Michael Arnold found with two handguns after DUI traffic stop on I-440

34-year-old Michael Arnold of Bethesda, MD, was traveling over 90 mph on I-440 when he swerved and nearly struck a police patrol vehicle Saturday evening. Officers conducted a traffic stop and found Arnold to be extremely intoxicated and reeking of alcohol. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and later blew a 0.247% BAC on a breathalyzer. Inside the vehicle, officers discovered four empty Whiteclaw cans, one empty Twisted Tea can, and two consumed screwdrivers. A Glock handgun was located in the driver’s side door, and a Colt revolver was in an unlocked compartment.

Bass Berry & Sims lawyer Theodore ‘Gil’ Ulhorn V jailed on DUI charge in Nashville

48-year-old Memphis attorney Theodore ‘Gil’ Ulhorn V was traveling at 50 mph in a 30 mph zone in the early hours of Friday morning near West End, according to Metro Nashville Police, who conducted a traffic stop. Uhlhorn, who was driving the vehicle, reportedly reeked of alcohol and was visibly intoxicated along with slurred speech. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was taken into custody. At booking, he initially agreed to a breathalyzer but then refused after attempting to negotiate his release if it was below the legal limit. A warrant was granted for his blood, and the draw was completed at General Hospital.

In honor of Jerry Springer, meet Christian Gregory.

23-year-old Christian Gregory was booked this week for getting into a fight with Kelodjah Holt after she confronted Christian about sleeping with her ex-boyfriend and brother, Kelodjah Holt. A male called in on the line whispering about people being in his apartment that shouldn’t be. Police responded to Green Circle in Goodlettsville and spoke with Christian and her sisters, Talissa Gregory, and Shamaree Ramsey. Christian had just been in a fight with Kelodjah, who also lived in the apartment complex. Kelodjah found out that Christian had been sleeping with her ex-boyfriend and her brother, so she went to Christian’s apartment to confront her, and the argument turned into a fight.

During the fight, Christian grabbed a kitchen knife in self-defense, but Shamaree knocked it out of her hands and separated the two. Kelodjah ran to get back to her apartment, and Christian got in Shamaree’s car to follow her. Talissa ran after Christian but lost sight of her as she drove off. Talissa believed that Christian was hiding and waiting for an opportunity to attack Kelodjah, but it was later discovered that she circled the complex and went back to her apartment to grab another knife.

Christian pulled up to Kelodjas’s apartment and exited the car screaming, “I’m going to kill you b$*ch.” Christian slashed Kelodjah’s front passenger’s tire and then scratched her car with a knife. She then lunged at her while swinging the knife in her direction. Kelodjah told police that she feared for her life, and her claims were corroborated by Talissa and Shamaree. Officers found a broken knife blade lying on the hood of Kelodjah’s car and a knife handle sitting in the center console of Shamaree’s car, confirming that Christian used the knife.

Kedaisha Brown charged with harassment of her mother; sending threatening texts

21-year-old Kedaisha Brown was booked this week for trying to intimidate her mother after an argument on April 12th. Jowanna Staten flagged down police on April 13th and told them about the incident that took place the day before. According to Staten, the argument was about Brown’s Child, which Staten has custody of. While they were arguing, Brown’s father spoke with Staten over the phone, which only prolonged the incident. Once the phone call was over, Staten received text messages from Brown. Staten told her daughter that she was scared and to leave her alone, to which she replied, “You need to be scared b*#ch” and “…and I said that.”

Robert Cirilo — too drunk to fly out of Nashville Airport

41-year-old Robert Cirilo was jailed Monday when police observed he was too drunk to board his flight at Nashville International Airport. As officers were patrolling, they saw Cirilo standing in line at Tootsie’s Bar, clearly drunk. They walked over to him, and he said that his phone was dead and he was just trying to get home. He had slurred speech and alcohol coming from his breath as he spoke. Officers were told that Cirilo was denied boarding due to his level of intoxication. Officers made a phone call to a friend who informed them that Cirilo had a flight later that day. Officers helped Cirilo obtain a new ticket and walked him to his gate. Officers were called back to the gate shortly after due to Cirilo being disruptive, looking for his lost phone. He was visibly drunk and denied boarding once again. Officers asked him to gather his belongings that were scattered on the floor so they could escort him to a hotel, but he was too drunk to gather anything and was unable to care for himself.

Grant Davidson assaults wife when she insists he speak to his mother-in-law

Police say 50-year-old Grant Davidson was in a verbal altercation with his wife, Jennifer Davidson, in their living room on May 19. She demanded he speak with her mother about the argument and refused. As he walked away, she followed him with the phone, insisting he take it. Davidson then took the phone and reportedly struck his wife in the chest with it. He then pushed her against a wall so hard that she urinated on herself, which officers observed upon arrival. She says he then grabbed her in a “choke hold” for a long period of time before finally letting her go.

Gratton Rider charged in drunken rage assault of girlfriend, who he was visiting in Nashville

28-year-old Gratton Rider was jailed Thursday in Nashville, charged with the domestic assault of his girlfriend, Lindsey Smith. She had picked him up at the airport just before the incident, as he was coming into town to visit. She says he was already heavily intoxicated when she arrived, and he demanded they stop and get a vape pen on the way home; however, no stores were open that late at night. She continued home and attempted to “make him happy by playing a card game,” according to an arrest report.

When he began to lose the card game, Rider became even more angry and upset. She says he grabbed her by the arms and slammed her into a wall in the hallway, and she was able to escape to her bedroom. Rider reportedly came into her room and stood over her as she sat on her bed. She says she remembers him raising his fist at her and then the back of her head hitting the wall as he assaulted her. Officers documented multiple injuries on the victim, including a swollen eye and bruises on her face and arm.