Wendy Paz-Henriquez charged in assault of boyfriend during fit of rage — $100 bond

Metro Nashville Police responded to a domestic call late Saturday night to find Noel Charias-Chocan outside of his apartment crying, alongside his child. Officers observed multiple scratches on his neck and chest. He explained his girlfriend, 28-year-old Wendy Paz-Henriquez, who also lives in the same complex, suddenly assaulted him during an argument. Both parties had been drinking. She was determined to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody.

Anya Lee charged with smashing her girlfriend’s windshield & assaulting her

22-year-old Anya Lee was jailed early Saturday after she reportedly assaulted her girlfriend, Haven Blakemore, and smashed her windshield during an altercation. Haven was upset as Anya wanted her to stay at her home in Murfreesboro for the night, but Haven refused. The two got into a physical altercation, during which Anya was reportedly on top of Haven, grabbing her by the neck. Haven got into her vehicle to leave the scene, but not before Anya rushed her vehicle and smashed the windshield. Officers documented injuries on the victim and took Anya into custody.

Chad Barber charged in assault of female roommate

41-year-old Chad Barber was arrested after attacking his roommate over an argument about rent money. On Mar 3rd, Susan Slonecker reported she was hiding in the laundry room after Barber allegedly assaulted her. When officers arrived, she was in the laundry room, speaking rapidly about the events that took place. She pointed to her armpit area and explained that Barber grabbed her there and hurt her. Officers observed several scrapes and scratch marks. Barber had strangled Slonecker to the point where she could not breathe for several seconds. He used one hand to strangle her and the other to grab her aggressively all over her body. Scratches and scrapes were left on her body and throat. Slonecker claimed that she lived with Barber for about six months in a halfway house, and then they lived together for several months at the hotel. The argument started because she was having trouble sending her half of the rent from her bank to Barber’s account, which she claims she usually does without a problem. Barber denied the assault.

Lamar Williams — drunk and disorderly in downtown Nashville

39-year-old Lamar Williams was the victim of a fight in downtown Nashville Sunday. Officers responded to find him extremely intoxicated and continuing to cause a scene after the fight was over. He was advised to walk away, which he eventually did. Moments later, and less than a block away, officers were flagged down as Williams was now causing a scene inside a bar. He was then taken into custody for public intoxication, but only after several officers had to take him to the ground due to his resistance. He had to be carried into the transported vehicle.

Walter Howard went wild at Whisky Row in downtown Nashville

26-year-old Walter Wayne Howard was calling security at Whiskey Row “a**holes” as they were removing him from the downtown Nashville bar. He said the bouncers were “out of line” when they demanded he remains inside the venue with his alcoholic beverage. Metro Nashville Police arrived to assist and attempted to find Howard a safe ride home, but he just wanted to scream at the bouncers. He then attempted to taunt the bouncers into fighting him, shouting he was a bouncer at another downtown bar, and the bouncer here was a “p**sy.” Despite his best efforts to resist, three officers were able to take Howard into custody.

Richard Shaver charged with stomping brother-in-law’s face on roadway

26-year-old Richard Shaver reportedly pulled his brother-in-law, Jeremy Rider, from the back seat of a vehicle into the front seat, and when the vehicle stopped, he pulled him out onto the road and stomped on him. They had been out drinking, along with Richard’s girlfriend and Jeremy’s wife, and an argument erupted after Shaver said something about the family. The victim suffered severe swelling to his left eye and face, a black eye, and scrapes along both legs.

Adam Dalessio Comi spits in cop’s face after being booted from Whiskey Row

27-year-old Adam Dalessio Comi became disorderly at Whiskey Row on Broadway in downtown Nashville late Sunday night. Security at the bar detained him due to his level of intoxication and attempted to escort him outside. Metro Nashville Police responded to the commotion and found Comi to be extremely intoxicated and prepared to take him into custody for public intoxication. While swapping handcuffs with security, Comi violently resisted being re-cuffed and spat in the face of an officer. He continued to resist and spit in the back of the patrol car while being transported to booking.

Rinat Kagarmonanov ousted from La Quinta Inn downtown due to drunken antics

37-year-old Rinat Kagarmonanov was causing such a scene at the La Quinta hotel bar in downtown Nashville that security detained him, and staff determined he was no longer welcome at the property. Metro Nashville Police officers arrived and attempted to assist Rinat with finding an alternate hotel arrangement, but due to his level of intoxication, he was not interested in assistance. He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.