DUI: Brent Meyer crashes through fence at Gaylord Opryland Resort after having 7 drinks

46-year-old Brent Meyer was seen driving under the influence after a single-vehicle car accident at the Gaylord Opryland Resort And Convention Center Opryland  Drive on September 10th. When the officers arrived, they noticed a vehicle had driven up a hill and was stuck on top of a concrete barrier. After speaking with security, they found Meyer, who had fled the scene and was trying to hide from both security and officers. Meyer appeared confused, had slurred speech, smelled of alcohol, and had vomit and blood on his shirt. Officers confirmed that Meyer had been in control of the vehicle with the help of security, who had seen him in the driver’s seat. Security also informed the officers that Meyer had driven through a chain-link fence, causing $5,000 worth of damage. The security footage also showed Meyer going through the fence. When asked about his alcohol consumption, Meyer replied, “I don’t know,” and claimed he had stopped drinking hours ago. Meyer also claimed he didn’t know how his truck got onto the concrete barrier. When asked to perform sobriety tests, Meyer did not consent. Meyer was then detained, refused to give additional statements, and refused implied consent. Upon searching Meyer’s person, officers found a receipt in his pocket showing the purchase of seven alcoholic beverages from a nearby bar. When asked about vehicle insurance, Meyer could not provide proof, claiming his phone was dead. Meyer was then transported and later charged with criminal trespass, driving under the influence, leaving the scene of an accident, refusing implied consent, and failure to provide insurance.

DUI: Mathew Petrossian makes sarcastic remarks to medics after crashing car, tells them “I’m allergic to your mother”

27-year-old Mathew Petrossian was caught driving under the influence after getting into a car accident while at the intersection of Woodberry Drive and Donelson Pike on September 8th. When officers arrived, they observed a vehicle crash in the front yard of a residence. Officers then spoke with Petrossian, the driver, who informed them that he had crashed his car. While searching the area, the officers noticed a partially empty bottle of vodka near the passenger seat floorboard. They could also smell alcohol on Petrossian. When the Emergency Medical Teams began evaluating him for injuries, they asked him what month it was, and he replied, “I couldn’t tell you that if I was sober!”

Petrossian seemed disoriented and displayed slurred speech during the interaction. Due to these signs of intoxication, Petrossian was transported to a nearby hospital. Throughout the interaction, Petrossian made sarcastic remarks, such as, “I’m allergic to your mother.” When officers asked Petrossian if he had been drinking, he admitted to drinking four shots of vodka before driving. He also stated, “I’m drunk as f*ck!” Petrossian continued to stumble and display slurred speech. When asked to perform a sobriety test, Petrossian refused. Officers then read implied consent to Petrossian, and he agreed to have his blood drawn. Afterward, Petrossian became verbally aggressive with officers and attempted to leave the hospital room twice. He was then deemed intoxicated and taken into custody for driving under the influence on September 9th.

Raina Williams speeds down Briley Parkway at 90 mph in Toyota Camry

19-year-old Raina Williams was speeding in her black Toyota Camry down Briley Parkway South late August 21st. Officers noticed the Camry and followed it, during which they paced it going 90 mph in a 55-mph zone and initiated a traffic stop. Upon approaching the Toyota, they identified Williams behind the wheel. The police intended to issue her a citation. However, they were informed that Williams was about to move to New York for school, so they performed a custodial arrest instead. Williams was taken into custody for reckless driving on August 22nd.

Infiniti Tucker strikes sister in face multiple times for calling police on her

25-year-old Infiniti Tucker was involved in a domestic incident with her sister Destiny Tucker on July 9th. Officers were dispatched to Nashville’s East Police Precinct and met with Destiny. She stated she had gotten into a fight with Infiniti. Destiny told officers that during her interactions with Infiniti, she was being rude. In response, Destiny told Infiniti to calm down or she would call 911. According to Destiny, when she called 911 on Infiniti for continuing to be rude, Infiniti slapped her phone out of her hand. Infiniti then struck Destiny in the face several times. Officers observed multiple minor cuts on Destiny’s face. Infiniti was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on July 12th.