A Nashville city bus crashed into a 77-year-old man’s car; the city jailed him when he got upset about the towing fee — Bennie Lee

A Metro Nashville WeGo Public Transit bus crashed into 77-year-old Bennie Lee’s vehicle on May 4th. Metro Nashville Police arrived at the scene, they demanded his vehicle be immediately towed due to the location and rush hour traffic. They said the vehicle would have to be towed to the city-partnered tow lot, and told him the costs he would be charged, however, Bennie Lee refused and insisted his vehicle would only be towed to his home, but that shouldn’t have to pay for it, as the city bus struck him. He then stood near the vehicle and blocked the way of the tow truck that the city had dispatched to remove the vehicle from the roadway. Officers contacted public works, who declined to assist in changing the tire so it could maybe just be driven away, stating the location was too dangerous. Police eventually arrested the man and charged him with disorderly conduct so they could tow the car off the roadway.

Child abuse: man cut child’s hands with clippers, attempted to cut his hair; Jerome Nnanwude arrested

56-year-old Jerome Nnanwude is charged with child abuse of his 16-year-old son, after finding him in possession of an unknown cell phone and durag as be picked him up from school. When the two arrived home, Jerome grabbed electric hair clippers and attempted to restrain his son and cut off all of his hair. The child resisted and tried to escape the room. His father, Jerome, then struck him on his hands repeatedly with the electric clipper’s teeth, repeatedly cutting the child’s hands. The child emailed his school that evening, stating he was afraid of his father and he had just been assaulted and disclosed about the cuts and bruises on his body. The following day, police documented the victim’s injuries and learned that the child’s mother, Helen Nnanwude, witnessed the assault, and eventually made her husband stop the assault due to the child’s injuries.

Dedricka Norris told MNPD officers to “suck her d*-k”; offered to “knock them out” in battle

24-year-old Dedricka Norris was causing a scene outside her girlfriend’s Briarwick Drive home on May 4th, yelling and screaming for her girlfriend to come outside. Despite multiple friends and family attempting to escort her away and de-escalate the situation, she was not going quietly. When police arrived and decided she would not leave on her own, they directed her to place her hands behind her back, to which she replied: “suck my d*-k!”

As officers reached for her arm, she pulled back, assumed a fighting stance, and screamed she would “knock you out!” to one officer. Officers presented a taser in hopes she would comply, however, she did not, and they decided to wrap her arms and take her to the ground. While on the ground, Norris attempted to bite the officers. Once in cuffs and while in the process of helping her to her feet, she swung her legs, striking officers in their upper legs. Finally, she was placed in a patrol car, where officers claim she smashed her own head against the partition several times, injuring herself. She could not be buckled in, due to fear of being bitten.

Jevin Lee House charged in violent attack of ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend

28-year-old Jevin Lee House was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on multiple outstanding felony warrants after police say he broke into the home of his ex-girlfriend, Kazlynn Lapolice, and violently attacked both her and her current boyfriend, Cooper Clutter, who showed up and surprised him. Cooper arrived to visit Kazlynn and noticed Jevin at the residence, at which time he demanded that he leave. Jevin then punched Cooper in the face multiple times, leaving him bloody and with a black eye. Jazlynn then arrived home, and she says Jevin immediately attacked her, strangling her — she didn’t wake up until officers were already on the scene. Officers documented multiple severe injuries to Jazlynn. Damage to the home also included a shattered back door and a broken bedroom door. Jevin fled before police arrived.

Elias Olea snorts meth, smashes angel, says he’s opening & closing gates of hell in Madison

30-year-old Elias Olea told Nashville police he snorted “a whole bunch of crystal meth” and was “opening and closing the gates of hell” after he ripped the screen off a window and smashed out three glass window panes of a home on Gibson Drive. He also destroyed the resident’s garden angel. Officers located him barefoot and clenching his shorts tightly with both hands. He is charged with vandalism and public intoxication. Olea was indicted in 2018 for a 2009 First Degree Murder case, however, in 2021, Glenn Funk’s office nolled the case.

Michael Robertson Jr. charged with felony mail theft in East Nashville

30-year-old Michael Robertson Jr. is charged with felony theft of mail and theft of property after police say in January, he watched an East Nashville man place a package in a package dropbox near S. 11th & Russell Street. Moments later, Robertson took the man’s package, which contained $5,100 of sports trading cards, and several others, out of the dropbox. Investigators found that Robertson had sold the now stolen cards the following day to Athlon Sports for $850. 10 of the 12 stolen cards were recovered by detectives in February. Warrants were issued for the arrest of Robertson, and he was booked into custody on May 3rd.

KY man Dustin Swann fights at FGL House, pushes cop in the chest, resists arrest

Metro Nashville Police found 25-year-old Dustin Swann, described as a bloody ginger with a ripped shirt, near 3rd & Demonbreun in downtown Nashville, where he had stumbled after fighting with multiple patrons at the FGL House bar. When Officer Forrest Punke approached the heavily intoxicated man, Swann pushed Punke in the chest with his hands, knocking him backward with substantial force. He also battled with Officer Joshua Zambrano-Vera as he attempted to place him into custody. Eventually secured by cuffs, Swann continued to be hostile and shout at patrons.

Alejandro Trujillo punches friend in face who takes his keys to prevent him from drunk driving

Metro Nashville Police responded to a call for service early Thursday morning at 1st & Gay street in downtown Nashville regarding an apparent fight between two friends. They located 24-year-old Alejandro Trujillo and Victor Martinez, who had been out drinking downtown and were returning to the parking area. When Victor told Alejandro he should not drive due to his level of intoxication and took his keys from him, Alejandro punched him in the face 4-5 times, chipping his tooth and injuring his lip. He was charged with public intoxication and assault, and received a free ride to booking by a designated driver, Officer Damon Hutcheson.

TSU Police arrest Jayden Lawrence for assault of Dr. Andre Bean, TSU Men’s Initiative Director

19-year-old Jayden Lawrence is charged with the assault of Dr. Andre Bean, the Director of the Men’s Initiative at Tennessee State University. In what may be the most poorly written arrest warrant we’ve ever published, Sgt. Horace Green of the TSU Police Department doesn’t specify how the alleged assault happened but lists Dr. Bean as the victim. The Sgt was escorted to the alleged fight by Arch Angel Security on Monday afternoon to find a large group of students gathered in a circle in the hallway. When he arrived, Dr. Bean was restraining Jayden Lawrence but never actually alleged any assault took place. Lawrence requested medical attention, was evaluated at Metro General, then transported to booking. 

Deke’ria West shops for “ass-whooping remedies” to conceal the brutal beating she gave a child

20-year-old Deke’ria West is jailed in lieu of a $76,000 bond, charged with the aggravated child abuse of the son of her boyfriend, who is currently jailed. In a recorded call to him while he was in jail, she is heard assaulting the child at the direction of the jailed boyfriend, Milton Sales. She admits to hurting the child, and he is even on the phone with her while she’s shopping for “ass-whooping remedies” at Walgreens, as she selects scar treatment, cocoa butter, and witch hazel. Once the child was treated at Vanderbilt, doctors discovered severe swelling of his forehead, large bruises and bumps on his head, two black and swollen eyes, a busted lip, welp marks at different stages of healing, some in a deep U-shape, several circular burns on his body, spine fractures, and compressions fractures T1-T4 and T6-T7 on the spine. Despite her admission on the recording, she claims she only hit him with a switch, and all other injuries were from “another babysitter.”