Heather Guzman pushes husband through glass door & leaves him there; claims he did it to himself

Nathan Burkitt says after a night of heavy drinking he was in a 4 a.m. argument with his wife, 30-year-old Heather Guzman, and as the argument continued to escalate to a loud and aggressive state, he suggested that his wife leave the house so they could each have their personal space and rest. He says Heather then pushed him backward through a glass door, shattering it, and left him lying on the back deck, injured and bleeding. When police arrived and interviewed Heather, she claimed he must have been mad at a video game and head-butted the door, which didn’t match any of his injuries. She was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault with bodily injury.

Grant Williams charged with DUI after late-night East Nashville crash

28-year-old Grant Williams was involved in a vehicle crash near S. 5th St. & Crutcher St. and while speaking to responding officers, they detected an odor of alcohol coming from him. He admitted he had just come from a bar where he had “three beers” in the time shortly before the crash. After initially agreeing to field sobriety tests he became unwilling or unable to complete them.

He eventually blew a 0.132% BAC on a breathalyzer.

Marshall Brown charged with punching his brother in the face during argument

On June 23rd, a drunken Sten Brown called and told police that his brother, 23-year-old Marshall Brown, punched him in the face just under his left eye during an argument inside their share apartment several days prior on June 17th. Responding officers took photos of the victim’s injury and bruising. When interviewed about the reported assault, Marshall Brown admitted to punching his brother in the face.

Sten was too intoxicated at the time of his report to be taken before a magistrate, but because of the domestic relationship and the obvious injury, officers prosecuted for the assault and took Marshall into custody.

Brooklyn Campbell attempts to run over & shoots at her boyfriend during breakup

20-year-old Brooklyn Campbell was amid a breakup with her boyfriend, Carl (CJ) Hollingsworth, in May when they began to fight over a cell phone. Police say Brooklyn attempted to run over her ex-lover with her 2020 Altima while threatening to shoot up the area, however, he escaped by running in between two parked vehicles. She continued to plow into one of the parked vehicles, undeterred by his attempt to run away. She then pulled a handgun and fired it out the driver’s side window with several people in the immediate vicinity as she fled the area. Warrants were issued for her arrest, and she was jailed on them this week.

Adam Donato makes death threat after being kicked out of downtown Nashville bar

Metro Nashville Police working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville Thursday encountered 39-year-old tourist Adam Donato near 4th & Broadway, as he had just been ejected from a local bar due to being disorderly with patrons inside. As officers made contact with the heavily intoxicated man, he threatened to assault the MNPD officer and yelled “I will f-*-ing kill you if you touch me”.

Donato was taken into custody for public intoxication, and a commissioner set his bond at $10.

Power Poll CEO Bruce Dobie unable to pay employees; refused to let female attend meetings, citing ‘good old boys club’ — per lawsuit

Bruce Dobie, the sole member and creator of Power Poll, LLC, is being sued in Davidson County Chancery Court by a former employee who says the Nashville entrepreneur hired her with a quarter-million-dollar yearly salary and then abruptly fired her and others a few months later after he could no longer make payroll. Her job was to grow the company as Chief Operating/Chief Revenue Officer, however, she says Dobie would not allow her to attend meetings with potential investors because she was a woman and “Nashville is a good ole boys club” where “women are not usually allowed”, according to a quoted statement in the complaint. Despite repeated complaints about sexual discrimination, she says Dobie never addressed the issue.

Her employment contract states she’s entitled to a full twelve-month severance package, but she says Dobie won’t — or can’t — pay up.

Jevaughn Small charged after attacking former roommate who he couldn’t finesse into his bedroom

Dofton Reynolds says his friend and former roommate, 29-year-old Jevaughn Small, won’t stop trying to finesse him into being gay for him. After four months of alleged sexual harassment, he’s now taken the matter to police after he says Small attempted to run over him with a vehicle for denying his advances. He says Small continually tried to persuade him to come into his bedroom when they lived together, and once he moved out Small has tracked his whereabouts.

On May 8th at 8:40 a.m., Small attempted to run him down, and when Reynolds jumped away from the vehicle’s path, he says Small jumped out and physically attacked him in a struggle that lasted for a few minutes and left Dofton with injuries to his ride side of his body, his leg, and his left arm and hand.

Sean Stein refuses to exit plane when denied travel due to his extreme 4 p.m. drunkenness

35-year-old Sean Stein and a female were both denied boarding at the Nashville International Airport Monday afternoon due to their extreme level of intoxication at 4:25 p.m. Stein became aggressive with the flight crew when they advised he needed to exit the aircraft. He then became irate with officers who came to assist him off the aircraft.

He continued to refuse and was handcuffed while pulling away, resisting arrest.