Margaret Underwood puts minor daughter in headlock during argument, tells police “She is being a pain in my a*s!”

39-year-old Margaret Underwood had a domestic altercation with her minor daughter at their Wren Road apartment on August 11th. When officers arrived, Underwood, who was intoxicated, provided no information on what had happened other than, “She is being a pain in my a*s!” Then, her daughter spoke with officers and told them that she and her mother had a verbal dispute for unknown reasons. She further explained that it had escalated when Underwood attempted to put her in a “headlock,” which caused her nose to start bleeding. When medics asked Underwood if she wanted her daughter to go to the hospital for treatment, she would not answer. Then, officers detained Underwood for the incident. Underwood was taken into custody for domestic assault on August 12th.

Kenneth Mccoin slaps security guard, calls him “gay” for not letting him into Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar

24-year-old Kenneth Mccoin was involved in an altercation with Steven Zambrano in front of Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar on August 11th. Officers were flagged down and met with Zambrano. He told police that he instructed Mccoin about how to get into the bar and told him he needed to move. Zambrano stated this caused Mccoin to get angry and call him “gay.” Zambrano then told Mccoin he was no longer allowed in the bar. After Mccoin was told he was no longer allowed inside, he grabbed another employee by their hair and slapped Zambrano in the face. Zambrano provided law enforcement with video evidence of the incident, and Mccoin was taken into custody for assault.

Ryan Delgadillo strangles girlfriend while slamming her head on the floor during argument

36-year-old Ryan Delgadillo had a domestic incident with his girlfriend, Elizabeth McCormick, inside their unit at The Reeve apartments on 40th Avenue North in the early hours of August 11th. Responding officers spoke with Delgadillo, who stated that he and McCormick had a verbal altercation. Delgadillo told officers that her mood swings had been erratic. Delgadillo kept repeating that there was no physical contact between him and McCormick. During their interaction, officers observed Delgadillo to be calm but highly intoxicated. He then told them that he and McCormick had been sharing a bottle of vodka since 5 p.m. the day before. Delgadillo also could not articulate specific statements McCormick made or explain why the argument started.

Then, the police spoke with McCormick, who alleged that Delgadillo assaulted her. McCormick stated that Delgadillo strangled her repeatedly while slamming her head against the floor of their apartment and told her, “I will kill you!” McCormick further explained that Delgadillo used both hands to strangle her and that she believed he was going to kill her. She added that she may have lost consciousness at one point “for no more than five minutes.” Officers noticed McCormick had bloodshot eyes, a swollen left eye, redness on her neck, and scrapes on both of her legs. McCormick later claimed she sustained the injuries through her and Delgadillo’s dispute. Officers deemed Delgadillo the primary aggressor and detained him for the occurrence. Delgadillo was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Thomas Walks knocks woman out, causing her to fall into Cumberland River during argument

37-year-old Thomas Walks was involved in a domestic altercation with Jorell Wilson while on Anthes Drive on August 8th. Officers were dispatched to a Homeless shelter on Drexel Street regarding a domestic disturbance. When they arrived, they made contact with Wilson, who stated that she had gone to Anthes Drive to bring Walks food. However, Wilson claimed they had argued about Walks being paranoid about her making police reports or telling officers about past incidents. Wilson claimed that during the argument, Walks began punching her repeatedly before she had blacked out. Wilson also told officers that when she blacked out, she was unsure if Walks was using a rock or just his hands. Wilson told officers she then fell down the nearby embankment into the Cumberland River. Wilson swam ashore and found a safe place to call officers. Officers noticed a large laceration on her forehead, and a warrant was later issued due to Walks not being on the scene when officers arrived. Walks was found the following day, August 9th, and taken into custody for aggravated assault.

David Lemus punches pregnant ex-girlfriend in face during argument in his car

36-year-old David Lemus was involved in a domestic disturbance with his ex-girlfriend, Raquel Ziebart, on July 26th. When officers arrived, they made contact with Ziebart. She appeared to have a head injury with a busted lip and a large bruise under her left eye. Ziebart informed officers that she and Lemus, who had already fled the scene, had gotten into an argument while she was in the passenger seat of his car. Ziebart stated that during the argument, Lemus kicked and punched her in her face and body, causing the injuries officers observed. Ziebart advised that during the assault, she was able to escape and contact law enforcement. Later, during her interaction with officers, Ziebart informed them that she was ten weeks pregnant. Upon learning this, Ziebart was promptly transported to Vanderbilt Hospital for her injuries. After being found, Lemus was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on August 9th.

