Austin Giannasi punches stepbrother in face during argument at Barstool Nashville

28-year-old Austin Giannasi had a domestic incident with his stepbrother, Jack May, at Barstool Nashville late August 30th. When officers arrived, they observed Giannasi yelling at an unidentified individual and getting aggressive with a group of people. The police also noticed that Giannasi reeked of alcohol and showed signs of impairment. Then, officers spoke with Barstool security, who stated that Giannasi was denied entry because he was overly intoxicated. After this, May told the police that Giannasi was extremely drunk, adding that they had gotten into an argument. May stated during the argument, Giannasi punched and slapped him in the face. Giannasi’s other brother, Christopher Giannasi, said he witnessed Austin hitting May. Giannasi was taken into custody for domestic assault on August 31st.