DUI: Bradley Spraggins found passed out drunk in his car, tells officers he “had brain surgery as a kid”

31-year-old Bradley Spraggins was found sleeping in the driver’s seat of his vehicle with his hazards on in the southbound traffic lane on 3rd Avenue around 1 a.m. on August 22nd. Responding officers spoke with Spraggins, who said he was waiting for a tow truck to come and give him a jumpstart. Spraggins explained that his vehicle’s battery had died while driving. During their interaction, officers noticed Spraggins had dilated pupils. Officers then asked him to try starting his car, and despite his previous statement, it turned on. After the tow truck driver arrived, Spraggins started his car again. Then, Spraggins advised officers that he had just woken up and went downtown to do an Uber trip. Spraggins added that he hadn’t drunk anything or consumed any medication. He consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Then, while waiting for the breathalyzer machine to start, Spraggins started falling asleep. He told officers that he “had brain surgery as a kid,” but it did not affect his walking abilities. Spraggins was taken into custody for driving under the influence.