Jelly Roll’s stalker arrested in Nashville; Artist was in a “clear state of emotional distress”

41-year-old failed Nashville rapper Michael Curtis was jailed Monday evening, charged with stalking Nashville celebrity Jelly Roll. A series of incidents over several days led up to the arrest, including tracking down Jelly Roll’s personal vehicle at the Ryman Auditorium, following his tour bus and contacting the driver, and Monday’s incident at the celebrity softball game, which left the artist in a “clear state of emotional distress.” Videos of Curtis posted (in this article) after his release from jail show a man in a mental breakdown, who continues to threaten the lives of Jelly Roll, his family, and specific MNPD Officers, as recent as Tuesday morning.

Tourist Charles Jordan punches cop in face at Omni Hotel; pre-trial release

It took multiple officers to take 35-year-old tourist Charles Jordan into custody at the Omni Hotel in the early hours of Saturday morning. Jordan was not a guest at the hotel but was drunkenly walking the hallways, causing a disturbance. He was asked to leave by an off-duty officer and refused. He shoved the officer away, making physical contact, and then punched him in the face, leaving him with a visible bruise under his left eye. Additional officers arrived, and after a brief scuffle, Jordan was taken into custody.

Nicholas Moore — too drunk to fly at Nashville Airport

28-year-old Nicholas Moore was jailed this weekend after being denied boarding a Southwest flight at the Nashville International Airport due to his level of intoxication. He became belligerent with gate agents, and Airport Police responded to the incident. Moore was unable to remain standing without assistance and continued to be a disruption to the business. He attempted to have a family member retrieve him, but he escalated the situation and began to scream in an officer’s face.

Julianne Miller charged with punching roommate in face, kicking her in head while on ground

23-year-old Julianna Miller was jailed on June 4th after beating up her roommate at their home on Old Hickory Boulevard after an argument about difficulties with their living situation. Officers spoke with Alexis Glatz, who said that she and Miller had been arguing throughout the day prior until Miller left. When she returned home, they continued arguing face to face. At some point during the argument, Miller started punching Glatz in the face until she fell to the floor. Once on the floor, she got into the fetal position, where she says she was kicked in the head. Officers observed scratches on her face and large swellings on her forehead in several spots. It is evident that Glatz was struck in the head multiple times. Miller told police that she only assaulted Glatz in self-defense after she pushed her. She had no injuries.

Demarcus Foster free on pre-trial release; drugs, gun, reckless driving, evading arrest

18-year-old Demarcus Foster was jailed on June 4th after police saw him speeding out of a parking lot on Merritt Boulevard. Police began to follow Foster, who stopped his vehicle in the middle of the roadway near Almeda Street and yelled out of the driver’s side window that he needed to get somewhere because his car was breaking down. He tried to wave police by, but instead, the police activated their emergency lights. Police asked Foster to step out of the vehicle, and he began pacing and sweating profusely. He spoke quickly, telling police he was acting strange because he “ain’t got no L’s.” The officer asked him to specify what an “L” was, and he said it meant his driver’s license.

The officer asked Foster to relax and sit on the hood of the patrol car. He complied with the command, but when the officer attempted to search Foster’s vehicle, he sat up and said, “You ain’t gotta do all that.” Officers saw a 9mm Ruger Handgun in plain view on the driver’s side floorboard and attempted to place Foster in handcuffs, but he pushed off the officer’s neck and chest, knocking off the body camera, and took off running. The officer told Foster to stop running, but he continued until he was tased. Once in custody, police found half an ecstasy pill and a small bag of crack/cocaine in Foster’s front pocket.

The vehicle plates displayed did not match the vehicle, Foster was driving a Nissan Sentra, but the plates belonged to a Ford Fiesta. Once at booking, Foster told police he ran because he has pending gun charges in another county, and he thought the current incident would affect that. He also stated that he knew he would be pulled over when he sped out of the parking lot and “screeched” his tires.

When the fire engine arrived, a drunken Sean Woods climbed underneath it…

38-year-old Sean Woods was booked June 3rd after police were flagged down by a witness stating that a man was passed out in the grass beside the Exxon gas station on Broadway. When police arrived, they saw Woods lying on the ground, obviously impaired. When the fire department arrived, Woods crawled under the fire truck. Police were able to get the defendant out from under the truck and stand him up. He declined medical treatment and refused to be transported to the hospital. Due to his level of intoxication, police determined Woods to be a danger to himself and attempted to take him into custody, but he resisted by pulling away and kicking multiple officers in their legs while yelling racial slurs. Woods continued to kick at officers while being placed in the back of the patrol car.

Randy ‘RJ’ Rudlaff jailed for violating an order of protection

46-year-old Randy Rudlaff was at his shared residence on Stockyard Street Sunday when Metro Nashville Police responded to a domestic incident at the address. As Rudlaff’s information was run through the system, an active order of protection was located, which prevented him from being at the residence until the next court date. He was served with the notice on March 31 and still had not vacated the residence. He was taken into custody and charged with violating an order of protection.

Donya Marandi had “two beers” before drunken fiery crash on interstate

37-year-old Donya Marandi told police she had “a few beers” before causing a fiery collision on I-24W late Friday night. An officer was en route to an unrelated call when he observed Marandi wreck into another vehicle in the left lane. As he stopped to investigate, he noticed that Marandi’s engine was billowing heavy smoke and helped her to get to his patrol car for safety. She had to balance herself with the concrete median and the officer’s arm due to her level of intoxication. She admitted to drinking “a few beers” and continued to ask if her car was on fire, and was surprised each time to learn that it was.