Joshua Davidson falls asleep behind wheel of car in White Castle drive-thru on Broadway

27-year-old Joshua Davidson was jailed Saturday morning after Nashville Fire Department found him asleep behind the wheel at the drive-through of the White Castle on Broadway. Police attempted to wake him several times before he responded and stumbled out of the vehicle. He smelled of alcohol and had to have an officer help him stay balanced. He had glassy eyes and dilated pupils. Davidson performed poorly on sobriety tests and refused blood and breath samples.

Caleb Eidlebach charged with second DUI after illegal u-turn

26-year-old Caleb Eidlebach was jailed Sunday afternoon when police saw him run a red light on Old Hickory Boulevard. Eidlebach came to a complete stop but then continued to run the red light and make a U-turn from the left lane of Dodson Chapel Road near Old Hickory Boulevard. Once pulled over, police saw several open containers of beer. Eidlebach told police he had been drinking earlier in the morning. He performed poorly on sobriety tests and was charged with DUI 2nd, as he was previously convicted of DUI in May 2016.

Parker Short: too drunk for downtown Nashville

21-year-old Parker Short was drunk and alone in downtown Nashville when officers found him just before 3 a.m. Saturday. He had just been in a fight and was now swaying when attempting to stand and could not form cohesive sentences. He reeked of alcohol and was unable to tell officers where his AirBNB was so they could arrange for him to get there safely. He was unable to contact anyone to retrieve him, so he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Brian Quinlivan offers to pay police for a ride home from downtown Nashville

34-year-old Brian Quinlivan was jailed on May 13th after offering to pay officers for a ride home while drunk on Broadway. Officers got out of the marked patrol car and noticed Quinlivan was drunk and slurring as he told police that he got separated from his friends. He offered to pay officers for a ride home in the patrol car. He couldn’t tell police where he was staying or provide any contact information of someone who could care for him.

Kevin Blair charged in assault of man at Jason Aldean’s bar in downtown Nashville

Nathan Lipe was at Jason Aldean’s bar Saturday night when he believed he saw one of his friends. He attempted to gain the man’s attention by tapping him on his upper back. The man, who turned out o be 52-year-old tourist Kevin Blair, was not the friend he believed him to be. In response to the tap on the back, Blair turned without delay, and punched Lipe in the face twice, sending him to the hospital for his injuries. Blair initially told police he punched the man for grabbing his wife’s buttocks, but complete video of their interaction proved that allegation to be untrue. Blair was taken into custody and charged with assault and disorderly conduct.

Intoxicated teen William Burke threatens to kill police officers at Steeplechase in Nashville

19-year-old William Burke of Chickering Circle in Nashville wandered onto the restricted area of the horse racing track at the Iroquois Steeplechase Saturday. He was approached by event security along with Metro Nashville Police officers, and as they moved closer, he ran from both. Burke was detained a short distance away. As they inquired as to why he was on the track, he screamed, “fuck you!” at the officers, along with other repeated vulgar language. He was visibly intoxicated and admitted to drinking, despite being 19 years old. As he was taken into custody for his disorderly behavior he told Officer Richardson, “I’m going to kill y’all.”

Tourist Britt Johnson charged in assault of girlfriend in Nashville hotel room

31-year-old Britt Johnson was jailed on May 5th after assaulting his girlfriend on Music Valley Drive. Police saw Johnson sleeping outside of the hotel room. He was startled when the officers woke him and appeared to be intoxicated, slurring his words, unsteady on his feet, and smelled of alcohol. He told police his wife had kicked him out of the hotel room.

When officers entered the room to speak to Jennifer Rodriguez, she was crying and pointed at her face. Officers saw cuts on her face, objects in the room that were thrown around, and blood on the bed. She wouldn’t tell officers exactly what happened, but she said she was scared of Johnson and wanted him to leave. Officers asked Jennifer if Johnson put his hands on her, and she nodded her head yes but wouldn’t give further details. Due to the evidence on the scene and injuries to Jennifer’s face, police determined Johnson as the primary aggressor.

Justin ‘Shipwreck’ Canuti charged in assault of girlfriend in downtown Nashville

30-year-old Justin Canuti was jailed on May 9th after assaulting his girlfriend in a drunken rage under the Shelby Street Bridge. A witness told police she was flagged down and saw Cantui and Savanna Wallace arguing. During the argument, she saw Cantui slap Wallace so hard that he split the skin on her cheek. Police tried to speak with Wallace, and she was uncooperative, but they observed the laceration on her cheek that required stitches. Canuti told police that Wallace started yelling at him about where he had been and things of that nature, then got in his face angrily and swung at him. Canuti said he blocked the punch and pushed her, causing her to fall. When she got up, she started yelling and hitting him again.

Canuti told police he let Wallace know that he would defend himself if she didn’t stop. Then he kicked her in the leg, causing her to fall again, and she got up and continued hitting him. Police could smell alcohol coming from Canuti and observed his bloodshot watery eyes. His speech was slurred as he told his side of the story, which was inconsistent with the statement given by Wallace. Due to his level of intoxication, he was a danger to himself and others and was taken into custody.

Sophia Kelley jailed after keying roommate’s Mercedes-Benz

29-year-old Sophia Kelley was booked this week after police say she keyed her roommate’s Mercedes-Benz. Police spoke with Britney Moya, who said that on April 28th, she returned to her home on Lincoya Bay Drive and saw Kelley there. Kelley was Moya’s roommate who was given notice to move out of the house by then. Moya went upstairs to her room and heard Kelley leave the house about 20-30 minutes later. When Moya left the house about an hour later to get her car washed, she saw deep key marks down the entire length of the car. Police spoke with the neighbor, who said she saw Kelley outside packing her car up, noticed the car was keyed, and even texted her boyfriend about what she saw. The witness showed officers the time-stamped message to her boyfriend. Kelley drove off only minutes before Moya came outside. The timeline of events gave officers probable cause that Kelley committed the felony vandalism. The damage to the vehicle is clearly greater than $2,500, according to police.

Hunter Eagle faces drug charges after officers notice expired tags on his vehicle

23-year-old Hunter Eagle was jailed May 9th after police found drug paraphernalia in his vehicle during a traffic stop. Detectives saw a black Nissan Altima parked at a business on Largo Drive outside of business hours with the engine running. When detectives ran the license plate, they discovered the registration was expired. Eagle told detectives that he didn’t have a driver’s license and gave his social security number to be identified. They found that Eagle had an active warrant from Maury County for a probation violation. The detectives noticed that there was drug paraphernalia in plain sight and Eagle advised that there would be more found in the vehicle. They found multiple loaded needles, a small amount of marijuana, a grinder and a metal spoon with burn marks and residue.