Pearl Newbill assaults the father of her child; refuses to leave his apartment

Deshaun Clarke says he invited the mother of his child, 26-year-old Pearl Newbill, to his apartment to spend time together on February 10. After a period of time, he requested that she leave, and she refused, resulting in an argument between the two. Newbill reportedly became violent and shoved the victim. Clarke contacted his mother to come to the residence, at which time Clarke reportedly “calmed down.”

Dylan Simmons charged in brutal assault of girlfriend in Antioch

25-year-old Dylan Shayne Simmons is charged with the domestic assault and strangulation of his ex-girlfriend, Savannah McClanahan. The January argument reportedly began after he “wasn’t being honest to his parents about their relationship,” according to the victim. During the assault, she says he called her a “bitch” and “cunt” while grabbing and pushing her, causing her to fall back. He then grabbed her throat and took her to the ground by force, and continued to strangle her on the ground for a period of time. Officers documented marks, bruises, and injuries on the victim, and a warrant was issued for the arrest of Simmons, who had fled the scene. He was booked on that charge this week.

Taylor Conyers charged in assault of juvenile neighbor

20-year-old Taylor Conyers faced multiple charges after she and another person knocked on the door of a juvenile neighbor, pushed into the home, and began to attack a juvenile female. The two reportedly “jumped” the victim, punching her in the face before fleeing. Officers arrived and reviewed video doorbell footage of the two entering and exiting the apartment. The argument seems to be over an incident the night before when Conyers was accused of stealing packages that belonged to the victim’s grandmother.

Marcus Ferreira takes out bouncer at The 5 Spot in East Nashville #DownForTheCount

23-year-old Marcus Ferreira reportedly threw a glass bottle at The 5 Spot in East Nashville Friday, striking a food truck. A patron forced Ferreira to leave, but he soon returned. Bouncer Brett Rosenberg denied him re-entry, at which point Ferreira punched the bouncer in the side of the head, causing him to fall to the ground. While he was down, Ferreira taunted him, called him names, and threatened to assault him again. Ferreira suffered a concussion and will miss work for a week. A warrant was issued for Ferreira, charging him with felony aggravated assault. He was booked into custody late Monday.

105 mph mistake: Musician Elijah Roise charged with reckless driving

21-year-old Elijah Roise, who you can often catch on-stage at Kid Rock’s Bar in downtown Nashville, gave police chase at over 100 mph Monday afternoon. An officer initially observed Roise traveling at 92 mph in a 55 mph zone and initiated a traffic stop. Speeds reached 105 mph until Roise switched lanes and slammed on his brakes behind another vehicle, nearly causing an accident. He was taken into custody for reckless driving.

DUI: Richard White asleep behind the wheel at a gas pump in West Nashville

Police located 55-year-old Richard White asleep behind the wheel of a black truck at a Charlotte Pike gas station. The vehicle was running and had been parked for about an hour, according to the store clerk. After blocking in the vehicle, officers were able to wake the man, who was highly intoxicated. He stated he came from a friend’s house in Green Hills and had two bourbon ales at Casa de Montecristo in the Gulch prior to that.

Eric Kowalik says he was “where he was supposed to be,” drunk on the ground

37-year-old Eric Kowalik was found on the ground sleeping at the Vanderbilt Clinic in the early hours of Monday morning, shortly after last call. He reeked of alcohol, and officers asked why he was sleeping on the ground. Without hesitation, Kowalik explained he was exactly where he was supposed to be. He admitted to consuming a “few” drinks and was taken into custody for public intoxication.