Mackenzie Koziarz shoots roommate with airsoft gun during argument #DomesticAssault

29-year-old Mackenzie Koziarz had an altercation with his roommate, William Walden, at their shared residence late May 30th. On June 9th, Walden reported the incident to the North Precinct. He told officers that he and Koziarz had an argument that escalated when Koziarz shot him with an airsoft gun, leaving a circular bruise on his lower back, which he provided a picture of. Walden also had a voice recording of the occurrence. Walden’s girlfriend, Kayla Frost, corroborated his statement. Walden stated that he had PTSD from a similar incident years ago involving a real firearm, so he no longer feels safe at their house. A warrant was issued for Koziarz’s arrest on June 19th. Koziarz was taken into custody for domestic assault on June 26th.