a domestic report and spoke with Redicker as they arrived. Redicker advised officers that he was transported to a Mental Health facility on October 26th, left his wallet at his apartment, and came back to $794.00 worth of purchases made with his card. He stated that when he asked Glasgow about it, she replied, “You said I could buy cigarettes.” Redicker called the customer helpline for his credit card as the officers listened to them list off the unauthorized purchases. Officers spoke with Glasgow, who provided receipts correlating with the purchases that the helpline listed and admitted to using Redicker’s card for them. Glasgow was taken into custody for fraudulent use of a credit card on November 4th.

DUI: Cordero Blake runs red light on Old Hickory Blvd

26-year-old Cordero Blake ran a red light on Old Hickory Boulevard in the early hours of November 8th and was observed by officers, so they conducted a traffic stop. Officers smelled a strong odor of marijuana as they approached the driver’s side door, and when they asked Blake to step outside of the vehicle for questioning, he was visibly impaired. The marijuana smell gave probable cause for deputies to search Blake’s car. In their search, officers located a loaded .45 handgun under the driver’s seat. Blake refused to perform sobriety tests or provide a blood or breath sample, so he was placed into custody for possessing a handgun while being under the influence, failure to obey a traffic control device implied consent violation, and driving under the influence.

Destiny Fleming hits parked vehicle, only had “One Drink” at Batters Box Bar

29-year-old Destiny Fleming was involved in a car accident at The Batter’s Box Bar on November 8th. Officers spoke with Erica Scott, a witness to the incident, as they arrived, who advised them that she had seen Fleming drinking in the bar before leaving and attempting to open the door of a car that looked like hers but was not. Scott stated that Fleming then got into her car, began to drive, and backed into a parked truck. Thomas Ruggio, another witness, told officers that Fleming attempted to get in his vehicle after stumbling out of the bar. Deputies spoke with Fleming, who said to them that she went into The Batter’s Box after she got off work and had “one drink.” Officers observed her to be visibly intoxicated as she insisted that she only got into her car to park in a different spot so her friend could come pick her up. Fleming refused to take sobriety tests or give a breath sample and was charged with driving under the influence and implied consent.

Emily Pederson too drunk to fly at Nashville International Airport

25-year-old Emily Nicole Pederson was causing a disturbance at The Southern Steak and Oyster restaurant inside Nashville Airport on November 7th. Officers spoke with an employee of the restaurant who advised them that they wanted Pederson to pay her tab and leave due to her yelling at a bartender and annoying other customers. Pederson started crying after officers approached her to introduce themselves as she provided her identification. Officers noticed her to be visibly intoxicated and assisted her in gathering her belongings and rebooking her flight. Pederson was escorted to her gate after successfully rebooking and was advised by officers to stay there until her flight was boarding. Deputies spoke with Southwest representatives about ensuring Pederson could get home tonight, and they insisted they would try. The Southwest Representative called officers and told them Pederson had left the area and entered the Men’s restroom, making males uncomfortable. Officers located her, and she told them she was waiting for a friend to pick her up; when they asked her if she knew where she was, she insisted she was in Charlotte, NC. Pederson was deemed unable to take care of herself and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Nickolas Brown slams ex-girlfriend into table over lease

24-year-old Nickolas Brown was involved in a domestic dispute with his ex-girlfriend, Tara Jean Johnson, at Ramstone Way on October 24th. Officers spoke with Johnson, who explained that they discussed their lease when Brown came home from work since they had recently broken up. The discussion caused him to become enraged, grabbing her by the neck and throwing her onto their table, causing her to hit her head. Johnson stated that when she got up to get away, Brown grabbed her by the hair and yanked her back, so she tried to push him away. As he attempted to grab her again, Brown bit her right pinky finger and chased her as she ran outside to where her friends were waiting. Johnson got into her friend’s vehicle and escaped to their home on Summercrest Boulevard, where she would be safe to contact authorities. Officers observed purple-red bruising on Johnson’s neck and chest, a scrape on her right leg, a knot on the left side of her forehead, and a possible broken pinky finger. Brown was taken into custody for domestic assault on November 6th.

Harley King pretends to be maintenance to see ex-girlfriend, violates order of protection

41-year-old Harley King was taken into custody on November 7th for violating the conditions of his order of protection on October 25th. King’s ex-girlfriend, Irma Chacon, advised officers that she was in Hermitage, TN, looking for a new place to stay. She was there for about 15 minutes when she was informed that someone, later identified as King, was claiming to be her husband and knocking on doors pretending to be maintenance. Chacon stated that King did not live there and believed that he had been following her. King approached her and asked to talk, saying that he wanted to get back together, and tried to convince her to leave with him. Chacon was concerned for her safety and called the police.

Mark Boutsisomphone pushes, threatens mother with knife; “We are all dead”

27-year-old Mark Boutsisomphone was involved in a domestic disturbance with his mother, Kheo Boutsisomphone, at Whites Creek Pike Apartments on October 23rd. Officers arrived and spoke with Kheo, who advised them that she and Mark had previously argued, and she left with her daughter and came back to kick him out of the apartment when he pushed the door open, pushing her out of the way. Then an argument ensued in the kitchen as Kheo was telling Mark that he could no longer stay there, so he picked up a kitchen knife and said, “We are all dead.” if the police or anyone else tried to remove him from the residence. Kheo felt threatened by this, and Mark left as the argument ended. Kheo’s neighbor, who witnessed the incident, spoke with police and confirmed Kheo’s statements. Mark Boutsisomphone was taken into custody on November 7th for aggravated assault.

Danny Sherrell smashes windows of multiple vehicles, steals Hyundai Sonata

18-year-old Danny Sherrell was taken into custody on November 7th for burglaries that occurred at Summerfield Place Apartments and Piccadilly Apartments on October 1. Xavier Henderson and James Oglesby advised officers that the windows of their vehicles were broken out and provided footage showing Sherrell and another suspect arriving in a silver sedan with a rear driver’s side door broken out at Summer Place Apartments and were pulling on car door handles.

Later that day, Andrew Weiss reported that his black Hyundai Sonata was stolen from Piccadilly Apartments. Officers recovered Weiss’s car at a home on Precious Drive, and the resident provided surveillance showing Sherrell parking the car and walking away. Deputies were notified that Sherrell and his accomplice were staying at Elm Hill Pike behind an apartment building and were given footage revealing them wearing the same clothes as the suspects. Sherell was identified with assistance from an MNPD SRO at McGavock High School and was charged with theft of property and two counts of burglarizing a vehicle.

A’Dara Pittman destroys neighbor’s security camera, ex-boyfriend’s car with hammer

32-year-old A’Dara Pittman called officers to her residence on Bell Road on November 4th. Pittman spoke with them as they arrived and advised them that she smashed the windows of the SUV that belonged to her ex-boyfriend, Carlos Atkins, with a hammer. Officers observed the smashed windows and the hammer, correlating to her statements, and were unable to contact Atkins. While outside the residence Pittman became irate when officers tried to clarify some statements made by her. Pittman then ran over to the vehicle and stated, “I smashed this window out, this window out, and smashed these mirrors”. Pittman later began arguing with her neighbor, officers were able to separate her and her neighbor. Officers had to calm Pittman down before she returned to her apartment for the night. Officers were then summoned back for a separate incident regarding Pittman knocking her neighbor’s surveillance camera off the apartment building. Pittman admitted to destroying the camera and throwing it toward the wood line behind the apartment complex. She was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and vandalism.