Man asks wife to “eat the bullet” so he doesn’t have to “scatter her brains” — Wes Migletz arrested

50-year-old Wesley Migletz is charged with domestic assault with bodily injury after police responded to his wife, Winny, who was hiding in a nearby parking garage. She explained her husband was threatening to carry out a murder/suicide. The wife played a recording on which Wes can be heard saying “you are a parasite, if you had any decency you would eat the bullet and not make me scatter your brains” before punching her, and her crying out in pain.

Officers documented the victim’s injuries and located Wes Migletz walking his dog nearby, and took him into custody. He is free on a $2,500 cash bond.

DUI: Man found with tequila, and a handgun in his pink handbag — Marvin Drew arrested

When police pulled him over for a traffic stop, an officer noticed a nearly empty bottle of Adictivo Tequila in the vehicle of 36-year-old Marvin Drew, and a 9mm handgun magazine in his lap. When asked where his gun was located, Drew pointed to his pink handbag, which is where officers retrieved a Taurus G2c and several rounds of ammo.

Drew was charged with DUI, open container, possession of a weapon under the influence, and violation of the implied consent law. He is free on pre-trial release.

Drunk Marine charged with carrying a handgun inside bar — Michael Selby arrested

Metro Police came into contact with 23-year-old Michael Selby as they were working the downtown district this weekend and noticed Selby and others assisting a very intoxicated individual down the stairs.

It turned out Selby was also intoxicated, and have a loaded handgun in a pouch on his waistband. Police took him into custody, charging him with possession of a firearm while drinking inside a bar. He is free on pre-trial release.

Man stumbles down broadway, lands on police car which takes him to jail — Jackson McClain

Metro Nashville Police say they were watching 22-year-old Jackson McClain stumble down Broadway in downtown Nashville when he came upon a MNPD police car and fell over onto it, nearly knocking off the side mirror. They approached him and attempted to get him a safe ride home, however, he became defiant and disorderly, aggressively refusing all assistance.
He was charged with public intoxication and transported to booking.

Police: Titans Player Bud Dupree sought for questioning in North Nashville Walgreens assault

BREAKING: A spokesperson for the Metro Nashville Police department confirms they are investigating Alvin ‘Bud’ Dupree, of the Tennessee Titans, along with several associates, for an assault that occurred at a North Nashville Walgreens just after 8 p.m. Sunday. The department says a 21-year-old female employee and a 20-year-old male employee bother suffered injuries. Detectives are attempting to conduct interviews with all involved, including Dupree. The assault reportedly began after the male employee began recording Dupree with his phone.

Titans fan brandishes gun when Dolphins fans attack car outside Nissan Stadium — Austin Morris arrested

Metro Nashville Police say Miami Dolphins fans were hitting and kicking a Nissan Altima and taunting the four Titans fans inside the vehicle just before 3 p.m. Sunday outside Nissan Stadium. That’s when 27-year-old Austin Morris emerged from the passenger seat of the vehicle and brandished a black handgun at the individuals in the Dolphins jerseys.

Morris remained in the middle of the street and appeared heavily intoxicated. Officers additionally located an open bottle of liquor where he had been sitting, and he admitted to having several drinks during the game. Morris was charged with possession of a weapon under the influence and transported to booking.

Man found drunk & laying in doorway of bar, gun in his waistband — Jacob Baker arrested

21-year-old Jacob Baker is charged with possession of a weapon while under the influence. Police were responding to a separate incident at Luke Bryan’s 32 Bridge Bar at 301 Broadway Sunday night when they observed Baker laying down inside the doorway to the bar with a handgun clearly visible sticking out from his waistband.

Officers asked if he was OK, and Baker replied “No, I’m drunk!”. Police took him into custody and he was transported to booking. He is now free on pre-trial release.

19-year-old charged after found drunk & lying on the ground inside Nissan Stadium — Ian Sewell

19-year-old Ian Sewel was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after he was found lying on the ground inside Nissan Stadium during the Music City Bowl on Thursday. Police say he reeked of alcohol and was so intoxicated he was unable to care for himself.

Sewell admitted to consuming alcohol and was taken into custody. He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Robbery at Burger King “Where is my bread?” demands Montreal Bright, jailed on $252,000 bond

23-year-old Montreal Bright walked into his workplace, the Donelson Burger King, and immediately confronts another employee, Michael Crowley, screaming “Where’s my bread?” He then forces Crowley into the office and gunpoint and pistol-whips him across the back, causing severe injuries to his spinal column. Bright takes his phone and car keys before fleeing the scene.

A warrant was issued for the arrest of Montreal Bright, charging him with especially aggravated robbery & vandalism. He was taken into custody on Christmas Day, where he remains jailed in lieu of a $252,000 bond.

Man charged after putting hands on MNPD officer at The Twelve Thirty Club — Brian Clements arrested

49-year-old Brian Clements was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail this week after putting his hands on a police officer who came to escort him out of The Twelve Thirty Club on Broadway in downtown Nashville. Clements had reportedly become disorderly and refused to leave when requested by club security.

Police arrived to find him extremely intoxicated and when they asked him to find a ride to leave the location on his own he reportedly placed his hands on the officer’s shoulders. Officers advised Clements to remove his hands, and he did so before once again putting his hands on the officer. Clements was charged with public intoxication and transported to booking.