Mapco employee Moises Beas let man inside to loot lottery tickets and cigarettes

24-year-old Moises Beas let a man into the Mapco he was working at while it was closed, and the man stole from the store. On July 13th, Moises worked at the Mapco on Bell Rd in Antioch and cleaned the store while it was briefly closed. While cleaning, security footage showed him meet Renas Kestay at the front door. He briefly went outside and spoke with Renas then the two both entered the store. Moises went to the backroom and continued cleaning while Renas filled a trash bag with approximately $1,195 worth of lottery tickets and cigarettes. Moises leaned into the camera view to see if Renas was done stealing. He wrote a statement saying that he knowingly let Renas into the store to steal while he looked away. He was placed under arrest for theft of merchandise on August 16th.

DUI: Deanne Vonier says she ‘licked the baggie’ of a white powdery substance before crash

57-year-old Deanne Vonier was transported to Vanderbilt after a car accident where nurses found a small baggie in her bra. Police found Deanne’s vehicle rolled over at the accident scene while medics treated her. Witnesses said they saw Deanne’s car hit a curb several times, hit three mailboxes, drive into a yard, hit a hill, and go airborne. While at Vanderbilt, nurses found a baggie of white powdery substance in her bra. She said that she crashed because she was dehydrated. Later she said she did not ingest any of the baggy of white powdery substance but licked the bag. Police reported Deanne’s pupils to be pinpointed. She was cited for DUI on July 28th but was arrested on August 14th.

Joseph Titus cited for DUI after eating half a 25mg edible; said “my life is over!”

23-year-old Joseph Titus told police his “life was over” while in the back of an ambulance after a car accident. Police arrived at the car accident scene on July 21st and found Joseph being extricated from his vehicle. While he was in the ambulance heading to Southern Hills Hospital, he told police that “his life was over” and elaborated that “I knew I shouldn’t be driving but wanted to try.” He told police that he had eaten half of a twenty-five milligram edible and had two drinks at the bar before driving. He refused to perform sobriety tests and was cited for DUI. He was placed into custody for the DUI on August 14th.

DUI: Jennifer Gordon says she felt “tipsy” after crash

54-year-old Jennifer Gordon said she felt “tipsy” to an officer after she rear-ended another vehicle at a red light. Police found Jennifer in her car at the accident scene on Gallatin Pike South and Harris St. She admitted to police that she did drink but could not say how much, and police found an open container of alcohol in her vehicle. Also, she told police that she was currently intoxicated and felt “tipsy.” Police placed her into custody for DUI after she performed field sobriety tests.

Christopher Buck jailed for public intoxication outside Whiskey Bent Saloon

Wednesday night, 31-year-old Christopher Buck stumbled around Broadway and asked police to take him to jail. Police saw him stumbling outside Whiskey Bent Saloon and noticed he had to use the traffic barrier to hold himself up. They contacted Christopher, who smelled strongly of alcohol and was swaying. Officers could not find anyone to give him a ride home, nor could they get him to tell them where he was staying for the night. At one point, Christopher reported sticking his hands out to the officers and telling them to take him to jail. He was arrested for public intoxication.

Preshus Northern charged in dine-and-dash at Sedona Taphouse

25-year-old Preshus Northern allegedly dined and dashed from Sedona Taphouse back in July. Police spoke to the hostess at Sedona Taphouse on July 14th who said that Preshus and five other unknown females made a reservation to eat there that night. They ate and left without paying for a tab that was valued at approximately $334.29.The hostess said that she became aware of Preshus’s Instagram account and confirmed Preshus out of a photo lineup.

Darius Brocks charged with exposing himself to neighbors at The Knolls Apartments in Nashville

22-year-old Darius Brocks said he exposed himself to a woman due to faulty underwear and the drawstring in his shorts. Darius was said to have been committing several acts of indecent exposure all around Knolls Place apartments, according to staff. The staff saw video footage of Darius wearing the same drawstring shorts that he wore Wednesday, the previous day. Several residents complained about his indecent exposure throughout the past few days. Staff followed him when they saw the footage of him wearing the drawstring shorts Wednesday and kept an eye on him until police arrived. Darius fled from the staff. Between then and the police finding him later, he approached and spoke with Susanne Padanyi-Gulyas, who said she noticed his penis hanging from the top of his waistband. After police found him between buildings eight and nine, he agreed to speak under Miranda and told police that Susanne did see his penis briefly exposed. He said that this was unintentional due to faulty shorts. When he reaches into his drawstring shorts pockets, he says that it causes his penis to be exposed. Police asked if the underwear that he had on were faulty too, to which he said yes, they could not contain his genitals. They observed that the drawstring in the shorts was still intact, and he did not explain why tying them was not an option.

Yurii Kolomiiets charged with grabbing underage girls buttocks at Nashville Walmart

25-year-old Yurii Kolomiiets was detained by Walmart loss prevention after inappropriately touching a juvenile. Police arrived at the Nashville Walmart around 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday to review video footage of the incident. The footage showed Yurii walking up behind a juvenile female, grabbing her buttocks, then walking away while staring at her. The juvenile said she did not consent to this. Her mother, who was present, stated that she and her daughter wished to prosecute. Yurri was placed into custody for sexual battery.

Bryce Owens charged in possession of child pornography via Snapchat

25-year-old Bryce Owens was charged with sexual exploitation of a minor via Snapchat. On Tuesday, Bryce spoke to the cops and confirmed that Snapchat banned his Snapchat account for “trading explicit behavior.” The account possessed six different sexual videos involving minors. Bryce told police that during a conversation with an unknown person, he was sent a video of a prepubescent female being sexually abused by a man. Also, he admitted to receiving another sexual video involving a prepubescent boy.

Darrell Willard jailed by THP troopers after sleeping on sidewalk in downtown Nashville

31-year-old Darrell Willard was passed out on the sidewalk at Church Street and 3rd St intersect. Off-duty THP troopers saw Darrell passed out on the sidewalk. Downtown Ambassadors on the scene said they could not get him to wake up verbally, and Trooper Walker woke him by doing a sternum rub. He smelled of alcohol and looked intoxicated, and he was unsteady on his feet. Darrell refused EMS treatment and was placed into custody because he was a danger to himself.