Terry Eicher jailed for violating an order of protection; watching victim from empty apartment

32-year-old Terry Eicher has an active order of protection from a woman who called the police on September 29th, 2022. Kaylyn Aznavorian said that she came home to her apartment at Lincoya Bay Dr. that evening and saw Terry in the apartment above hers, looking through the window at her. He does not live there, and there is a video in the order of protection where Terry said that he squats in the apartment above her to harass or intimidate her. Police knocked on the above apartment, 810, after confirming the protection order with the Sheriff’s Department, and there was no contact. Kaylyn told police that she was sure it was Terry in the window and went downtown to swear a warrant out for the order of protection violation. He was arrested for the protection order violation on September 20th.

David Reeves calls 14-year-old son ‘soft’ and slaps him across the face

43-year-old David Reeves’ sons told police, who showed up to the Grandstaff Apartments in response to a domestic assault call, that he picked them up from school, and they believed that he was intoxicated on September 18th. The boys said they argued with David about learning to drive until they arrived at the apartment. Once there, they said David “squared up” with the older brother, who did not wish to fight his father. He said that he sat down on the couch and ignored him. The younger son, 14 years old, told police that David called him “soft” and slapped him across the face. Police spoke to the boys’ mother, who corroborated their story. She said that she saw the slap and stepped between them to mitigate the issue, which placed them in fear of David. Police reported no physical sign of the slap, but they said it was hours before they responded to the call due to the volume of calls of service. David was not present when the police arrived, and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Jeremiah Nakley charged after fleeing the scene of an accident

19-year-old Jeremiah Nakely was cited for admittedly leaving the scene of an accident on Murfreesboro Pike. Police found Jeremiah on foot and ran his license through their system to find it was suspended. Jeremiah was reportedly driving a 2008 Nissan Altima that failed to yield for an emergency vehicle running lights and sirens, causing the collision from which he fled. He was booked for the related charges on September 19th.

Floyd Davis charged with drug possession for a gram of marijuana during traffic stop

28-year-old Floyd Davis was pulled over on 24th Ave for a traffic violation on August 19th, where the officer found his license to be suspended. He agreed to let police search his vehicle after they claimed to have smelled marijuana in the vehicle. Floyd told police that he does smoke weed but had not that day. Inside the vehicle, police found a rolled joint with what Floyd said had maybe a gram of marijuana. He told police he did not remember it was there and was cited for possessing the controlled substance. He was booked on the charge of drug possession on September 19th.

Carmen Mccreedy beats her nephew bloody with a golf club in his bedroom

62-year-old Carmen Mccreedy was jailed early Friday morning after assaulting her nephew with a golf club on Lyncrest Drive. River Pollington was lying in bed watching YouTube videos on his phone when McCreedy came into his room and snatched his phone, saying, “I have to go to sleep!” According to Pollington, his aunt began swinging a golf club at him. He put her in a headlock to stop her from hitting him with the golf club. He then let her go and ran out of the room while she chased behind him, still swinging the golf club. He ended up running in a circle back to his room and tried shutting the door, but McCreedy lodged the door open with the end of the club. Pollington forced the door shut, snapping the gold club in half. The top part of the golf club was found on the bed. Blood covered the edge of the sheets inside the room. Pollington had a bloody injury to his left shin, and his skin was taken off his left forearm. Police observed the lock on the door frame to be damaged as a result of the golf club. Officers observed damage to the frame separating the hallway from the living room where Pollington fled from the swinging club.

Mccreedy stated that her nephew was playing loud music on his phone all night while she was trying to sleep and got tired of hearing it. She said not only did she go into her nephew’s room and take the phone, but she also threw it and broke it. Due to the severity of the injuries and the admission of throwing the phone, McCreedy was determined the primary aggressor and taken into custody.

Mitzie Riley knocks man off motorcycle with her car in road rage incident

53-year-old Mitzie Riley was jailed on Thursday evening after police say she purposely rear-ended a motorcycle at a red light on Old Hickory Boulevard. Matthew Morrow was not injured but had visible damage to his motorcycle. Officers made contact with two third-party witnesses on the scene who stated Morrow and Riley were in a road rage incident. It seemed Riley was upset with the motorcycle weaving through traffic and purposely used her vehicle as a weapon to knock Morrow off his motorcycle.

DUI: Tabatha Perry says she only smoked marijuana before having to be revived with Narcan

38-year-old Tabatha Perry was booked on a citation from August 28th after running off the road and hitting a metal guardrail on the shoulder of I-40 near Old Hickory Boulevard. When police responded to the crash, they found Perry unconscious in the driver’s seat of her Dodge Caravan. She was shallowly breathing, and her skin was purple. Police administered a dose of Narcan in an attempt to revive her. Once awoken, she was transported to Centennial Hospital for medical attention. Police interviewed Perry at the hospital, where she told them that she smoked a joint at her mother’s house before taking her to Vanderbilt and that she hadn’t had much sleep within the past 24 hours, which is why she dozed off while driving and hit the guardrail. Perry consented to field sobriety tests, but only one could be performed due to her being in the hospital bed.

Alexandra Pirtle charged with DUI in early-morning crash on Interstate

23-year-old Alexandra Pirtle was jailed Friday Morning after crashing on I-40. During the investigation, officers observed her wobbling while standing, smelling strongly of alcohol, and slurring her speech while she explained that she had lost control of her vehicle after swerving to avoid a car that had cut her off. Officers asked Pirtle if she had anything to drink, to which she advised she had two drinks before leaving work. She was asked to consent to sobriety tests but refused and was taken into custody.

Jonathan Swader jailed on DUI charge after falling asleep behind the wheel

32-year-old RN Jonathan Swader of Chattanooga was jailed Friday morning after officers observed a truck improperly parked in the grass on Old Hickory Boulevard. He was reportedly asleep in the driver’s seat with the keys in the ignition. The truck was on, but the engine was not running, and the transmission was neutral. He woke up confused and made incoherent statements. He was asked several times to exit the vehicle and stumbled while doing so. Swader admitted to consuming two beers at a “low-key bar” along with two shots of tequila and another beer at the Bridgestone Arena. He declined to provide a breath sample, nor would he consent to sobriety tests. After he was arrested, he admitted to drinking before driving.