Naomi Benford bounced from ACME in downtown Nashville, refuses to leave

23-year-old Naomi Benford was jailed Sunday night after police working foot patrol on Broadway were flagged down by ACME security regarding a visibly intoxicated female who was uncooperative and refusing to leave the property after being denied entry. Police observed Benford standing at the front entrance of ACME. She was visibly drunk and smelled strongly of alcohol. Her speech was slightly slurred, and she was unsteady on her feet at times. She became extremely emotional and uncooperative. The officer told Benford that she was publicly intoxicated and needed to leave. Still, she became irate and refused to leave or allow officers to help her find a ride home, and she was taken into custody and transported to booking.

Madison Booher jailed for DUI and drug possession after crashing downtown

24-year-old Madison Booher was booked early Sunday morning after nearly causing an accident on John Lewis Way. When police arrived, Christopher Gilbert was standing next to the driver’s side of a black Ford truck, telling officers that he and others were almost hit and believed the driver was drunk. The vehicle was running, and Booher was visibly agitated; her movements were jerky, and her speech was rapid and erratic. She told officers she was afraid because Gilbert had tried to open her door. She admitted to having one beer when the officers questioned her. Ms. Booher was told to put her truck in park and exit, but she refused and instead rolled up her windows and sped off. She stopped about 30 yards away, opened her door, and asked the police what they wanted from her. The officer grabbed her arm and ordered her to exit the vehicle multiple times before she complied.

Ms. Booher’s erratic behavior continued, and she spontaneously stated that she was high off weed before refusing to answer any further questions. The officers noticed Ms. Booher’s pupils were abnormally large, and when they shined a flashlight to check reactivity, her pupils didn’t constrict. She was placed under arrest for driving under the influence, and the search of her vehicle yielded a plastic container in the center console containing 2.9 grams of marijuana, a marijuana grinder, a glass smoking pipe with concentrated THC inside, and a plastic straw with a white powdery substance inside. There was a nearly empty bottle of Fireball on the passenger’s side floorboard, an empty bottle of Tito’s in the door panel, an empty bottle of Belvedere behind the driver seat, and a cup full of Vodka in the backseat.

Billy Kroese kicks two officers in their genitals after Broadway arrest

54-year-old Billy Kroese refused to leave the doorway of Layla’s Honky Tonk when police arrived. Police instructed Billy to leave the business’s curtilage and noticed several signs of intoxication. Reportedly, Billy then became aggressive and started shouting explicit language. He still refused to leave the doorway, and police attempted to detain him. Billy pulled away but was eventually arrested and transported to booking. While in booking, he was disruptive and kicked officers George Poulos and Bryan Malone in their genitals.

Craig McNelley charged with assaulting woman at Vanderbilt Hospital while a patient

39-year-old Craig McNelley was seen by Vanderbilt Medical Center East staff assaulting a woman in his hospital room on August 17th. Police spoke to the staff around 5 a.m. on August 17th, who said that Craig held a woman up against the wall with his hands around her throat in his room. The woman visitor denied that Craig assaulted her, and she had no apparent injuries. She also said that she did not wish to prosecute and that they used to be in a domestic relationship. Craig was issued a citation due to his health condition and was booked on the domestic assault charge on September 5th.

Timothy Davis charged in assault of woman who was attempting to “get information from him”

56-year-old Timothy Davis was cited for reportedly assaulting a woman on Thompson Lane on August 16th. She told the police that she was trying to get information from Timothy. Timothy then, she continued, decided to hit her in the head several times. Police observed no injuries to the woman, but she said she wished to prosecute. Timothy was booked on the assault citation on September 5th.

Thomas Gleaves cited for marijuana possession

27-year-old Thomas Gleaves was seen by police in the passenger seat of a gray Nissan Altima parked at The Flats on Water Edge after they smelled marijuana on August 2nd. Police drove past the vehicle during their extra patrols and noticed Thomas in the vehicle. They approached the vehicle to speak to Thomas after Lyric Moore exited the driver’s side and noticed the marijuana in the center console. At this time, Lyric returned to the vehicle, and neither she nor Thomas claimed ownership of the marijuana. Police reported that Lyric and Thomas were in constructive possession of the marijuana, but no paraphernalia was found. Thomas qualified for a citation because she has no history of failure to appear or book.

Lyric Moore charged with marijuana possession

27-year-old Lyric Moore was seen by police exiting her Nissan Altima parked at The Flats on Water Edge after they smelled marijuana on August 2nd. Police drove past the vehicle during their extra patrols and also noticed Thomas Gleaves in the vehicle. They approached the vehicle to speak to Thomas and noticed the marijuana in the center console. At this time, Lyric returned to the vehicle, and neither she nor Thomas claimed ownership of the marijuana. Police reported that Lyric and Thomas were in constructive possession of the marijuana, but no paraphernalia was found. Lyric qualified for a state citation.