Texas tourist issued assault citation, accused of smacking hotel housekeeper’s ass: Bobby Koricanek

54-year-old Bobby Koricanek, who owns multiple businesses in Texas, visited Nashville in May and stayed at the DoubleTree Hotel, where he was positively identified as the man who let a housekeeper into his hotel room, then “smacked her on the ass” in a sexual assault. Instead of arresting him, Metro Police simply issued him a citation for assault, on which he eventually was booked this week.

Man pulls it out & asks two women to suck it in Downtown Nashville

41-year-old Rodney spent a few hours in a Nashville jail Thursday morning before being freed on pre-trial release. Police say he accosted two females just after midnight on Polk Ave. The victims say the man exposed himself and asked “Do you want to suck it?” He didn’t flee and waited around for police to arrive, still screaming at the ladies and being aggressive toward them the entire time.

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