DUI: Noah Cooper, 20, found passed out behind wheel of running vehicle

20-year-old Noah Cooper was found unresponsive behind the wheel of his running car early Sunday morning. Police arrived to find multiple people attempting to wake Noah. After intense banging on the windows, he awakened and was safely removed from the vehicle. He admitted to drinking earlier, and reportedly reeked of alcohol. He refused all testing, stating there would be alcohol in his system. 

Virginia Man refuses to pay $8K tab at Barstool Sports Nashville

24-year-old Virginia tourist William Jessie was jailed in Nashville early Saturday morning after refusing to pay his nearly $8K tab at the new troubled Barstool Sports bar in downtown Nashville. Staff stated Jessie reserved a table with his credit card and charged to the table throughout the night. When the card was run at the end of the night, it declined as ‘frozen.’ Jessie told police he disagreed with the charges and purposely froze the card so it could not be charged. Barstool Sports prosecuted for the $7,946.05 theft of services.

DUI: Hudson Kelly reportedly ‘white claw wasted’ during crash

29-year-old Hudson Kelley was found at the scene of an accident where he crashed a 2012 Hyundai Elantra into another car and then a concrete barrier. Police arrived at the accident scene on I-40 West near mile marker 207 and spoke to the witness whose car Hudson hit. The witness stated that Hudson was swerving before he hit their car. Police found a Whiteclaw can in the passenger side of Hudson’s vehicle while medics were checking him out. Hudson was very talkative, smelled of alcohol, and was unsteady.

When police spoke to him about the Whiteclaw, they reported that Hudson became quiet and refused to answer questions. He stated he was coming home from work with his boss, but then police overheard him tell a friend that he was coming from a bowling alley. Police reported that Hudson was experiencing mood swings where he cried, was placed into custody, would yell and cuss at the officer, and would later apologize. Hudson kept repeating that he had never been in an accident before and asked why he was driving his brother’s car.

As police told him that he was being placed under arrest for DUI, he said that he could not be due to him not owning a car or him driving; he just said that he was going home. After he refused to perform sobriety tests, he asked if he could smoke a cigarette, but police had just observed him smoking three. He said he had not smoked for years, yet just smoked moments earlier. Hudson was confused about which car was his and which family member was picking him up. He was placed into custody after he refused to give a blood or breath sample.

Taylor York charged after slapping husband at Nashville Airport

33-year-old Taylor York was seen by police arguing with her husband, James Allen York III, at Nashville International Airport. They spoke to Taylor and James, who both confirmed that Taylor slapped James. Taylor said that she took the argument too far, and police saw the incident on camera. Taylor was deemed the primary aggressor and was cited for domestic assault on July 22nd. She was placed into booked on the charge this week.

Julia Lange charged with assault of her friend at Margaritaville hotel in Nashville

49-year-old Julia Lange was seen by security at Margaritaville Hotel on Rep John Lewis Way slapping Melinda Olson in the face several times. They told police of the incident when they arrived on Friday morning. Security also told police that she took Melinda’s key card to the hotel room and left Melinda in the lobby. Melinda was escorted back upstairs, and when Julia answered the door, she was verbally abusive towards Melinda. Police heard a scuffle inside as well as a voice saying, “I will kill you,” and “Why did you hit me?” Then they heard a slapping sound, they knocked, and Julia opened the door. Inside, police could see Melinda lying on the room floor with blood on her face and knee. When they asked Melinda what happened, she told police that Julia hit her in the face. Police observed injuries to Melinda’s knee, nose, and neck. Melinda had no injuries before entering the room. Julia was determined to be the primary aggressor and was charged with domestic assault.

Brooklyn Waterman charged with public intoxication in downtown Nashville

32-year-old Brooklyn Waterman Friday morning was trying to tell police at the Central Police Precinct which hotel she was staying in after being found drunk and disorderly in downtown Nashville. Police described her as having several indications of being drunk, and she could only tell police that she was staying at the hotel with “Place” in the name. Brooklyn said that she did not know where she was at. Police, after she said that the hotel was on “3rd and Broadway,” called around and could not find the hotel where she or her husband was staying. They drove her to three different hotels to try and have her get her own room, but she did not have any means to pay for it. After they called her mother and her husband several times and not getting an answer, they booked her for public intoxication because they thought she would be a danger to herself.