DUI: Mitchell York throws beer in trash after crashing car at Shell Gas Station

37-year-old Mitchell Ray York was involved in a two-vehicle accident near the Charlotte Avenue Shell Gas Station around 4:56 a.m. on June 18th. Dispatch advised officers that one of the vehicles would need a tow. When officers arrived, they noticed York in his vehicle passed out, sleeping in the passenger seat. Then, officers spoke with the other involved party, Aimee Ramon, who stated that York was extremely intoxicated. Ramon said she watched York throw a beer bottle in the garbage can beside the gas pump. Officers went to wake York up, and after five to ten minutes of shaking him, he became alert. During their interaction, he kept falling asleep mid-speech while showing numerous signs of impairment before admitting to drinking “some alcohol” and that he was not intoxicated. York refused to provide a chemical sample, so officers had to obtain a warrant for a blood draw. Officers later discovered that he had been convicted of DUI in 2020. York was transported to Nashville General Hospital and then taken into custody for driving under the influence-2nd offense.

Charles Bledsoe slams ex-girlfriend on pavement after stealing her phone

27-year-old Charles Bledsoe was involved in a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend, Aiden Springfield, at a Charlotte Avenue apartment residence on May 13th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Springfield, who claimed Bledsoe fled. Springfield told officers that she had invited him over for the evening. When he came over, he became upset and grabbed her phone. Proceeding this, Springfield asked Bledsoe multiple times to return her phone, but Bledsoe refused. Bledsoe then went outside into the parking lot with the phone, and Springfield followed. Springfield claimed that once in the parking lot, Bledsoe had assaulted her. She claims that he picked her up and forcefully threw her to the ground, causing her face to bounce off the concrete. Springfield stated that after this, Bledsoe returned her phone, and Springfield went inside to call the police. Officers observed Springfield’s injuries, noticing a significant red mark on the left side of her face and a rash on the side of her chin from being thrown to the pavement. Once the police were called, Bledsoe fled the scene. A month ago, officers were called to the same address for a similar incident where Bledsoe had assaulted Springfield in the kitchen. Bledsoe was deemed the primary aggressor, and a warrant was issued that day. Bledsoe was later taken into custody for domestic assault on June 14th.

Brady Leathley shoves sister to the ground during drunk argument at Airbnb

21-year-old Brady Ammon Leathley had a domestic altercation with his sister, Molly Michelle Leathley, at their 27th Avenue North Airbnb around 1:56 a.m. on May 19th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Molly, who was on the front porch, crying hysterically. Molly’s mother, Kelly Jo Johnson, then approached officers, telling them that Molly and Brady scuffled. Kelly stated that Molly and Brady returned from downtown Nashville intoxicated and argued on the front steps. During their argument, Molly said “mean things” to Brady about their father. Then, Brady shoved Molly to the ground, causing her to hit her head on the concrete. Brady then left the scene before police arrived. Molly told police that while on the front steps, her brother struck her in the face, which caused her to fall and hit her head on the ground. Officers located Brady nearby, and he told them, “Nothing physical” happened.  Brady Leathley was taken into custody for domestic assault.