Alexander Hutchins urinates on side of downtown jail

25-year-old Alexander Hutchins was booked Sunday night after urinating on the Sherrif’s Office building. As an officer was leaving booking on an unrelated arrest, he saw Hutchins facing the building with one hand in front of his body and a puddle in front of him. The officer shined his flashlight and told Mr. Hutchins that it wasn’t a good spot for him to urinate. The officer then walked to the side of him and observed Mr. Hutchins’ genitals as he zipped up his pants. When the officer announced that he was “Metro PD,” Mr. Hutchins faced him, and the officer was able to see his red, watery eyes as he swayed while standing and slurred that he only had a mile to walk to his vehicle. He told the officer that his cousin would pick him up at his vehicle. Based on Hutchins’ level of intoxication and urinating on a government building, the officer arrested him for public intoxication and transported him around the corner to booking. Once inside, he advised DCSO that Hutchins was urinating on their building, and he was booked.

Brantley Woods charged with disorderly conduct after threatening to shoot police officers

39-year-old Brantley Emelle Woods was disorderly in the parking lot of Advanced Financial on November 2nd. Officers were dispatched regarding a fight in progress and observed Woods yelling and threatening to kill people as they arrived. Woods was asked to calm down and told officers that he was going to cash his check, buy an AR-15, and shoot the officers at the scene. He continued to yell and refused to calm down, so he was taken into custody for disorderly conduct.

Koby Halley charged with public intoxication and assaulting a police officer after drunken brawl

44-year-old Koby Halley was booked Friday Morning after assaulting a man on Demonbreun Street. Jay Marlar told police that Haley pushed him into a ground-level window. Marlar tried to leave, but Halley grabbed him by his chest. Marlar kicked Halley in the face to try to get away, causing a cut to his face. Video footage corroborated the victim’s account of events. While the police spoke with Halley, they noticed he was visibly drunk and unable to answer simple questions. It was clear he couldn’t care for himself and presented a danger to others. As police tried to arrest Halley he resisted and kicked an officer in the chest.

Aiden Duffy jailed for public intoxication after being found trying to break into vehicle on Blair Boulevard

26-year-old Aiden Duffy was found intoxicated at Blair Boulevard in the early hours of November 3rd . Officers were dispatched regarding him knocking on and pulling the door handles of a car parked outside a Blair Boulevard residence. Officers observed Duffy leaning on the resident’s vehicle as they arrived and could not give them an answer as to why he was there, where he was, or where he was going. Duffy was visibly impaired and told officers he had not “drank that much” before being taken into custody for public intoxication.

Joel Burton: too drunk to fly at Nashville Airport

41-year-old Joel Burton was jailed early Monday morning after being drunk at Nashville International Airport. Last night, he told officers that he had been drinking but just wanted to catch his flight home. The police officer advised Burton that the airline would not allow him to fly due to his level of intoxication. He was then escorted to ground transportation, where he caught an Uber and left the premises. A few hours later, the police noticed Burton again, sitting outside on a bench wearing different clothing and now a hat. He was stumbling away, trying to avoid contact with the officers. His speech was slurred more than it had been earlier. He admitted to drinking and said he was still trying to get home. Hutchins did not remember that the officers already explained that his flight had been rebooked for early the next morning, and he was taken into custody as he was unable to care for himself in public.

Peter Lovell charged with public intoxication after threatening to fight patrons at Whiskey Row

22-year-old Peter Lovell was booked early Friday morning for annoying people at Whiskey Row. Officers were flagged down by security, who stated that Lovell was threatening to fight people in the area. He was also acting aggressively toward workers at a nearby hot dog stand. Police approached Lovell and informed him that he was drunk in public and gave him the opportunity to call his wife, but the number he provided did not work. He then lied to officers, stating that he had a cab waiting for him on Broadway. He finally got into a cab but couldn’t tell the driver the address of where he was staying. He was also dropping his garbage from his hot dog all over the inside of the taxi, causing the driver to refuse him a ride. Officers noted that throughout the incident, Lovell continually asked the same question over and over again, accusing officers of never answering his question even though they had answered him several times. Officers determined Lovell was unable to take care of himself and he was arrested for public intoxication.

Ryan Smith charged for ignoring police and evading arrest after obstructing lane of traffic

45-year-old Ryan L Smith was parked in the middle of Rep. John Lewis Way N for a couple of minutes on November 2nd as officers approached and asked if he needed assistance. Smith advised officers he had stopped so he could program his GPS and began to berate them when they told him he could not park in the middle of a lane of travel. He told officers that they did not know how to do their jobs, that there were “better” things that they could be doing, and that they needed to “cut people a break”. Officers told Smith that they were attempting to “cut him a break” by telling him to move along but he continued to scold them, so they initiated a traffic stop for obstructing a lane of travel. Smith drove off but officers were able to keep up on foot as he approached a red light and when they told him to stop again, he looked at them and said, “No.” before driving off again. Officers caught up to Smith and were able to place him in custody for failure to comply with an order and evading arrest.

Elias Martinez jailed for disorderly conduct after causing scene over “witches” that were “out to get him”

22-year-old Elias Martinez was disorderly in a market on October 30 as officers observed a small crowd watching Martinez from a distance. Martinez was speaking Spanish about witches who were “out to get him” while being very reactive with metal signs in each of his hands. Officers warned Martinez numerous times to put down the signs as they had a market employee translate for them and when he continued to refuse, they had to discharge their taser. Martinez was put into handcuffs and hobbles as he tried to kick the officers arresting him. Martinez was placed in custody for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Jazell Freeman jailed for punching ex-boyfriend after accusing him of leaking their sex tape

18-year-old Jazell Freeman was jailed for punching her ex-boyfriend in the eye after accusing him of leaking their sex tape. Thomas Clardy and Ms. Freeman dated from September until October 29th. While at school on October 30th, a rumor was started by an unknown party that a sex tape of the two was released, and multiple people had seen it. Mr. Clardy told Freeman that the video didn’t exist and that he had no idea who started the rumor. Later in the day, Freeman confronted Clardy again and became extremely upset, blaming him for it. Clardy told police he tried to calm her down, but she continued to yell about the situation and ended up punching him in the left eye. Mr. Cardy stated that his eye was swollen and hurt, but there was no visible injury at the time of the report.

DUI: Jacob Walker, 20, charged with underage drinking after crashing into two vehicles

20-year-old Jacob Walker was involved in a crash at the intersection of 33rd Avenue North and Alameda St. on November 1st. TSU police alerted officers regarding an impaired driver crashing into two vehicles, fleeing, and then returning to the scene. Officers spoke with Walker, who was visibly intoxicated as he admitted to leaving the scene, consuming alcohol, and being too impaired to drive. Walker consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Walker refused to provide a breath sample and spoke with witnesses who positively identified him. Walker was placed in custody for leaving the scene of an accident, implied consent, driving under the influence, and underage consumption of alcohol.