Shawn Neely kicks cousin’s door down, punches her in face during altercation

28-year-old Shawn Neely had a domestic altercation with his cousin, Brooke Livesay, at their residence on July 15th. Livesay called officers back to the location following a related incident where she was assaulted but declined prosecution. Livesay stated after the police left, she walked around the block. Then, when she returned to the house, Shawn was in the kitchen. After seeing Shawn, Livesay went to her room and locked the door. Livesay said Shawn started banging on her door, telling her he had stuff in the room. When Livesay refused to open the door, he busted the door down. Shawn then punched Livesay in the mouth, leaving swelling and bruising on her lips. She then explained that Shawn pushed her into a corner cabinet hanging from her wall. By doing so, Shawn broke it and left a visible injury on her forehead. Livesay also stated Shawn destroyed a lamp, a keyboard, and a mouse, totaling around $150 in damages.
Shawn’s mom, Donna Neely, told officers she saw him kick the door down and enter the room. Donna added that Livesay came out of the room and hit Shawn, to which he responded by attacking her. After several attempts, officers could not reach Shawn. They deemed him the primary aggressor and obtained a warrant for his arrest. Shawn Neely was later taken into custody for domestic assault and vandalism on July 26th.

Antyon Williams trespasses at MAPCO despite being banned

39-year-old Antyon Williams was seen trespassing at the MAPCO on 8th Avenue South on July 25th. When officers arrived, they made contact with Williams, who was refusing to leave the property. They recognized Williams from multiple prior incidents where they had trespassed him. Employees at the location informed officers that they had previously banned Williams from the property. After confirming the current trespass waiver, Williams was taken into custody for criminal trespassing on July 26th.

Steven Reames passes out drunk on Peabody Street, caught with Delta 9 Flower

63-year-old Steven Arthur Reames passed out on the steps of a bar on Peabody Street and 6th Avenue South late July 25th. Officers observed this and tried waking Reames up, but he was initially unresponsive. After Reames woke up, he could not answer any questions coherently. Officers noticed he showed signs of impairment with a consumed can of Corona beer in his proximity. After Reames was deemed a danger to himself, the police searched him. Officers located a small bag with Delta 9 flower, leading them to believe Reames was under the influence of alcohol and THC products. Reames was taken into custody for public intoxication on July 26th.

Carl Grimes refuses to leave Hyve Condominium after threatening guests & security

39-year-old Carl Grimes was seen acting disorderly after refusing to leave and yelling at guests at the Hyve Condominium on 7th Avenue South on July 25th. Security reported to the officers that there was someone who refused to leave. They claimed that Grimes made his way into the lobby, and they escorted him out. Despite this, Grimes remained on the property and followed guests back inside. Security informed officers that Grimes refused to leave once he got back inside. When officers arrived on the scene, they made contact with Grimes, who met with officers at the door inside the lobby. Officers then ordered Grimes to leave, or he would be arrested for trespassing, but he refused to come out.

While speaking with Grimes, he turned around and began walking towards a group of women who had also called the police. Grimes then began yelling and cursing at them while taking a fighting stance. Grimes also began yelling and threatening security at the location. The officer believed Grimes would start a fight and become physical with the guests, so he was taken into custody. After being placed in handcuffs, Grimes was instructed to walk; however, he tensed up and refused to walk after repeated instructions. While being placed in the car, he picked up his left foot and put it on the side of the seat. Grimes did this to prevent officers from placing him inside the vehicle by pushing against the seat. In response to this, officers had to force Grimes into the car. Grimes was then transported and charged with disorderly conduct, criminal trespass, and resisting arrest on July 26th.

