Kadhim Alshaikhi charged in domestic assault of his wife; threatens to kill her with knife

Jihan Sindy says her 32-year-old husband, Kadhim Alshaikhi, would not let her sleep in the early hours of Monday morning. She attempted to ignore him and not interrupt her sleep; however, he continued to cause conflict and threatened to take their children away from her. When she continued to refuse to engage in his antics, Alshaikhi reportedly punched her twice on the side of her face. He then took her cell phone from under her pillow to prevent her from calling the police. He then threatened to kill her with a knife while moving to the kitchen and retrieving a knife from the drawer. She locked her bedroom door to prevent him from entering.

Ray Hockaday charged with stalking and domestic assault of ex-girlfriend

55-year-old Ray Hockaday was jailed overnight, charged with the stalking and domestic assault of his ex-girlfriend. Arrest reports state the couple ended their relationship last summer. Since the relationship ended, Hockday spent days showing up at her home despite being told not to contact her anymore. She received multiple texts showing he was at her location, which neighbors confirmed as they observed him in his white Mercedes. He would stop and ring the doorbell and drive around the block multiple times. He would also leave items at her doorstep. At one point after the breakup, the two had a verbal argument which led to the victim being punched by Hockday as she was exiting the vehicle. Officers documented bruises from the assault. Warrants were issued for the arrest of Hockaday, who lives in Williamson County, last year. He was booked on the outstanding warrants overnight.

VIDEO: Cane Ridge Asst Principal on paid leave after tackling student during fight

Cane Ridge High School Assistant Principal James Reese is on paid administrative leave after he violently took a student to the floor and restrained her during a fight in the gym on January 31. After Scoop: Nashville obtained a video of the incident, Metro Nashville Schools released a statement that reads, “a fight occurred in the gym at approximately 9:05 a.m. on Tuesday, January 31. Assistant Principal James Reese came into the gym and stopped the fight with the help of a substitute teacher. He was attempting to escort one of the girls out of the gym when the other one involved in the fight moved passed a substitute teacher and pushed them, knocking them to the floor. The AP got up and took that girl to the floor and restrained her to stop the fight from re-occurring.”

Denylle Boden found half-naked and asleep in front of apartment she insisted was hers

Police say 37-year-old Denylle Boden was found asleep in front of an apartment on Rice Road in Antioch with her breasts exposed to the world. Officers initially responded to a report of someone attempting to get into an apartment. Officers woke Boden from her sleep, and she seemed confused and agitated. She insisted she lived at the apartment she was attempting to get into, but it was not her apartment. Her correct address was located on her ID, but she refused to allow the police to take her home. She was unable to stand or walk and was unable to be left on her own. She was transported to booking and charged with disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

Nashville scammer Paul Aniel arrested for 136th time, per police

Metro Nashville Police say 56-year-old Paul Aniel was arrested for the 136th time Wednesday, using his time-tested scam of soliciting passers-by on the roadway as he pretends to be broken down or out of gas. Multiple citizens called in to report he was attempting to flag them down on the on-ramp from 440 West to Hillsboro Pike. He was attempting to wave down a vehicle when officers arrived on the scene. He was taken into custody and charged with soliciting from a roadway. 

TSU maintenance request leads to felony drug charges for student Kellen Brabson

21-year-old Kellen Brabson faces felony marijuana possession charges after directors of the Ford Residence apartments at Tennessee State University responded to a maintenance request inside his room. As Mr. Wynn and Ms. Lewis entered the room, they reported smelling marijuana and decided to conduct a room inspection. They located multiple bags of marijuana, totaling 30 grams, scales, a grinder, bags, and edibles inside the room. TSU Campus police were called and determined that he was selling marijuana. Branson admitted to ownership of all the discovered items. 

Brekaya Holder charged with domestic assault of her grandfather

18-year-old Brekaya Holder is charged with the domestic assault of her grandfather, William Chester Jarrett. The victim says he initially received a call from his wife asking him to come home from work as Brekaya was being disrespectful to her. When he arrived home, he went to Brekaya’s bedroom to speak to her, and she reportedly jumped out of bed and pushed him into an entertainment center during the assault.

Marty McGregor charged with keying Tesla outside Trax Bar in Nashville

55-year-old Marty McGregor was jailed on an outstanding warrant this week from November, charging him with felony vandalism. William Coleman says he was sitting in his Tesla outside of the Trax Bar when McGregor exited the building and scratched the side of his vehicle with a key. The victim was able to capture the tag number of the red Ford truck McGregor fled in, and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Marcy Reed slaps her boyfriend Raymond Rizzo after offensive comments

Raymond Rizzo says his 26-year-old girlfriend, Marcy Reed, slapped him on January 31 at their shared residence. Marcy admits to slapping Raymond, saying it was in response to something “extremely insensitive and offensive” he said to her. Raymond admits to making the statement. Police arrived at the home and observed a visible “red blotch” on Raymond’s lip from being slapped. Raymond wanted to prosecute her for the assault, and she was taken into custody, and charged with domestic assault.

Janel Holley calls 911 to report she shot an attacker… who police say didn’t exist

31-year-old Janel Holley was jailed this week after police say she lied about a shooting call at Willie B’s Express location in Antioch. The initial incident occurred on November 25 when Holley called 911 and reported she had been attacked and shot her attacker in self-defense. It was later learned that there was no attacker, and Holly was upset and discharged her firearm multiple times in a parking lot amid a crowd of people.