Two charged in East Nashville DUI crash —Gretchen Mahugh & Kevin Sicc (Sichoumphonh)

29-year-old Gretchen Mahugh & 25-year-old Kevin Sichoumphonh (aka Kevin Sicc) were jailed early Sunday morning after a DUI crash in East Nashville with airbag deployment. Gretchen was driving a vehicle belonging to her friend, Kevin, at the time of the crash. She states she had two shots of tequila two hours before driving. When asked to perform field sobriety tests, she initially refused, stating she did not trust the police but eventually agreed. She performed poorly on those tests and eventually blew a 0.216% BAC on a breathalyzer. Kevin was in the passenger seat of the vehicle at the time of the crash and was charged with DUI owner per-se for knowingly allowing an intoxicated person to drive his vehicle.

Soldier Sean Puzewski was found drunk & unconscious in downtown Nashville

28-year-old Sean Puzewski was located unresponsive and heavily intoxicated in front of Bridgestone Arena in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Saturday morning. Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative arrived to assist, along with medics from the Nashville Fire Department. He was already loaded onto the medic’s cot when he came to and began to unbuckle the safety straps and then refused any and all medical assistance. Due to his level of intoxication and inability to care for himself, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Memphis man charged with BUI & reckless boating on Percy Priest Lake — Millard Byrd

TWRA Boating Officer Joshua Landrum says he noticed a pontoon boat traveling across Percy Priest Lake at 2-3 mph Saturday with no one at the steering wheel. He noticed the two occupants of the boat were seated at the very front of the pontoon boat talking, and 48-year-old Millard Byrd only returned to the driver’s console after the blue lights were activated on the TWRA boat, at which time he put the throttle in neutral and turned off the ignition. Landrum says the boat operator was obviously intoxicated, and when asked to put on a life jacket, he kept trying to put on a woman’s life jacket, which was much smaller and would not fit him. After performing poorly on field sobriety tests, he was taken into custody on multiple charges.

Funk’s Friend Faces Felony: Socialite Brenda Ross jailed on new stalking charge Friday

67-year-old Brenda Ross is free on a new $2,500 bond after being jailed on a new felony aggravated stalking charge this weekend. The Nashville socialite who hobnobs with the like of the District Attorney, The Mayor, and sitting judges, was initially arrested on May 9th for violating an order of protection. The new warrant, which was signed on May 11th, details multiple instances of Ross sending messages to the victim, Marilyn Jones, via social media, showing up at Jazzy’s where she knew the victim to be, only to sit across the bar and stare at her without saying anything. Once the victim left and went to Larry’s Bar, Ross followed her there. The victim continues to feel harassed and stalked by Ross.

Woman found passed out at Jason Aldean’s back door, wanders into traffic when awoken — Kelly Smith

Metro Nashville Police were flagged down by security at Jason Aldean’s bar, who stated they had located an intoxicated woman passed out at their back door. Officers found 54-year-old Kelly Smith and woke her up. She could not stand without falling and was “severely intoxicated” according to an arrest report. An ambulance was called to the scene, however, Smith refused all medical assistance. She then tried to wander into traffic, so officers decided she could not care for herself and transported her to booking.

East Nashville woman achieves highest BAC ever reported on Scoop: Nashville — Emily Warren

A concerned citizen observed 31-year-old Emily Warren drunk driving while nearly passed out near the intersection of N 11th St and Gallatin Ave in East Nashville. They convinced her to pull to the side of the road and took the keys from her ignition while waiting on police to arrive. Officers made contact with the woman, who told them she had one “tiki drink.” She was unable to complete field sobriety tests due to her level of intoxication. Once at booking, she blew a 0.372% BAC on a breathalyzer test — more than four times the legal limit. A range of 0.35% to 0.40% generally represents potentially fatal alcohol poisoning. 0.40% is the accepted lethal dose for about 50% of adult humans.

Jakob Ethridge flees from police, throws officer from car; free on pre-trial release

22-year-old Jakob Ethridge was booked into jail this week on outstanding warrants charging him with evading arrest and reckless endangerment during an attempted traffic stop in February. Police say they were conducting a traffic stop on Ethridge on February 2nd on Tulip Grove Road in Hermitage after observing him traveling 48 mph in a 30 mph zone. As officers approached the vehicle, which reeked of marijuana, they ordered him to step out of the vehicle. Ethridge suddenly restarted the engine and fled the scene, throwing the officer from the vehicle as he fled.