Helen Skye Maxwell hits ex-boyfriend in forehead with wine bottle at The Moxy Hotel

33-year-old Helen Skye Maxwell had a domestic disturbance with her ex-boyfriend, Craig David Benham, at The Moxy Hotel on 3rd Avenue South late July 25th. Maxwell called 911, stating that Benham had “assaulted and choked” her. When officers arrived, Maxwell did not want to provide a statement. Maxwell only said that she and Benham had a dispute, during which wine and vodka were thrown around the room. Benham told officers he was lying in bed when Maxwell started arguing with him for no reason. Then, he added that she threw a bucket of water on him and hit him in the forehead with a wine bottle. Maxwell was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

Mercy Medina-Guzman beats ex-girlfriend’s car with rock threatening her to get back together

23-year-old Mercy Medina Guzman had a domestic altercation with her ex-girlfriend, Harlen Romero Ocampo, at her Radnor Street residence on July 19th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Ocampo, who said she was getting gas when Guzman noticed her and followed her home. Ocampo added that Guzman started beating her car with both fists and a rock. Then, Ocampo told officers that Guzman grabbed her tightly and said, “Either you and I are getting back together, or I’m going to cause trouble with anybody you get with.” After this, Ocampo called 911, and Guzman left the area before officers arrived. Officers observed scratches on Ocampo and blood on her shirt, consistent with her statement. A warrant was then issued for Guzman’s arrest. Guzman was later taken into custody for vandalism and domestic assault on July 25th.

Michael Green threatens to kill man with sword after going through neighbors’ mailboxes

26-year-old Michael Green was seen going through mailboxes on Love Circle on July 25th. As officers were dispatched, they were alerted that Green was now armed with a sword and approaching an individual with it. Once officers arrived, they observed a sword on the ground next to Green, who was throwing packages off the porch of a residence on Love Circle. After observing this, Green was told to stop and was detained. When officers spoke with the victim of the incident, Mark Arrieta, he stated that he observed Green going through mailboxes and asked him, “What are you doing?” After saying that, Green approached him armed with a sword, asking who he voted for. As Arrieta retreated into his home, Green began unsheathing his sword. Green then started to bang on the glass door to the point that Arrieta thought he would break in. While Green was banging on the door, Arrieta believed he heard him say, “I will kill you,” which caused him to fear for his life. One of Green’s neighbors stated that he saw Green in the street armed and causing a disturbance. The witness said that he observed Green yelling threats toward Arrieta while striking the door. Green was then taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Jhon Anthony Gonzalez-Vera steals intimate partner’s iPhone, prevents her from calling police

25-year-old Jhon Anthony Gonzalez-Vera had a domestic incident with his intimate partner, Nicole Rangel Barrueta, at their Donelson Pike residence on July 25th. Gonzalez-Vera told officers that he and Nicole had a verbal altercation when she refused to let him borrow her $600 iPhone. Then, he said they started fighting over her cell phone, and she ended up on the bed. Gonzalez-Vera stated that Nicole used the phone to call 911. While she did this, Nicole noted that he snatched it from her and hung it up. After this, Gonzalez-Vera left the residence with her phone before the police arrived. Gonzalez-Vera was then taken into custody for theft and interference with a 911 call.

Nicole Barrueta attacks intimate partner with scissors during argument over phone

24-year-old Nicole Barrueta was involved in a domestic dispute with her intimate partner, Jhon Anthony Vera, at their Donelson Pike residence on July 25th. When officers arrived, Vera told them there was an argument over a phone. Vera stated he took Barrueta’s phone and left. When Vera returned, he tried to ignore Barrueta so as not to cause another altercation. Vera noted that this might’ve caused Barrueta to get more agitated, leading to him getting attacked. During the assault, Barrueta cut Vera with a pair of scissors. After observing the cut marks on Vera, officers went to speak with Barrueta. Barrueta corroborated most of Vera’s statements but stated that she never used any scissors to cut him. Barrueta was then taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Devon Ware steals $1,802 worth of cash & merchandise while working at MAPCO

21-year-old Devon Ware was caught stealing money and merchandise from his job at MAPCO on Dickerson Pike on July 25th. When officers arrived, they spoke with a district manager for MAPCO who claimed that Ware had stolen $1800 worth of money and merchandise over a week while on shift. The manager provided footage from July 18th showing Ware stealing cash from the register and a “money vending machine” next to the register, making multiple withdrawals during his shift. The district manager also gave officers a receipt from the register showing that $1702.81 was missing. Additionally, the manager claimed that the remaining $100 came from the merchandise Ware had given out to customers for free. When officers spoke with Ware, he admitted to stealing money from the register but disputed the total amount taken. As a result, Ware was then taken into custody for property theft.

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