Woman charged in seemingly random brutal assault of boyfriend — Breanna Durrenberg

Braden Clark says he had just turned on the shower and was about to get in when his girlfriend, 20-year-old Breanna ‘Bree’ Durrenberg, began pounding on the bathroom door, pushed her way inside, and began screaming and assaulting him. When police located him at the Century Farms Emergency Department next door to the apartment complex, he was beaten and bruised, including a black eye from being punched and a bleeding cut to the back of his head where he was attacked with a glass cologne bottle. It was unclear what prompted the attack.

Man charged with assault of girlfriend when accused of stealing money — Montevaius Finch

Montevaius Finch (aka Trapboy Woochie) was jailed this week, charged with aggravated assault, and violating an order of protection. Police say his girlfriend, Shataun Wilson called 911 stating “please come” before disconnecting the call. She had accused Finch of taking money that was missing from her bedroom. She says he then pushed her down and got on top of her and assaulted her. Police documented her injuries and discovered there was already an order of protection against Finch out of Dickson County from the victim.

Driver at Car Meet pulls gun on men who show “rubber testicles” & taunt drivers— Tyler Cobb

Police say Dakota Cummingham and Alex Morton Oneal admit to driving by a car meet of “street racers” on February 4th and holding a pair of rubber testicles toward the people in the crowd while yelling “this meet sucks” and “suck my truck nuts”. They say a red Camero pulled up to them and three males exited the car with guns pointed at them while the driver of the Camero pulled a handgun and chambered a round while telling them they were going to die that day. Police located the vehicle, with the driver, 20-year-old Tyler Cobb, still inside, two blocks away and took him into custody. Cobb also had an outstanding warrant from two weeks prior when he vandalized a car that stopped to take photos of him doing donuts in the middle of the roadway.

“The Nashville Cowboy” charged with felony assault of woman — Benjamin Colby Barrett

While locals may be oblivious, #VisitMusicCity tourists to Nashville have a longstanding #FindTheCowboy game in which they attempted to find a particular ‘cowboy’ who has been the center of sexy calendars, thousands of tourist photos, and is more locally known as the doorman at Layla’s in downtown Nashville. That cowboy is 46-year-old Benjamin Colby Barrett, and he was arrested in Nashville Friday night, charged with the felony aggravated assault of a former lover who has an active order of protection against him.

Man pulls gun on girlfriend when phone rings at 3 a.m. — Ralph Frierson arrested

In mid-January, Octavia Evans says she was sleeping at her boyfriend’s house on Bank Street when her phone rang a 3:40 a.m. from a female friend. Her boyfriend, 29-year-old Ralph Frierson, heard her talking and reportedly came into the room demanding to know who she was speaking to, convinced it was another man. She says she explained it was one of her girlfriends, but he pulled out a black handgun and threatened to kill her if she didn’t immediately leave his home. She says as she was grabbing her things he placed the gun to her head and told her to exit via the rear door.

Sara Evans filed for divorce prior to Jay Barker’s arrest for attempting to run over her with a vehicle

Musician Sara Evans Barker filed for divorce from former football quarterback and radio personality Harry ‘Jay’ Jerome Barker in August of 2021, citing “irreconcilable differences and inappropriate marital conduct”. Jay was not participating in court proceedings, and Sara’s lawyer last month requested a Nashville Judge to enter a default judgment, granting the divorce according to the terms of their 2008 marriage agreement, which would leave both parties as they came to the marriage, with no additional monies or assets granted to either party upon divorce, and removing either party from any asset claims or distribution upon the death of either party if a divorce occurred.

On January 15th, Metro Nashville Police arrested Harry ‘Jay’ Jerome Barker, charging him with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after they say he got into his vehicle and drove in reverse at a high rate of speed in an attempt to ram a vehicle in which his estranged wife, Sara Evans, was a passenger.

Man charged in assault of ex-girlfriend, she bites him in self-defense — Kyler Shular arrested

25-year-old Kyler Vance Shular is charged with felony aggravated assault/strangulation and false imprisonment after his ex-girlfriend came over to get her things from their shared apartment, to which she still had a key, and he reportedly became upset, pinned her to the floor, threatened her, then covered her mouth when the screamed. A neighbor heard the commotion and knocked on the door, allowing the victim, Halle Strunk, to escape.

Both parties had injuries as she fought back and bit him at least once in self-defense, however, police determined Shular to be the primary aggressor due to the disparity in physical sizes and severity of injuries between the parties. Shular is free on an $8,000 bond.