DUI: Woman blames crash on argument, breathalyzer determines that was a lie — Anna Bea Major arrested

25-year-old Anna Bea Major was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday night after she crashed her vehicle in downtown Nashville. When officers arrived on scene, she told them the cause of the wreck was because of an argument with her roommate. A breathalyzer determined that was a lie. She blew over double the legal limit, a .182 % BAC at booking. She is free on pre-trial release.

In 2019 Major was arrested after leaving the Exit Inn, where she was a bartender and was in a crash on the interstate in which she hit a wall and fled the scene. During that incident, she admitted to drinking prior to driving, and officers located marijuana and cocaine on her person incident to arrest.

Man so drunk he continues to drive damaged vehicle after crash — Elijah Gang #WhiteBoyWasted

26-year-old Elijah Gang was driving around in a recently crashed vehicle when he drove right into an area which police were preparing for the NYE event in downtown Nashville. An officer approached him to make sure he was ok, and that he realized how damaged his vehicle was. The front-end had heavy damage and the left front time was completely flat. Gang repeatedly reeked of alcohol and refused to answer most questions.

Inside the Toyota Rav4 was an open Miller High Life beer can and multiple cans of Sierra Nevada Hazy Little Things. Gang was charged with DUI, violation of the implied consent law, and open containers. He was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, just a few blocks away, and is free on pre-trial release.

After cocaine & beer, man calls 911 to have a tow truck take him home. He walked to the restaurant — Timothy Odom

54-year-old Timothy Odom went to an East Nashville restaurant Wednesday and drank “a lot” of beer and snorted cocaine. He then convinced employees to call 911 for him, stating he was experiencing an emergency. Once officers arrived he explained he had stubbed his toe, and his phone wasn’t charged, both of which he believed to be genuine emergencies. He told officers what he really needed was for them to call a tow truck for him, so he could get home. Mr. Odom arrived on foot and did not have a vehicle.

Odom was charged with making a non-emergency 911 call ($50 bond), drug paraphernalia for the cut straws in his backpack ($1,000 bond), and public intoxication ($50 bond). He is jailed in lieu of a $1,100 bond.

East Nashville man’s “acquaintance” kicks in door, threatens family, refuses to leave — Michael Bland arrested

23-year-old Michael Bland (Mikey) was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Tuesday on outstanding warrants from August, charging him with felony aggravated burglary and assault. The incident occurred in East Nashville when he reportedly kicked in the read door of Brian Scott, who is described as an “acquaintance” and refused to leave, and made threats toward the victim and his family as Brain Scott physically removed him from the home.

Brian could only tell the police he knew him as “Mikey”, and police were later able to determine his identity through investigation. Mikey Bland is jailed in lieu of a $26,000 bond.

Employee leaves gun in planter outside Nissan stadium during Titans Game — Jaquilla Fitts

36-year-old Jaquill Fitts says she left her gun in a planter outside the gates of Nissan Stadium while she went inside to work during the Titan’s game on January 2nd. Police were alerted to the presence of the gun, and after a short investigation traced it to the employee. When questioned, Fitts explained she had taken a shuttle to work and still had the gun on her, so she had nowhere else to store it, as she could not get through security with the firearm.

A records check showed the gun as reported stolen. She was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with theft of a firearm, and being a felon in possession of a firearm. A commissioner set a $10,000 bond, however, she was free on pre-trial release.

Man charged with misuse of 911 after demanding police connect him with his embassy — Sami Albalawai

Metro Police eventually arrested 27-year-old Sami Awash Albalawi after he called 911 twelve times, demanding to be put in touch with his embassy. Officers responded to the first of the calls, which came from a motel near the airport, and explained that police were unable to assist him with contacting his embassy, and that he would need to contact them on his own. Police believed they had an understanding, and left Mr. Albalawai. Several more calls then accumulated at the Emergency Communications Center, who traced the first few to the same motel, and the later ones at the Nashville International Airport.

Police were eventually able to locate the man after the 12th call to 911. After it was apparent there was no clear understanding that 911 would be unable to assist him, he was transported to booking and charged with aggravated non-emergency calls. He is jailed in lieu of a $1,000 bond.

Woman throws drink on officer who is escorting her out of Redneck Riviera— Jessica Gonzales

Jessica Gonzales, a 27-year-old tourist from Houston, Texas, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after she threw a drink on Officer Charles Wakefield when he asked her to leave the Redneck Riviera bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville.

The officer was attempting to get her off the property as management asked she be trespassed and was no longer welcome due to causing issues with other patrons. She was charged with disorderly conduct and is free on pre-trial release.

Man asks wife to “eat the bullet” so he doesn’t have to “scatter her brains” — Wes Migletz arrested

50-year-old Wesley Migletz is charged with domestic assault with bodily injury after police responded to his wife, Winny, who was hiding in a nearby parking garage. She explained her husband was threatening to carry out a murder/suicide. The wife played a recording on which Wes can be heard saying “you are a parasite, if you had any decency you would eat the bullet and not make me scatter your brains” before punching her, and her crying out in pain.

Officers documented the victim’s injuries and located Wes Migletz walking his dog nearby, and took him into custody. He is free on a $2,500 cash bond.