Jacqueline Wolf found drunk & belligerent at Morgan Wallen concert in downtown Nashville

25-year-old Jacqueline Wolf was at the Morgan Wallen concert in downtown Nashville Friday and was in someone’s seat. When asked to produce her own ticket to verify where she was supposed to be seated she became extremely belligerent and yelled and swore at staff. She was heavily intoxicated and admitted she was “a little drunk”. She was turned over to MNPD who charged her with public intoxication.

Carlos Che Quej found drunk and injured, sleeping on a stranger’s lawn in Nashville

27-year-old Carlos Che Quej was found sleeping on a stranger’s lawn on Saturn Drive Saturday night just after 10 p.m. when officers made contact with Che Quej, he was unable to answer most questions, but was able to convey he had consumed “8 or 9 beers”. It was unclear how he sustained multiple facial injuries, but he refused all medical assistance. The homeowner wanted him off his lawn, so he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Audrey Bradley charged with DUI — 3 glasses of wine in 30 minutes

Police say 21-year-old Audrey Bradley was swerving while driving a silver SUV in the roundabout near Vanderbilt University Medical Center just after midnight. As an officer initiated a traffic stop, Bradly pulled over and stumbled out of her vehicle before the officer was even getting out of his vehicle. Using slurred words, and exaggerated arm and hand movements, she reportedly admitted to consuming three glasses of wine in the half-hour just before driving. She blew a 0.178% BAC on a breathalyzer.

Tourist Madison Grubbs spits on ‘Nashville Six’ Officer Brenna Hosey, during drunken arrest

27-year-old Madison Grubbs came all the way to Nashville for a girls’ weekend and ended up in a Nashville jail cell. At 1 a.m. Sunday, officers were dispatched to the Moxy Hotel in downtown Nashville where they located Grubbs, who was extremely intoxicated and unable to care for herself. Officers had an ambulance respond to the scene to care for her, however, she refused medical assistance, which would have avoided jail. With no other options, police then took her into custody for public intoxication – a charge which would have disappeared in a few hours when she sobered up. Grubbs was going easy, though. While being escorted to a patrol car, she began fighting and kicking in an attempt to break free from custody. When Officer Brenna Hosey (one of the ‘Nashville Six’) attempted to search her prior to being placed in the transport car, Grubbs intentionally spit on Hosey.

DUI: Khristen Jones flees into woods after crash, claims her friend ‘Brad’ was driving her car

Witnesses say 31-year-old Khristen Jones rear-ended another vehicle near Old Hickory Blvd & Bellevue Rd and continued to drive toward Highway 100 before she exited the driver’s side of her vehicle and walked into the woods. As first responders arrived she emerged from the woodline, reeking of alcohol. She told police she had “could have had a couple of drinks” but her friend ‘Brad’ was driving, not her. She refused field sobriety tests and was charged with DUI.

Casey Vordermark kicked out of Losers Bar in Nashville

25-year-old Casey Vordermark was told to leave Losers Bar in Nashville after becoming a disturbance to other guests, but refused to leave on his own. Security them escorted him outside, at which point he began to fight the security team. Officers arrived and asked the man if he would stop fighting and tell them what was happening, and he just began to yell and curse at officers with slurred words. Without hesitation, he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Tourist sisters brawl in the middle of downtown Nashville — Hannah German arrested

34-year-old Hannah German flagged down police officers in downtown Nashville, reportedly asking for help in detaining her sister, Emma German. A group of citizens near 5th & Broadway were also reporting an assault was occurring between the two sisters. The two had been at Tootsie’s and got into an argument over using a rideshare to return to their hotel. Emma attempted to part ways, however, Hannah grabbed her by the neck twice, refusing to let her leave. During the scuffle, Emma sustained some injuries, including a bloody lip, scratches on her neck and chest, and a broken backpack, which she had been wearing.

Lawrence Rush charged in strangulation of wife after she came home from night of drinking

Vikki Rush says she returned home after being out drinking and found the door was locked, causing her to have to knock until her husband, 61-year-old Lawrence Rush, let her inside. As she moved past him, her purse reportedly hit her husband, and she says he pushed her in response, starting a physical altercation. Vikki told police her husband eventually pushed her to the ground and strangled her, leaving scratch marks on her neck. During the struggle, he reportedly grabbed her by the hair and hit both her head and nose on the floor, which was swollen and had some bleeding.

DUI: Logan McCann crashes car in front of officers in Antioch after ‘one beer’

Metro Nashville Police were investigating an abandoned vehicle near the Bell Rd exit at I-24 when suddenly 29-year-old Logan McCann rear-ended another vehicle in front of officers. He exited his vehicle and stumbled toward officers, and stated he had just been at an East Nashville restaurant where he had consumed 1 beer. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests, and agreed to a blood draw, however, he backed out of that decision once at the hospital. He was also on multiple medications which have warnings against taking with alcohol.