DUI: Magdalena Campos drives without license, causes accident

37-year-old Magdalena Neri-Campos was involved in a car accident on I-40 W on November 3rd. Medics told officers that the driver, Campos, was intoxicated and did not speak English. Once they arrived, they were able to confirm that as they observed her to have bloodshot eyes and an odor of alcohol. Campos stated she had no idea what happened regarding the accident and consented to sobriety tests. Campos exhibited signs of impairment and was unable to complete the tests due to her having to use the restroom. Officers were advised that Campos also had no valid driver’s license. Campos was taken into custody for driving under the influence and not having a driver’s license.

Randall Morgan assaults, threatens to shoot officer “there would be one less black person on the street”

37-year-old Randall Morgan was causing a disturbance at Rivergate Parkway in the early hours of Saturday Morning when he became highly aggressive and agitated. Employees attempted to get Morgan out of the building, and as they did, he grabbed the security officer by the throat until officers arrived on the scene. While in custody and transport, Morgan told officers that he was a Federal Marshall and said to the arresting officer that he would “shoot him when he got out of jail and that there would be one less black person on the street.” When arriving at the intake room, Morgan turned around and kicked the officer in the chest before being taken down. Morgan was taken into custody and charged with assault and disorderly conduct.

Joshua Tumnyni resists arrest; tells officers “That’s why we need guns to kill officers”

22-year-old Joshua Tumnyni was driving recklessly on Long Hollow Pike on November 5th as he sped towards the left lane that officers had blocked off due to a disabled vehicle. As officers waved him down for questioning, Tumnyni attempted to re-enter the right lane. He advised officers that he noticed their blue lights activated and that the only reason that he was attempting to pass vehicles in the right lane was because he was running late for work. Tumnyni then continuously refused to provide his driver’s documents to officers. He sat back in his vehicle in a defensive posture after being warned that he would be removed if he kept being non-compliant. Officers opened the door and grabbed Tumnyni’s arm, and then he began reaching towards the passenger seat, causing officers to draw their tasers. Tumnyni was successfully removed from the vehicle as he told officers, “That’s why we need guns to kill officers.” He was taken into custody for reckless driving, resisting arrest, and retaliation for past actions.

Lisa Thach prevents customer from leaving East Nail Bar; charged with assault

56-year-old Lisa Thach was involved in an altercation at her job, East Nail Bar, with customer April Taylor on October 12th. Taylor spoke with officers and advised them that she was getting her nails done, and Thach kept messing them up and restarting the process. After almost two hours, Taylor was tired of Thach’s attempts to fix her nails and decided to leave. Thach reportedly kept reaching for Taylor’s hands so she could keep working on them despite being told not to, and when Taylor left the salon, Thach followed her and “grabbed” her at Suite 1. Taylor let officers know that she wished to prosecute. Lisa Thach was taken into custody for assault on November 1st.

DUI: Tyler Blevins flips his car and crashes into light pole

29-year-old Tyler Blevins was involved in a car accident at 11th Ave. N in the early hours of November 5th. Blevins was sitting outside his vehicle as officers arrived, and he advised them that he was driving southbound on 11th Ave. N when a woman with her dog crossed the road, causing him to swerve to avoid them, causing his vehicle to flip over and hit a light pole. Witnesses told officers they heard the crash but did not see any woman with a dog crossing the road. Blevins was noted to have slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, and a strong smell of alcohol on his person. Visibly intoxicated, Blevins told officers he did not consume any alcohol and that he had back pain. He refused to partake in sobriety tests, was read implied consent, and was transported to Vanderbilt Hospital. Blevins was taken into custody for driving under the influence and implied consent.

Amarian Oglesby pepper sprays ex-boyfriend who “whooped his ass”

20-year-old Amarian Oglesby was booked on an outstanding warrant from August 1st, when he assaulted his ex-boyfriend, Anton Burns, on Claiborne Street after he told him he didn’t want to be with him anymore. Burns told police that Oglesby became angry and began to grab onto his shirt and put his hands on him. Anton explained that he fought back and “whooped his ass,” which led Oglesby to spray him in the face with pepper spray. Anton’s eyes were swollen, red, and sensitive to light. There were also traces of spray inside the home, enough to cause the officers to keep coughing.