Samuel Keener shatters roommate’s window, tells her mother “I am going to f*ck her up!”

31-year-old Samuel Keener was involved in a domestic altercation with his roommate, Isabella Burks, while at a Tennessee Avenue residence on August 9th. Burks reported that when she got home from work, Keener was inside the apartment and was loading a firearm. She alleged that after Keener finished loading the gun, he waved it in the air to make sure she saw it and smiled. After this, Burks says Keener started fighting with another person inside the residence. When Burks and her friend tried breaking up the fight, Keener began walking in and out of the apartment while yelling and screaming at the man and Burks. Keener then allegedly started screaming, “I am going to kill you,” towards Burks before yelling at Burks’s mother and saying, “I am going to f*** her up; you are going to have to call an ambulance.”  Keener then allegedly left the residence, and when he returned, he found out that Burks had locked the door for her safety. Keener then threw an object at the window and shattered it. Burks alleged she was in fear of injury during the entire incident. Keener would not make any statements about the threats he made towards Burks. Officers deemed Keener to be the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Mykiah Sherwood-Scott destroys ex-girlfriend’s air mattress with pocket knife during altercation

20-year-old Mykiah Sherwood-Scott was involved in a domestic disturbance with her ex-girlfriend, Lea Huntington, at their Summit East Nashville apartment on August 11th. When officers arrived and split up Sherwood and Huntington for questioning, they both denied there ever being an altercation. However, Huntington later, during the interview, stated that Sherwood pulled out a red pocket knife and punched a hole in two of her air mattresses. Huntington informed officers that her current girlfriend was in the living room when Sherwood damaged her first mattress. According to Huntington, sometime during her altercation with Sherwood, Sherwood attempted to cut her with the knife. Despite this statement by Huntington, officers didn’t observe any injuries. When officers spoke with Huntington’s girlfriend, she corroborated all of Huntington’s statements. During her discussion with officers, Sherwood confessed that she used the knife to damage one of Huntington’s air mattresses only after Huntington grabbed her belongings. Sherwood added that she only used the knife for the mattress. Sherwood was taken into custody and charged with vandalism.

Cristian Cortes damages girlfriend’s windshield after she puts him to bed before going to Broadway

27-year-old Cristian Cortes was seen vandalizing his girlfriend, Doraluz Hernandez’s vehicle, while at a Fern Avenue residence on August 10th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Hernandez, who claimed that Cortes had broken her right side mirror and cracked her windshield. Hernandez explained to officers that Cortes had woken up earlier in the day and began drinking. However, he was put to sleep by friends because he was intoxicated and began acting aggressively. Hernandez informed officers that later that day, while she was on Broadway, Cortes began sending her threatening messages. Officers were shown texts where Cortes stated that he was getting back with his ex-girlfriend and another text saying that she should kill herself. Officers also saw that he had sent Hernandez photos of her car with the damage done to it. Officers then spoke with Cortes, who arrived on the scene. Cortes admitted to breaking the mirror on her vehicle because he was angry, and they were arguing. When asked about the windshield, he denied destroying it, claiming he did not remember. Officers then determined Cortes to be the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for vandalism.

Brittany Reeder kicked out of Honky Tonk Central after being too drunk to pay her tab

38-year-old Brittany Reeder was detained at Honky Tonk Central after not paying her tab on August 10th. After being flagged down by the bar’s security, officers were told they had attempted to use Reeder’s credit card multiple times but it kept declining. Officers contacted one of Reeder’s friends via phone, who then paid the bill on her behalf. After the bill was paid, Reeder was kicked out of Honky Tonk Central and asked not to come back. Once outside, the officers recognized Reeder’s level of intoxication and attempted to secure her a ride home. However, after Reeder mentioned that she didn’t have money to afford a ride home, she was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Brenton Harris jailed after uploading image containing child sexual abuse

40-year-old Brenton Harris was involved in the spreading of sexual content containing children on December 7th, 2022. The Internet Crimes Against Children Program (IPAC) informed MNPD that they received a CyberTip from Bing. The tip informed them that a user with an IP address in Nashville had uploaded an image containing child sexual abuse. The image contained a prepubescent female committing sexual acts with an adult male. Detectives issued a subpoena for the IP address, which returned to Harris’ residence. On May 15th, 2024, detectives conducted a knock and talk at Harris’ home and spoke with him. During his conversation with detectives, Harris admitted to remembering the image showcasing child sexual abuse. He also admitted to searching for underage pornography in the past. Harris was later taken into custody and charged with sexual exploitation of a minor on August 10th.

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