Kathleen Daschbach smashes vehicle through BNA security gate

34-year-old Kathleen Daschbach was jailed on April 20th after she drove drunk through the entry gate arm of the BNA employee lot in her black Suburban. Police responded to the parking lot, where they were told by on-site security that Daschbach smashed through the gate arm and was driving erratically around the parking lot. If that wasn’t enough, she came back and smashed through the entrance gate arm a second time. Security tried to stop her, but she drove around them. She was instructed verbally by an officer to exit her vehicle, but she refused and had to be physically removed. When backup arrived, Daschbach was leaning up against her suburban, urinating on herself.

She had to be helped to the curb so she could sit down without falling over. She smelled strongly of alcohol, police asked if she had been drinking, and she said that she refused to answer any questions or say anything. During the vehicle search, officers noticed her rear bumper hanging off. Police also saw an open container of Strawberry Daquiri ClubTails spilled on the passenger’s side floorboard. There were three grams of marijuana scattered on the passenger’s side floorboard, a pipe in the center console, and a grinder in the ashtray. Daschbach had the title of the vehicle from the original owner, but it was never registered under her name. She also did not have car insurance. Daschbach refused sobriety tests, blood tests, and breath tests when asked. She was placed under arrest and refused to answer any questions from police.

DUI: Esteban Perez says he drank three Modelos before crash — 0.136% BAC

27-year-old Esteban Perez was jailed on April 9th after driving drunk and crashing on Harding Place. When police responded, they saw Perez unsteady on his feet and had an obvious stench of alcohol coming from his breath. He had no valid ID and could only provide a photo of a Guatemalan passport for identification. There were several opened containers of alcohol in his car, some still partially full and cool to the touch. Perez admitted to drinking three Modelos before the accident but claimed not to be the driver. A nearby camera shows him being the sole occupant exiting the vehicle after the crash. He agreed to sobriety tests and performed poorly. He was read his Miranda rights in Spanish, was given a breathalyzer, and blew a .136% BAC.

Wilmer Sanchez — too drunk for Greyhound: achievement unlocked

40-year-old Wilmer Sanchez was jailed on April 20th after being too drunk to buy a bus ticket. Police responded to GreyHound security, who said that Sanchez was brought outside after trying to purchase a bus ticket and would not leave. When police spoke with Sanchez, it was apparent he was extremely drunk. He had watery eyes, was slurring his speech, and had lethargic body movements. Sanchez had difficulty standing and repeated the same answer for multiple different questions. He had an open container beside him and admitted to drinking that day. Police determined he was a danger to himself, and he was transported to booking.

Lindsey Perdue charged with underage drinking after using a designated driver to get home

18-year-old Lindsey Perdue was booked this week on a citation for underage drinking in March when she was involved in a car accident as a passenger. She told police that she had been drinking with friends at a parking garage off Elliston Place, and someone offered to drive her home because she was drunk. Perdue was transported to Vanderbilt for her injuries after the crash.

Street Racer Alan Rayo races MNPD Patrol Car in Antioch

19-year-old Alan Rayo was booked this week on a citation from March when he was caught speeding through the intersection of Murfreesboro Pike and Bell Road. He sped past a marked patrol car, and as police tried to catch up to him to pull him over, he accelerated to 85 mph in a 45 mph zone, trying to drive at the vehicle’s maximum speed. He drove around other vehicles, displaying willful disregard for the safety of other drivers while racing with the police car. During the eventual traffic stop, it was discovered that Rayo didn’t have a driver’s license.

Elderly protestor Michelle Flynn carried out after outburst at State Capitol Thursday

69-year-old Michelle Flynn was jailed on April 20th after refusing to leave the State Capitol after being disruptive and telling police she would have to be carried out. State troopers responded to the second floor of the Tennessee State Capitol in reference to someone disrupting the Tennessee House of Representatives official session. Flynn was sitting on one of the balconies that looked over house members during their sessions. The rules to be on the balcony are that no one may shout, yell, scream, or disturb the meetings that are in progress. Flynn started to shout and was asked to stop, but she continued and was asked to stop again. The speaker of the house demanded she be removed. As troopers escorted her to the main floor, she refused to leave the building. Flynn was advised that she would be arrested if she did not leave. She continued her refusal and was placed in handcuffs. Once she was handcuffed, she refused to walk and was told multiple times by troopers that she needed to walk with them, to which she replied that she would not walk and would have to be carried out.

Tourist Joe Meehan deemed too drunk for downtown Nashville

27-year-old Joe Meehan was jailed after being so drunk on Broadway that when officers told him to throw his beer away, he poured it out and threw the can on the ground in front of them. Officers were flagged down by bouncers at Jason Aldean’s Bar after Meehan refused to leave. When the officers arrived on the scene, Meehan walked outside the bar but would not leave the area. He smelled of alcohol, had bloodshot eyes, and was unsteady on his feet. He was too drunk to tell officers if he was with anyone or where he was staying. Meehan was holding an open beer while he was speaking with officers outside of the bar. When the police told him he needed to throw it away. He emptied it and threw the can on the ground. He was then taken into custody.

Street racer Matthew Sledge caused a five-car accident on Interstate, per police

27-year-old Matthew Sledge was jailed on April 14th after causing a 5-vehicle accident leading to two people being injured on I440. Witnesses told police that a black Audi was drag racing another Audi, which led to 5 vehicles being involved and two injured. One of the vehicles involved was flipped over on the road. The witnesses told police a male exited the Audi and ran across I440 down the exit ramp. The male’s description matched an ID left in the vehicle. The car was registered to the individual matching the ID. Sledge also left his phone behind, which had directions leading to 5010 Old Hickory Boulevard.

While police were searching the vehicle, it had an overbearing odor of alcohol, and they found an unopened container of alcohol on the passenger side floorboard. Sledge has two prior DUI convictions and an extensive driving history, including a personal injury accident with points against his record, careless driving from Kentucky, and speeding as high as 32 mph over the speed limit, the latest being 102 in a 70mph zone. Sledge has also had his license suspended and revoked prior.

Beatrice Gayle Jones attacks roommate over thermostat setting

50-year-old Beatrice Jones was jailed on April 17th after pushing her roommate when she tried to change the temperature on the thermostat at their home on Litton Avenue. Jessica Abdulah told police that she and Jones were arguing over the thermostat setting when Jones pushed her away. They started to fight, and Jones tried to push Abdulah down the stairs. Jones admitted to pushing Abdulah away from the thermostat and that her fingernail was bent back because of it. Abdulah had scratches on her chest, back, and face. The injuries, plus the admission to pushing Abdulah, gave police probable cause to believe that Jones was the primary aggressor.

Darlin Rosa-Rivera says he had ‘one beer’ before DUI crash on I-24

26-year-old Darlin Rosa-Rivera was jailed on April 15th after causing an accident while drunk driving on I-24. Officers spoke with Darlin, who admitted to being the driver of the vehicle at fault. They could smell alcohol coming from his breath as he spoke and asked him how much he had to drink. Rosa told police he had one beer and agreed to sobriety tests which he performed poorly on. It was later discovered that he had no license or car insurance.