Pulaski man charged with brutal assault of girlfriend in downtown hotel $25K bond — Harry Brandon Russell

32-year-old Harry Brandon Russell, of Pulaski, is charged with felony aggravated assault/strangulation after police say grabbed his girlfriend, Shelbey Ebersole, inside a room of the downtown Holiday Inn Express in the early morning hours of New Year’s Day. The victim’s brother eventually had to pull Russell off of her after he slammed her into the wall of a bathroom and used both his hands to strangle her until she was unable to breathe and could no longer call for help.

The argument reportedly started after he felt she came back to the room late and wasn’t answering her phone. Russell is free on a $25,000 bond.

Man charged after pulling gun & threatening to shoot former co-worker — Zachary Queen arrested

26-year-old Zachary Queen was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after police say he was driving around erratically and suddenly jumped out of his vehicle and pointed a gun at a former co-worker, and threatened to shoot him.

The motive for the assault wasn’t clear at the time of the arrest. Queen is free on a $10,000 bond.

Woman charged with threatening girlfriend with steak knife — Krystal Wallace

35-year-old Krystal Wallace was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with the aggravated assault with a deadly weapon of her ex-girlfriend, Ashten Stephenson. The victim says the pair still live together and were in an argument about Krystal being extremely intoxicated and belligerent in the home. After the victim retreated to her bedroom to remove herself from the situation, she says Krystal rushed into the bedroom holding a steak knife, declaring I’m going to kill you!”.

Police located the steak knife and charged Krystal Wallace with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. She is free on a $5,000 bond.

Antioch woman charged after chasing boyfriend with knife —Nisel Andrews arrested

22-year-old Nisel Andrews was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Tuesday, charged with felony aggravated assault. Police arrived at the Antioch residence on a domestic call, and both Andrews and her boyfriend, Luis Polanco, had the same account of events. An argument broke out in the bedroom and then moved downstairs where Andrews says she became “very angry” and grabbed a knife. She chased Polanco with the knife in her hand, though he says he wasn’t in fear, and she says he had no intention of actually hurting him. Due to the domestic relationship and the agreed-upon narrative from both parties, Andrews was determined to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody. She is charged with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and is free on a $1,000 bond.

Son of Nashville Socialites charged in brutal rape, aggravated rape, sexual battery & more — Blake Solarek

25-year-old Blake Solarek is free on a $75,000 bond, charged with 5 counts of sexual battery, 3 counts of rape, and 1 count each of assault, aggravated assault, and aggravated rape. Blake is the son of divorcing Nashville socialites Troy Solarek, of The Dotted Line, and artist manager Mitch Solarek. A Grand Jury indicted Solarek on all 11 counts earlier this month, and he was taken into custody Thursday, and immediately posted bond via Grumpy’s.

The Grand Jury indictment alleges all the incidents occurred on January 1st of 2021, charging Blake Solarek with 5 counts of unwanted sexual contact with then 18-year-old M.N.Y., 3 incidents of sexual penetration without consent, he caused M.N.Y. to be fear injury from being strangled, caused injury from an additional act of penetration of M.N.Y., and caused other injures to the victim. Solarek is represented by Byron Pugh.

Nashville Rapper ‘Big Geeche’ charged with assaulting yet another girlfriend — AKA Calvin Woods

27-year-old Calvin Woods Jr., who prefers to be known as ‘Big Geeche’, and has a recent release titled “Found Guilty”, is once again charged with assaulting a lover. In this most recent case, his girlfriend, Cayla Yates, called 911 to report he grabbed her by the throat with both hands as she attempted to stop him from taking a pair of AirPods, which he had bought for her, from her purse. She eventually grabbed a knife in what she describes as “self-defense”, and says he cut his own hand by grabbing it. Woods told police during an interview that he only pushed her away when she pulled a knife on him. He was determined to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody. He is charged with aggravated assault/strangulation and is free on a $10,000 bond.

In 2018, Woods was charged with the assault of a former girlfriend after police documented laceration injuries of the female he wrestled to the ground and tossed her phone in a dumpster so she couldn’t call 911. DA Glenn Funk retired those charges, as long as he promised to not get in trouble again. A few months later, Woods was charged with dragging the same girlfriend across the floor by her hair in front of children, after he punched her in the face multiple times. Police also documented those injures, but DA Glenn Funk refused to move forward with the prosecution in July of this year when the girlfriend backed out of testifying, despite the already collected evidence.

Connor House charged in aggravated assault of two Rebar Midtown bouncers using beer bottle

27-year-old Connor House is free on a $30,000 bond, charged with the felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon of two bouncers at Rebar Midtown. Shane Jenkins and Noah Cahours say House threw and shattered a beer bottle, causing them both to sustain visible injuries. They detained him after a brief chase, until police arrived.

At the time of this arrest, Connor House was free on a $15,000 bond from A Around the Clock Bonding after causing $17,000 of damage to his parent’s home when they locked him out. At the time of that arrest, he was also free on another $17,000 bond with the same company, after two domestic assaults on his girlfriend.

Man charged with threatening to stab people with a syringe at Broadway convenience store — Tyler Rasband

29-year-old Tyler Rasband was found at a Broadway convenience store in downtown Nashville wielding a syringe, threatening to stab people with it. An employee of the location attempted to get him to put the syringe away and leave the property, but police eventually had to be called to take him into custody. He is charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and jailed in lieu of a $10,000 bond.

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