Florida Man charged with assault of girlfriend in Nashville Hotel — Ryan Timmerman

21-year-old Ryan Timmerman, from Florida, is charged with the domestic assault of his girlfriend, Sara Weiss, after hotel staff called police after hearing him yell on the 2nd floor of the hotel and observed him grabbing and pushing his girlfriend, who explained he was “extremely intoxicated” and they got into an argument in the hallway. Timmerman is free on a $1,000 bond.

Ohio tourist jailed after assaulting her sister during Nashville visit — Christina Scipio arrested

A family scuffle between sisters from Ohio landed 29-year-old Christina Michelle Scipio in the Metro Nashville Jail late Friday night. The family was staying in downtown Nashville when their father says he observed a fight break out between them, leaving Hannah Scipio with scratches and bruises to her face and leg. She was able to get a few hits back on Christina, including a bruise to the right corner of her mouth, but police determined Christina to be the primary aggressor and took her into custody. She is free on a $1,000 bond.

Connor House charged in aggravated assault of two Rebar Midtown bouncers using beer bottle

27-year-old Connor House is free on a $30,000 bond, charged with the felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon of two bouncers at Rebar Midtown. Shane Jenkins and Noah Cahours say House threw and shattered a beer bottle, causing them both to sustain visible injuries. They detained him after a brief chase, until police arrived.

At the time of this arrest, Connor House was free on a $15,000 bond from A Around the Clock Bonding after causing $17,000 of damage to his parent’s home when they locked him out. At the time of that arrest, he was also free on another $17,000 bond with the same company, after two domestic assaults on his girlfriend.

Tourist says he was “wasted” when found inside of secured federal courthouse courtyard after hours — Callan Isley

21-year-old Callan Isley, from New York, says he was “wasted” and unsure how he ended up attempting to climb a fence to get out of the secured courtyard of a federal courthouse in downtown Nashville Wednesday night. He received “minor injuries” from federal protective service officers Jason Talbert and Christopher Bullock during the arrest. #VisitMusicCity

20-year-old tourist urinates on Broadway trashcan after leaving Rippy’s — Keagan Larsh

20-year-old tourist Keagan Larsh was charged with public intoxication after police observed him walk out of Rippy’s Honky Tony on Broadway just after midnight Friday night, whip out his willie, and urinate all over a trashcan on the sidewalk directly in front of the bar. He was unsure where he was supposed to be staying and was taken into custody due to his high level of intoxication.

Woman assaulted by Florida tourist in reported rape attempt; He’s jailed for 153 minutes before pre-trial release — Patrick Schiebel

As a young woman walked alone in Midtown late Monday evening, she says a man began to “cat all” her, and as she continued past him she says he firmly grabbed her arm. As she began to fight back, he reportedly told her he was going to rape her. She was able to break away from the man, identified as 30-year-old Patrick Schiebel, and flee to a nearby apartment building with a visible concierge who let her inside and called 911. Metro Nashville Police officers located the man but refused to charge him themselves since they didn’t witness it. MNPD escorted the victim to night court, where a magistrate signed a simple assault private prosecution warrant. The tourist was jailed for 153 minutes before being given pre-trial release and set free, despite a magistrate setting his bond at $10,000.