Tourist Jake Pinn spits on and headbutts officers in downtown Nashville

23-year-old Jacob Pinn passed out on Broadway before waking up, spitting on and headbutting officers on Saturday night. Officers were dispatched to Mellow Mushroom in response to a medical call regarding an unresponsive male on the sidewalk. EMS arrived and began to transport Pinn on the stretcher; then Pinn woke up being aggressive, swinging at the paramedics. Officers tried to ask Pinn to lie back down, and then Pinn responded by spitting in Officer Bergquist’s face and headbutting Officer Ntahonirukiye’s lip even after being told to stop multiple times. Pinn was taken into custody for public intoxication, two counts of assault on officers, and resisting arrest.

Marris Jones wrecks yellow Corvette in DUI crash

61-year-old Marris Jones rear-ended a white Chevrolet at the intersection of Elm Hill Pk. and Murfreesboro Pk. on the night of October 20th. Officers arrived and noticed a damaged, yellow Corvette and three people, including Jones, on the sidewalk. The two others were a couple who witnessed the accident and told officers that Jones rear-ended the Chevrolet at a red light, and then the Chevrolet fled shortly after. Officers asked Jones what happened and observed him to be visibly intoxicated. Jones consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly before being placed under arrest for driving under the influence.

Tourist Jonathon O’Donnell jailed after drunkenly urinating on downtown building on Broadway

35-year-old Jonathan O’Donnell was urinating on the side of the Merchant’s building on Broadway in downtown Nashville Friday night when police encountered him. When asked what he was doing, he simply replied, “I’m good.” When asked why he was urinating in public, he claimed his wife was inside the building — however, the building is currently closed for renovations. O’Donnell was taken into custody and transported to booking. 

Sandra Peterson jailed after threatening fellow passengers on a plane at Nashville Airport

60-year-old Sandra Peterson was reportedly threatening passengers on a plane at the Nashville International Airport Friday night. Officers were dispatched to gate C15 and observed Peterson standing in the aisle of the airplane as they arrived. Peterson was visibly intoxicated as officers helped her get off the plane and up the jet bridge for further questioning. Peterson told officers that she had two double shots and that her daughter was supposed to be picking her up from the airport. Officers gave Peterson a chance to get picked up, but her phone was dead, and she could not get in contact with anyone. Peterson was placed under arrest for public intoxication and transported to booking.

Cody Bearden assaults bouncers, uses racial slurs at Kid Rock’s bar in downtown Nashville

32-year-old Cody Bearden was with a friend at Kid Rock’s Bar in downtown Nashville late Friday night when his friend fell. Security advised Bearden to take his friend outside of the bar due to his level of intoxication. Bearden, who was visiting from Illinois, then assaulted two bouncers when they attempted to remove him from the bar, and was overheard calling them racial slurs. Bearden was taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct. 

Arthur Jay Gann says he’s “rich and will sue the police” who arrested him in downtown Nashville

33-year-old Texas Tourist Arthur Jay Gann repeatedly told Metro Nashville Police he would sue the officer and the department because ‘I’m rich,” as they placed him in the back of a patrol car in downtown Nashville Friday evening. Gann had been detained by security at the Lucky Bastard Saloon after being disorderly inside the bar and threatening security staff and officers with violence. He was extremely intoxicated and was transported to booking, despite his wishes otherwise. 

Gage Henry jailed after fighting with bouncers & fleeing from police in downtown Nashville

23-year-old Georgia man Gage Henry was at the Nashville Underground in downtown Nashville early Saturday morning when he attempted to exit the venue with a food tray. When security confronted him about leaving with their property, he began to fight them and refused to return the tray. He fled on Broadway toward Kid Rock’s Bar, where he was detained by Metro Nashville Police. Gage then slipped the grasp of officers and fled to 4th & Demonbruen before being apprehended by officers. He admitted to punching the bouncer and fleeing from the scene.