David Johnson goes bananas over fruit stand, destroys man’s way of making a living

48-year-old David Johnson told police he didn’t like that Diego Jimenez had a fruit stand in a public area near his property on Antioch Pike. Late Sunday night, Johnson parked his vehicle next to the fruit vendor’s stand and began to throw and destroy all of the fruit from the canopied cart. He then picked up the table and canopy and flipped them over, destroying the entire fruit stand and all of the product, which was estimated to be $3,000 in damages. Due to the felony amount of the vandalism, Johnson was taken into custody and transported to booking. 

Lavinia Shearron jailed after pepper spraying 16-year-old daughter for being disrespectful

42-year-old Lavinia Shearron was jailed on September 12th after pepper spraying her 16-year-old on Franklin Road. The juvenile reported that she and her mother had gotten into an argument that led to her being pepper sprayed. Shearron told police that her daughter was being very disrespectful, and she confronted her daughter because she needed to be disciplined for speaking to her disrespectfully. The juvenile had walked into one of the rooms within the apartment, and when she came out, her mother pulled pepper spray from her bra and sprayed her. Shearron claims she did it out of a reaction because although she saw nothing in her daughter’s hands, she knew there were heavy objects in that room that her daughter may have used to throw at her. Ms. Shearron was taken into custody, and the juvenile was transported to Vanderbilt Children’s hospital.

Zaria Bibbs bear sprays man, threatens to have family & friends come for him

23-year-old Zaria Bibbs was jailed after spraying her nephew’s father with bear spray. Zaria’s nephew was out to eat with his mother, Brianna, and his father, Corey Boyd. Shortly after dinner, Brianna received a call from her sister Zaria stating that she would not hang out with Corey. While on the phone, Zaria began to threaten Corey, saying she would shoot him and have her dad kill him. Brianna stepped out of the vehicle, leaving Corey and LC, her juvenile son, in the backseat. A few moments later, Zaria pulled up in the parking lot and sprayed bear spray through the driver’s side window that was already rolled down.

While spraying the car, she told Corey she had other cars en route to help her. Although Corey was in pain and couldn’t see properly, he drove out of the parking lot to avoid any further issues with Zaria. He then drove home to Marquin Drive, where he called the police. The dispatcher could hear Corey and his juvenile son in the background, “coughing and having problems breathing.” While police spoke with Corey, he constantly wiped his face with sanitizing napkins. The blood vessels in his eyes were large and inflamed. Some type of dried residue was also observed on the dashboard and driver’s window of Corey’s vehicle. The officers asked LC how he was doing, and he replied, “Good, my eyes are clean.” He didn’t appear to be in any discomfort.

Apple Airtag leads police to stolen vehicle driven by Corey Little

18-year-old Corey Little was jailed after police observed him driving a vehicle that was reported stolen on September 12th. Kayla Guthrie called the police, stating that her Audi was stolen, and using an AirTag, she was able to track it to Ogden Drive and Mayer Lane. An officer began heading in that direction and ended up directly behind the vehicle while en route traveling on Ogden Drive. The Audi suddenly stopped in the middle of the road, and the driver exited. The driver then walked toward the patrol vehicle and was immediately detained by police. He stated that he didn’t know the car was stolen and that he had been walking on County Hospital Road when a friend from Middle school pulled up next to him and asked him to get in. After a few minutes of driving around, the friend, Tony, offered to sell the car to Mr. Little for $500. Little had no driver’s license but still agreed to purchase the vehicle. The approximate value of the Audi is over $60,000.

Amjed Alzedan threatens to kill his mother-in-law during argument

24-year-old Amjed Alzedan was booked early Tuesday morning after his mother-in-law reported that he threatened to harm her and her daughter. Taghrid Yasin stated that when she came home, she was immediately involved in a dispute over money by her husband. He became aggressive and argumentative, telling his mother-in-law, “If I don’t kill y’all, I will get someone else to do it.” The mother-in-law grabbed her phone to call the police, but Alzedan snatched it from her and pushed her against the wall.

Zacchaeus Lee charged with punching roommate during argument

21-year-old Zacchaeus Lee was jailed Tuesday morning after reportedly assaulting his roommate on Shorewind Bay. Officers spoke with Brian Russell, who stated that Lee forced himself into his room, and the two began arguing. The argument moved to the living room and escalated when Lee punched Brian in the face, causing visible bodily injury to his left cheek. A witness on the scene stated he saw both parties fighting through a camera located inside the house.

Kristen McAloon too drunk to fly at Nashville International Airport

Nashville International Airport officers identified 35-year-old Kristen McAloon after being called for her being irate due to being denied boarding her flight. Kristen was not cooperating with JetBlue airline staff when police contacted her. She told police she only had two beers at the airport through slurred speech. Police told her to leave the gate and that she would be escorted by a taxi because she was refunded for the flight for being too intoxicated. She began to yell and cuss, causing police to place her into custody for public intoxication.

Nikitah Skyy charged with broomstick assault at Franklin Pike party

22-year-old Nikitah Skyy posted a video of her hitting a woman in the head with a metal broomstick at a party on Franklin Pike on social media on August 14th, leading her to be arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Police were approached by the victim’s, Tyra Melton, friends at the party on August 11th when they arrived to a call of a fight involving a weapon. They said Tyra had been struck in the head, and police observed that she had severe bleeding from a cut on her head and seemed in extreme pain. At the time of this report, they said that Nikitah approached Tyra from behind and hit her, so they had no idea who hit her but could describe her. Tyra said that she ran away after being struck, and there was a small scuffle between her and Nikitah, but it was broken up by her friends. Four days later, they called the police again to report that Nikitah posted the video. Tyra stated that after she was treated on her own accord, the assault caused her to receive four stitches in her head.

John Nicklas charged in domestic assault of Bimbo, ex-girlfriend

49-year-old John Nicklas told police, “In the heat of the moment, I probably did lunge at her, but I never actually hit her” about a domestic assault on September 13th. Police spoke to his ex-girlfriend, Sharon Bimbo, at the Hampton Inn & Suites Nashville Airport on Donelson Pike, who said she and John argued while in a vehicle parked at the hotel. She told police that John spit in her face and attempted to hit her while she was in the back. Sharon showed police a video of John turning around in the vehicle and yelling at her. Also, the video showed John lunge at her and raise his hand as if to attempt to strike her. She said that she felt in danger for her safety at that time. He admitted to arguing with her in the vehicle. Police determined John was the primary aggressor and arrested him for domestic assault.

Kara Peters charged with threatening to stab ex-lover, sprayed him with air freshener

18-year-old Kara Peters’ ex-boyfriend, Lance Glover, told police she came to his residence on Timberlake Cir. for a conversation on September 13th. Lance and a witness inside the residence both said that Kara threatened to stab Lance with a pen after he asked her to leave. He said she hit him in the face and sprayed him several times with an air freshener before leaving. Kara told police that she did spray him but only in self-defense and said that nothing physical happened during the argument. The witness corroborated Lance’s story of her threatening and spraying him with the air freshener. Lance said he wished to prosecute, and police picked Kara up from Blue Lake Circle to arrest her for domestic assault.