DUI: Man blows over double legal BAC limit after I-40 crash — Robert Cade Marklein arrested

When police responded to a crash on I-40, 24-year-old Robert “Cade” Marklein told officers a car forced him into the guardrail and off the roadway. Officers, however, noticed Marklein appeared to be heavily intoxicated, and after questioning, Marklein admitted to drinking “two beers” earlier in the night.

He eventually blew more than double the legal limit, a 0.185% BAC and was charged with DUI and driving on a suspended license. Cade Marklein is free on a $2,500 bond.

Wife assaults husband & destroys his office after she’s denied drugs — Lillian Stout-Cox arrested

Police say 28-year-old Lillian Stout-Cox was at Top Golf with her husband, Paul Cox, who owns a Goodlettsville car lot. She reportedly became upset after he would not hire her brother and caused such a scene that Paul took a rideshare back to the car lot. By the time he arrived, Lillian was already there waiting for him. Security video shows another argument occurred, this time after she demanded some of his prescribed medication (Klonopin) as she searched the office for them. When she realized they were in his possession she began destroying computer monitors and furniture throughout the office. Stout-Cox is charged with domestic assault and vandalism and is free on a $2,000 bond.

Editor’s Note: Stout-Cox called the toll-free Scoop Newsline shortly after bonding out of jail to let us know she had been arrested, and to threaten a lawsuit if we published her story, stating her court records were “confidential”. In this reporter’s opinion based on her conversation, she had found those Klonopin prior to making the call.

Man accuses bar staff of stealing his wallet; it was in his pocket — Gregory Boatright arrested

36-year-old Gregory Boatright became extremely intoxicated at Bootlegger’s Inn on Broadway in downtown Nashville Saturday night and began to accuse employees and patrons of the bar of stealing his wallet. He eventually became a disruption and was asked to leave – a request which he refused.

Police responded to the bar, and after more drunken behavior he was placed into custody for public intoxication. A search incident to arrest determined his wallet was in his back pocket.

21-year-old vs. Downtown Nashville drink pours: Taylor Murray charged with public intoxication

On 01/08/2022 at 2128 hours the defendant, Taylor Murray, was observed on 2nd Av S near Broadway. The defendant was seated slumped over on the sidewalk when officers approached her to see why she was on the ground. Officers detected the strong odor of alcohol expelling from the defendant’s breath when she spoke. The defendant was unsteady on her feet, had bloodshot and watery eyes, slurred speech, and was unable to care for herself. Due to the defendant’s high level of intoxication, it was determined she was a danger to herself and others.

Taylor was arrested and charged with public intoxication.

DUI: Woman blames crash on argument, breathalyzer determines that was a lie — Anna Bea Major arrested

25-year-old Anna Bea Major was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday night after she crashed her vehicle in downtown Nashville. When officers arrived on scene, she told them the cause of the wreck was because of an argument with her roommate. A breathalyzer determined that was a lie. She blew over double the legal limit, a .182 % BAC at booking. She is free on pre-trial release.

In 2019 Major was arrested after leaving the Exit Inn, where she was a bartender and was in a crash on the interstate in which she hit a wall and fled the scene. During that incident, she admitted to drinking prior to driving, and officers located marijuana and cocaine on her person incident to arrest.

DUI: Man found with tequila, and a handgun in his pink handbag — Marvin Drew arrested

When police pulled him over for a traffic stop, an officer noticed a nearly empty bottle of Adictivo Tequila in the vehicle of 36-year-old Marvin Drew, and a 9mm handgun magazine in his lap. When asked where his gun was located, Drew pointed to his pink handbag, which is where officers retrieved a Taurus G2c and several rounds of ammo.

Drew was charged with DUI, open container, possession of a weapon under the influence, and violation of the implied consent law. He is free on pre-trial release.

Robbery at Burger King “Where is my bread?” demands Montreal Bright, jailed on $252,000 bond

23-year-old Montreal Bright walked into his workplace, the Donelson Burger King, and immediately confronts another employee, Michael Crowley, screaming “Where’s my bread?” He then forces Crowley into the office and gunpoint and pistol-whips him across the back, causing severe injuries to his spinal column. Bright takes his phone and car keys before fleeing the scene.

A warrant was issued for the arrest of Montreal Bright, charging him with especially aggravated robbery & vandalism. He was taken into custody on Christmas Day, where he remains jailed in lieu of a $252,000 bond.

Woman assaults & bites husband after he refuses to give her money, says she doesn’t work — Hadia Zkria

34-year-old Hadia Zkria is charged with the domestic assault of her husband after he showed police lacerations and injuries to his neck, wrist, and elbow, and a bite mark on his chest. Police were also able to view a video of the attack.

Her husband Elsadig Adam, states the argument happened after she asked him for money but he would not give her any, stating she did not work. Zkria is free on a $1,500 bond. When asked by an interpreter, Zkria stated ‘nothing happened’.

Man threatens to ‘Ted Bundy’ girlfriend and send nudes to her ex-husband — Corey Roberts arrested

21-year-old Corey Roberts, of Louisville, is charged with domestic assault after he refused to leave his girlfriend’s Nashville apartment and the couple got into an argument, which led to him threatening to send adult photos which she was in to her ex-husband. His girlfriend, Kristin Sayad, reportedly took his phone and he grabbed her wrist, bending her fingers back, pulled her hair and said “I’m going to Ted Bundy you!”. She fled the apartment in fear and called police. Roberts is free on a $1,500 bond.

Another tourist too drunk for Broadway in downtown Nashville — Holly Frye #VisitMusicCity

42-year-old Holly Frye was doing what all tourists do in downtown Nashville and was extremely intoxicated according to officers working the Entertainment District Initiative last weekend. Bystanders flagged down police after she had fallen and was stumbling around, unable to maintain her composure. Officer gave her opportunities to call a friend, order a rideshare, and even dispatched medics to the scene to offer her a trip to the hospital to get checked out, all in an effort to avoid an arrest. She declined all of the choices presented to her and stated she just wanted to go home, however, that was not one of the available options, as she had no way to safely get there. Officers transported her to the Metro Nashville Jail, where she was charged with public intoxication.