A very drunk Maximilian Baker asked officers to take him to jail… so they did

22-year-old Maximilian Baker was found passed out from intoxication on the second floor of Boot Barn on Broadway in downtown Nashville. He reeked of alcohol and refused all medical assistance when offered. He told police to just take him to jail. officers assisted him in standing and escorted him out of the store. While en route to booking, he attempted to kick out the window of the patrol car.

Star Reedy & John Ed Motley charged after threatening to “let the streets handle” Crystal Hayden

Crystal Hayden says her cousin, 42-year-old John Edward Motley, and his girlfriend, 43-year-old Star Reedy, have been harassing her since November. She provided police with multiple texts, screenshots, call logs, and posts where they posted her address and house on social media, including telling people it was for rent and providing massage services, and giving Hayden’s contact information on multiple versions of the post. Hayden also says she was placed in fear of being assaulted after Star told her the “streets are going to handle you”, and sent assault threats via text messages. Motley also reportedly made threats to have the streets take care of her. Reedy is charged with assault and harassment, and Motley is charged with domestic assault/fear of bodily injury.

Spencer Smith “screamed and flailed about” after his public intoxication arrest in downtown Nashville

21-year-old Spencer Shane Smith was charged with public intoxication in the early hours of Saturday morning after police found him attempting to fight other citizens in downtown Nashville at 4th & Broadway. Police say that he was unable to care for himself and “screamed the entire time and flailed about” in the back of the patrol car while en route to booking.

Police charge Perdue College student Ian Rant with DUI in Nashville hotel parking lot

Metro Police responded to the Millenium Maxwell House Hotel Sunday afternoon when it was reported that two individuals were passed out in a vehicle in the parking lot. Behind the wheel of the Volkswagen was 19-year-old Ian Rant, who says he came down to Nashville from Perdue University for the weekend. He had checked out of the hotel but stated he was sleeping in the car because he was too impaired to drive. Rant stated he drank ten shots of vodka and ate some marijuana edibles around 10 p.m. the night before. Police found a marijuana pen on his person, a bottle of vodka in a backpack, along with packages of marijuana edibles. He is charged with DUI and is free on pre-trial release. Metro Nashville Police confirmed Monday that neither Rant, 19, nor anyone else, was cited or charged for any of the other items, edibles, marijuana, open vodka, or other paraphernalia in the vehicle.

Jeremy Fulcher had the opportunity to stay out of jail, just not the ability – downtown Nashville

26-year-old Jeremy Fulcher was issued a state citation and released after causing a scene on Broadway in downtown Nashville with another individual, but then continued to hang around yelling and screaming. He was asked to move about and continue the night with his friends, but refused to comply and continued to walk back to The Nashville Underground, where the incident occurred. With his actions continuing, officers took him into custody and charged him with disorderly conduct.

Melinda Newpher, 72, charged with DUI, found sitting at a traffic light — 0.203% BAC

When officers found 72-year-old Melinda Newpher behind the wheel of her 2014 Ford Explorer on Acklen Avenue they say she was so intoxicated she couldn’t even perform standard field sobriety tests safely and had to hold onto an officer to stand up. She was reportedly disoriented and reeked of alcohol. She explained she was going “home” and coming from “here”. Newpher would later blow a 0.203% BAC on a breathalyzer, over twice the legal limit in Tennessee. A witness says she sat through several traffic light cycles and could be seen nodding off and sleeping while behind the wheel.

Michael Hoskins charged with carrying handgun in downtown Nashville bar while intoxicated

Downtown officers were alerted to a man drinking at Jason Aldean’s Bar on Broadway who was in possession of a handgun inside the bar. Police arrived and located 21-year-old Michael Hoskins, from Leitchfield, KY, who admitted he was both drinking and carrying his firearm. He was described as smelling of alcohol, and with slurred speech while being unsteady on his feet. Hoskins was taken into custody and transported to booking.

Hillary Lynette Lyles jailed after an outburst when staff wouldn’t let her use the men’s restroom

Security at Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa in downtown Nashville say 29-year-old Hillary Lynette Lyles became aggressive toward them and began to swing at them when they prevented her from using the men’s restroom. Police quickly arrived and located Lyles in the elevator of the venue, which she refused to exit. She was loudly yelling and cursing, and when police attempted to take her into custody for disorderly conduct she grabbed the cuffs in an effort to not be cuffed. She screamed the entire way out of the bar, continuing to be a disturbance. She stated she had been drinking prior to her arrest.

Georgia Man charged after reportedly assaulting female patrons in a downtown bar — Harrison Andrews

Security Staff at Honky Tonk Central on Broadway in downtown Nashville flagged down police to alert them 24-year-old Harrison Andrews had assaulted several female patrons and was being escorted outside when he got in an altercation with security. No one wanted to press assault charges so Andrews was charged with disorderly conduct and public intoxication and transported to booking.

Tourist Bridgette Garcia attempt to get on stage at Ryman, slips handcuffs

Police say 38-year-old Bridgette Garcia, from Maryland, attempted to get on stage at the Ryman Auditorium Friday night and refused to leave when approached by security and police officers. After being asked to leave multiple times and informed she was no longer welcome at the venue, she was informed she was under arrest for criminal trespass. She began to scream and cause a scene and slipped out of her handcuffs. She continued to curse at officers as they placed her in a transport car and kicked the rear window until she was placed in hobble restraints. She tried to bite an officer, without success.