Charles Chastain throws wife’s phone, punches mailbox during altercation over children

31-year-old Charles Chastain had a domestic incident with his wife, Ember Dowd, at her and Barbara Dowd, her mother’s Lakeland Drive residence, late August 13th. The police report states that Chastain, Ember, and Barbara used to live together and that Chastain showed up at Dowd’s home unannounced. Chastain called his and Ember’s shared children to see and talk to them. After this, Ember told the kids to get away from the car that Chastain was in. Then, Ember went into her house and tried to close the door. However, Chastain followed her and put his foot in the doorway, hindering her from shutting and locking it. While inside the residence, Ember tried calling 911, but Chastain grabbed her phone and threw it across the yard. Ember told officers that Chastain knew she was on the phone with the police, which is why he threw it. Ember said that Chastain throwing her phone led to a physical altercation. Chastain admitted to throwing the phone before walking over to the mailbox and punching it, causing damage. Barbara and their neighbors witnessed the entirety of the occurrence. Chastain was taken into custody for vandalism and interference with a 911 call.