Zackary Herder charged with attacking two bouncers at Losers Bar in Nashville

27-year-old Zackary Herder is charged with assault and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after two security guards from Losers Bar & Grill, Alan Evans & Garrett Hudson, reported to police reported they were attacked. Hudson had asked Herder to leave the location after he became disruptive, at which time he says Herder grabbed a glass beer bottle at attempted to hit him with it. As he was being escorted downstairs, Herder punched Evans in the face. Herder was detained when police arrived, and he reportedly confessed to the assaults.

Kristin Walker charged after punching woman at Honky Tonk Central in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police responded to a fight at Honky Tonk Central and arrived to find the victim, Samantha Cowan, with a bloody nose. Security Staff witnessed the assault and pointed out 38-year-old Kristin Walker as the person who punched the victim in the face for no apparent reason when walking by her. Officers were in the process of issuing a misdemeanor citation when Walker made it clear she would not sign any citation. She was then taken into custody and charged with assault.

Patient charged with assault of nurse at Vanderbilt Hospital — Harold Henry

57-year-old Harold Henry was a patient in the critical care tower of Vanderbilt Univerity Medical Center earlier this month when he began yelling and screaming at nurse Alicia Bonner to get out of his room when she entered during shift change. He would later tell police he felt as if the nursing staff was “ganging up on him”. Bonner attempted to de-escalate the situation when Henry stated “Do you want some of this?” and spit in a cup of water and threw it at her, soaking her hair, shirt, and face. He then jumped at her as if he were going to strike her.

Tourist David Gene tosses drink & throws a punch at bouncer; taken to the ground

Sam Gehrts was working security at a downtown bar Thursday when he encountered 32-year-old David Gene, who he says began to curse at him, stating “Fuck You” and walking away. As Gene moved down the steps and onto the landing between the 2nd and 3rd floors, he again started a verbal altercation and threw a liquor drink at Gehrts and attempted to provoke him into fighting. After throwing a punch at Gehrts, Gene was taken to the ground and placed in cuffs until MNPD Officers arrived to take him into custody for the assault.

Kwaku Owoo goes berserk after wifi isn’t working in his apartment — coffee mug assault

34-year-old Kwaku Akuffo Owoo is charged with assault after he became upset that the wifi at his apartment complex wasn’t working as he expected and confronted the apartment office staff about the issue. He began to yell at Davis Farish before taking the coffee mug from the victim’s hand and hitting him on the head with it. The victim pushed the mug away and it fell to the floor and shattered. Owoo then picked up a piece of the shattered mug and pointed it at the victim’s throat while attempting to tackle him. Police arrived and interviewed Owoo, who stated “You can speak to my lawyer on Monday.”

TSU Campus Police take down & injure student Jaylah Croft who is fighting with campus security

TSU Campus Police Officer Ajee Smith responded to Rudolph Hall late Saturday night in response to a disorderly student. Student Jaylah Croft was in a physical fight with Security Officer Tyaundrea Hughes. Officers say they attempted to separate the two individuals and Croft continued to be combative and show aggression to officers and Sgt. Christopher Brooks. Croft then charged at Hughes and then resisted arrest. Officers report that Croft sustained unspecified injuries while resisting arrest.

Alejandro Trujillo punches friend in face who takes his keys to prevent him from drunk driving

Metro Nashville Police responded to a call for service early Thursday morning at 1st & Gay street in downtown Nashville regarding an apparent fight between two friends. They located 24-year-old Alejandro Trujillo and Victor Martinez, who had been out drinking downtown and were returning to the parking area. When Victor told Alejandro he should not drive due to his level of intoxication and took his keys from him, Alejandro punched him in the face 4-5 times, chipping his tooth and injuring his lip. He was charged with public intoxication and assault, and received a free ride to booking by a designated driver, Officer Damon Hutcheson.

TSU Police arrest Jayden Lawrence for assault of Dr. Andre Bean, TSU Men’s Initiative Director

19-year-old Jayden Lawrence is charged with the assault of Dr. Andre Bean, the Director of the Men’s Initiative at Tennessee State University. In what may be the most poorly written arrest warrant we’ve ever published, Sgt. Horace Green of the TSU Police Department doesn’t specify how the alleged assault happened but lists Dr. Bean as the victim. The Sgt was escorted to the alleged fight by Arch Angel Security on Monday afternoon to find a large group of students gathered in a circle in the hallway. When he arrived, Dr. Bean was restraining Jayden Lawrence but never actually alleged any assault took place. Lawrence requested medical attention, was evaluated at Metro General, then transported to booking. 

Broadway brawl ends after long struggle; woman spits on 4 MNPD Officers

Eryanna Giles says she was walking on the sidewalk in front of Nudie’s on Broadway when 22-year-old Shawntranise Waller suddenly punched her and pushed her out of the way. A large brawl then broke out, and 22-year-old Roneqwua Hayes and 21-year-old Janeshia Leggs both joined in the fight. Leggs and Hayes were quickly apprehended by nearby officers who observed the fight, however, as they approached Waller to take her into custody she began to resist and fight the Metro Nashville Police Officers. It took nearly a half-dozen officers 5-7 minutes to get her into custody, according to their own report. She spit on 4 officers during the battle, including Arnold Ricket, Michael Waltz, Robert Leverick, and Lucas Thomas.. Once they put shackles on her and got her into the rear of a transport vehicle she stated “I am sorry for spitting on you; at least I don’t have HIV”.

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